Categories > Original > Fantasy


by RandomFabulousPotato 0 reviews

River, a fox/human being very, very pregnant with a God's baby. Did he mention that said God was a half-dragon and half-demon with powers belonging to a Phoenix?? Yeah, that was nice to know ...

Category: Fantasy - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2022-06-16 - 165 words

River hummed as he reached upwards and plucked a ripe red apple and placed it in his basket where others were sitting. He was lucky that, unlike his other family members, he was standing tall at 5'11; everyone else was either 5'7 or under. 'Sucks to be them, heh.'
Not that they would care since disowning him after refusing to marry some nobleman’s son. “His fault for being an ass…” River muttered as he finished filling his basket with apples and began walking out of the orchid, ignoring others that were also in the orchid as well.
Even after moving to this new village, it seemed like the people here don’t like him; not that he really cares. Sure, they don’t treat him like shit nor does he with them either. It was more of a mutual respect for each other instead. Something River prefers since he’s not really into being friends with other people; he likes the silence anyway.
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