Categories > Books > Twilight > Eye Of The Tiger

Chapter 3

by Mollymooch45 0 reviews

Chapter 3

Category: Twilight - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2022-08-21 - 581 words

"So wait,what just happened?" Emmett asked.

"Well dear brother it seems that Rosalie believes she found her mate." Jasper replied.

"This is amazing! How come I didn't see this coming? Actually I didn't see the girl at all."Alice said.

"What do you mean you didn't see this happening?" Edward demanded.

Jasper took a threatening step towards Edward and growled.”You'd do well to watch your tone when you speak to Alice"

Edward held up his hands and took a step back. He may be very self confident with his fighting skills but he wasn't stupid enough to take on Jasper.

Alice stepped up to Jasper's side to speak. "I mean I can't see her future even now as I'm focused on her. She's a blank spot. I don't know why."

"This is dangerous!" Edward exclaimed "This girl is obviously a threat. I can't read her mind, Alice can't have visions of her and we don't know why. We need to find out. This is something that can't go unchecked. This girl could be here to destroy us and we would never know. I mean look at her. I've never seen any human or supernatural look like her. We don't know anything about her. We have to act and without Rosalie's delusional belief of her being her mate."

"Now wait just one dammed second. We aren't doing a damn thing. You may not believe it but Rosalie believes the girl is her mate. The only thing we are doing is protecting her and making sure she is alright just like we do for any member of this family. Because if she is her mate then that means she is just as much a part of this family as the rest of us."

"You just want a new plaything Emmett. You could care less what that girl was to anyone. Are you so obsessed with humans that you are willing to endanger your family for your selfish reasons. What do you think Alice? You know she's dangerous it's been proven by your lack of visions." Edward said in that whiny voice he got when he was trying to get his way.

"Even though it's concerning I can't see her and you can't read her mind I'm going to do what Emmett said. Regardless of what everyone thinks Rosalie thinks this is her mate and we are going to respect that until she says otherwise. Rosalie has stood by us even when she didn't agree with it." Alice shot a meaningful glare at Edward reminding him of all the times she went along with him even when she was flat out against it. “Just so it's clear the only thing we do today is look out for the girl and make sure no one gives her trouble and that she is safe. We are not to talk to her unless there is an opportunity given to us. Are we clear?"

All of them nodded but Jasper felt a wave of sadness coming from Alice and Emmett that he attributed to the fact they weren't allowed to talk to her. Jasper felt apprehensive about the situation. On one hand he was extremely happy Rosalie found her mate and he fully believed she did, but on the other he was worried about the anger coming from Edward in waves. He was going to have to tell Alice to keep a careful eye on him until they had a chance to talk to the family.
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