Categories > Books > Harry Potter > All Men must Serve

Who is who?

by selenepotter 0 reviews

the big reveal

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2022-06-24 - 1088 words - Complete

Chapter 60: Who is who?

I was quite amused by the guesses people left in reviews and the attempts to find out the more obscure ones. All of them were altered from their baseline by the experience of living in Westeros. I made a few mistakes in their personal histories, but here they are:


is Bix Beiderbecke. (Not Glenn Miller, who was a generation later) He was Culturally overpowered and became the ‘inventor’ of both Jazz and the banjo in Westeros, ‘writing’ not only his own songs, but the songs of the people he was fans of like: Louis Armstrong. But he was no match for someone like the Mountain and was killed off first. But by then, he had changed Westeros forever.


is Benjamin Franklin. He was more technologically advanced than Westeros, but not too advanced for him to be able to reproduce things that he knew about from his past life. He provided not only a tech uplift, but also a cultural one as well, introducing things like the principals of how to be a better man through Freemasonry, independent judges, trial by jury, a code of Laws and a Bill of Rights. When I had lightning strike the wight, I suddenly regretted not making him be Doctor Victor Von Frankenstein.


is John Lennon. (he’s an Elvis fan, not Elvis, himself. And Beethoven certainly wouldn’t know the Chuck Berry song: ‘Roll over Beethoven’) Before him and Edmure, there were two kinds of music in Westeros. The small folk music was sort of like bluegrass or traditional Irish music. With each Kingdom having its’ own variation. For example: each Kingdom had their own form of bagpipes, ranging from the Vale pipes with seven drones to the Ironborn variation that had only one small drone that you might have trouble finding and was small enough to easily be handled onboard ships. The Nobles, had a soft, sedate music that was more like Early Music and was easy to talk over and do slow square dances to. Joffrey created his own kind of upper class music. I didn’t focus on it much. But it sounded a little like ‘Strawberry Fields Forever’ or the verses of ‘Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds’. After he was sent to The Wall, he ‘invented’ Rock and Roll, starting with the music he had loved as a teen and later adding early Beatles songs and songs from his peers in his early music career. After his death, Colleen was able to become the official bard of Winterfell and spent the rest of her life playing the songs Joffrey had taught her. She taught their daughter, Julia, to follow in her footsteps.


is Darth Vader, from just after he died in ‘Return of the Jedi’. He’s been redeemed and found a way to be balanced in the Force. But his tech was too far advanced for him to duplicate it in Westeros. I tried to avoid him having a super-duper sword as long as I could. He never did find out who his mother was. Some people made other guesses about him because there are so many Sith with similar stories. The Star Wars universe needs more safety rails as badly as Gotham City does!


is Harry Potter after having lived a long life and trying to commit suicide by stepping through the Veil of Death. He brought the Deathly Hallows with him, but no other magic items. And that already made him overpowered. He also ‘invented’ the guitar and gave the first one to Joffrey on The Wall.


is Poison Ivy. But I know her only from the animated series. I am not a big DC fan, more of a pre-Dark Age Marvel zombie. So I filled in the blanks for her with powers and personality traits from Mantis, especially when she was the Silver Surfer’s girlfriend. Part of Mantis’ back story is that she used to be a ‘Bar Girl’ (prostitute) and I wouldn’t expect a super villain to play by the rules for relationships anyway. The number of reviews I got dropped down to near nothing after the Green Wedding. But nobles marrying children is something that did happen in real life and it happened in cannon to Sansa. Margaery, like I, thinks it’s wrong. But she did it anyway. I made a point of not looking up anyone’s age in the books or show cannon. But made the perception that “He’s just a child” or “She’s too young” to be one held by the characters. Jon would look at Shireen and see someone too young for him, and would not be persuaded when she disagreed.


is Coyote, from a comic book by the same name, written in the 1980s by Steve Englehart. He felt at home in the deserts of Dorne and Coyote was poly, so he fit in well socially with Dorne too. He and Margaery are both the drivers of the sleeping around shenanigans that I redacted from the versions of this that I posted in some places. Archive of Our Own got the uncensored version. But the version on alternatehistory includes soundtrack videos imbedded. Pairing up Trystane and Arya was not my original plan but once I started writing her, I wished she had been one of the SIs. She was a blast to write. And I could easily see Trystane corrupting her into being poly with him. Trystane is the only one that nobody guessed. Coyote was one of the all time great comics and Image has reprinted the whole run.


is Vanth Dreadstar, which only one person guessed. Dreadstar is a comic that started in the 1980s and has recently been restarted. It was the best comic ever. For much of its’ run it was about a galactic revolution, similar to Star Wars, only better. Vanth is not an engineering genius liken Anakin. But he did know how to run and maintain spaceships. This knowledge was useless to him, being born above the Wall as a Wildling.

Note: I am surprised that not one person noticed the change in the timeline. Because they killed the Three-eyed Raven, Bran never became his student, and never went back in time with him to see Winterfell, and so Willis never needed to Hold the Door, and never became Hodor. Willis grew up, got married and had two sons that were stable-boys in some of the later chapters. (One son is named Brian)
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