Categories > Games > Pokemon > The Spirit of Alola - Book 2

Chapter 4 - Moonlit Memories

by CJWorthington 0 reviews

Chapter 4 of The Spirit of Alola - Book 2

Category: Pokemon - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy - Published: 2022-07-09 - Updated: 2022-07-25 - 1693 words - Complete

The sounds of rest filled the living room, a soft snore here, and a gentle murmur there. The house of Professor Burnet was filled with sleeping bodies lying on the floor, upon mats and wrapped in blankets. The group had come to a general consensus to stay here. Firstly, as it was already rather late by the time the discussions had finally slowed, but secondly, and more clearly, as an attempt of security. “Safety in numbers,” or so they say.

Distantly, a Water Pokémon called in the sea and a bird hummed softly in the trees outside the dwelling. The windows stood open, allowing the noises of a slumbering day-world and an active night to slip into the home, sounding more like a lullaby to those within, as the world of dreams and happier times filled the minds inside.

Except for Mel, who continued to lay awake, tossing and turning in her attempt to find a comfortable position on her mat. The noises around her, instead of soothing, seemed frightfully loud. She found herself wondering if this is what the world sounded like to her son, whose life-long blindness had left his sense of hearing heightened.

Her mind returned to the flash of emptiness she had felt at the hospital when she viewed her son psychically for the first time before entering his room. It was an all-too-familiar feeling and it filled Mel with dread. There was still hope he could recover, but it was slim. And then there was the worry of whether his mind would be the same.

Kabir was already weakened by his body’s inability to control the Psychic powers he contained. He had spent years in a constant state of terrible headaches before learning how to reign in the strength, though even then, it had not been entirely within his grasp to live a pain-free life.

And still, his years had been weighed with other strife. His own birth mother had rejected and abandoned him and his oldest sister. His father, Mohan, died at the young age of forty-four. Though Mel had married him in the years after she met the family, she had only been able to spend a short five years before he suddenly fell gravely ill and passed away in just a few days. Kabir had been a teenager traveling with Sashi on their Pokémon journey when it happened, not making it back in time to be by his father’s side.

What am I supposed to do if he never recovers? And if Sashi is never found? I’ll take on his Pokémon, of course, and her’s. She thought, But both are far too young for this. Plus, what would I tell his sister? What could I tell her?

Though Mel had adopted Athini as well, she had never been very close to her, the girl having had an age gap of eight years senior on Kabir, and by the time Mel legally adopted them after Mohan’s passing, she was already twenty-two years old.

“Hey Athini, how’s it going? I wasn’t able to keep that promise I made. You know, the one where I said I’d protect the family?” The Psychic could sardonically, hear herself saying already. Then she thought more darkly, Well, what’s left of the family, that is.

Finally giving up on her futile attempt at sleep, the woman sat up and looked around, worry chewing at her that the noises she had made during her restlessness would awaken those nearby. To her relief, there came no fluctuations in the patterns of slumbering breath. With careful movements, she rose to her feet, joints and muscles protesting mutinously at the insufficient rest, then she slipped silently outside to the porch.

A soft breeze slid through the dark-cooled air. Above, constellations shone brightly, unbothered by the frightening developments happening on the world below. The water pushed up on the shore, sliding back and forth along rocks and sand, bringing with it the salty, yet fresh tang of sea air.

Overhead, the Claydol and Xatu Pokémon of Mel’s continued their vigilant watch of the sleeping home, their minds working together to ensure not even a wisp of grass blew by without notice.

The wakeful woman glided swiftly along the boards of a wooden porch, bare feet hardly making a sound as she moved to the west side, and leaned against the railing. There, upon the hill in the distance, sat the home of the Ashoka’s. The windows were darkened, not due to slumber, but rather, the unnerving vacancy that had brought the Psychic to the Island of Melemele.

Mahon, she thought quietly to her long passed husband, I’m so sorry. I haven’t been able to keep my promise. Your children are so far spread now. If only you were still here to give me guidance.

She couldn’t decide if she hated Alola or not for it seemed to be the cause of the new trials her family was going through. Her mind didn’t have time to begin pondering this idea before a sudden voice behind her spoke, making her gasp audibly in surprise.

“You should be resting.” The gentle words of Professor Burnet came.

Mel flashed one hand to her mouth, stifling a cry, and slammed the other to her chest, attempting to quiet her suddenly pounding heart. “Arceus almighty. Burnet, you gave me a fright.” She choked out.

“I’m sorry. I promise that wasn’t my intention. I guess I had assumed you would have known psychically that I was behind you.” Her yellow eyes shown brightly in the moonlight and star-shine, almost ghost-like in appearance.

Mel swore she had seen those eyes before, but she still couldn’t recall from where. Perhaps a distant vision from years past. That often had been the case for familiarities such as this. “We both should be sleeping.” She settled for saying out loud instead.

“It seems we have failed our only task for the night.” The white-haired woman joked lightly. “Though, I think it would be more important for you, seeing as you have a rather big agenda ahead of you.”

“Rest will come of it’s own accord. But that seems to be the unfortunate thing, as it’s never in the time we would prefer.” Mel sighed, shaking her head. She weighed her next words carefully before saying, “It would be prudent for you as well. A weak heart isn’t something to be taken lightly.”

It was Burnet’s turn to be caught by surprise. “How did you-“ but she answered her own question with, “Psychic, right.”

“I must say though, you handle it well, even considering the circumstances.”

“I have my mother to thank for that. She’s been a good teacher. Her wisdom at staying calm in all situations has taught me to keep my own heart rate down. That, and she taught me how to meditate too. And if all else fails, Ōpūnui was able to find a medication that helps, though it’s been a long while since I’ve resorted to that.” The Professor said, a happy, calm gleam in her eye.

“I like to hear that. Good parents can sometimes be hard to find.” Her dark thoughts at her failure slipping out, but there was a sudden shift to sadness and pain in the mind of the woman beside her at the words.

Mel found it hard to not speak on the swift emotion. It would be very rude of her to question the difficulties of a host she had only just met and she knew she should work again at closing her mind off from Burnet’s thoughts. She let out a long breath through her nose and returned her gaze to the house of her son. Halfway up the hill, a dark feline shape slipped down the slope, eyes glowing, even in this distance.

After a short halt Burnet switched emotions again. “I don’t expect you’d want to talk about why you can’t sleep, but it’s clear you’re bothered. Would you like me to stay out here with you for a bit?” Her own eyes tracked the lithe shadow as well, sounding concerned.

The older woman returned her gaze to the younger one beside her in surprise. Again, she seemed almost to have a near Psychic level of understanding to others’ emotions, but the Doctor had not felt her mind being prodded, she was certain of it this time. So how is it that she knew I was in want of company? She thought.

“Who are you?” Mel blurted out before the words could be stopped.

The Professor paused, eyes straight ahead, cocking her head to one side as her voice responded in confusion, “I’m not entirely certain what you mean by that. I am Kukui’s wife. Ōpūnui’s daughter-in-law. Mother of Lei.” She looked over to Mel once more, “I don’t know what else to tell you though. I'm sorry.”

“No, don’t be. I shouldn’t have even asked, and I’m not sure what I meant by the question.” Mel shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts, but they just grew more jumbled instead. A small prickle of uneasiness lit up in her, making the Psychic work hard to try pushing it down. Still, it continued to swirl, her body beginning to join in and causing her to feel the spin of dizziness. She knew these were the signs of over exhaustion.

Burnet placed a hand on her shoulder, seeming to realize the worry, and said, “Come on, we should get you back to bed.”

“I won’t be able to sleep.”

“But you need to try, or you’ll make yourself sick. You said it yourself to Anya. You won’t be much help in a hospital bed.” The yellow-eyed woman pushed back.

Mel chuckled, “Well you certainly sound like a mother.” She allowed herself to be led back inside, and to her own surprise, and great relief, sleep came swiftly this time.
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