Categories > Original > Romance > The Survivor and her Beast


by Slasherbunni 0 reviews

Someone or something is scratching on the other side of the door...

Category: Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Horror,Romance - Warnings: [!!] [V] [X] - Published: 2022-09-12 - 1130 words

My eyes shot open at the growl that echoed from behind the door. I hoped it was just my paranoia and over-active imagination from the rushes of adrenaline for survival earlier today, but cursed myself when A long metallic and ear-splitting scratch emitted from the other side of the one thing separating me from the potential threat. I squeezed myself tighter against the worn down couch and dug through my bag for my pocket knife, the last thing my grandfather gave me before he fell victim to this virus. Clutching the knife close to me, my eyes stared into the door that I hoped wouldn't give way to whatever was clawing to get in. "What the f-ck is that?! Don't tell me animals can get infected now too!" I cursed to myself in my head as the aluminum began to dent from the other side with loud and echoing thuds, as if whatever was there was throwing itself against the door. "It knows I'm in here... sh-t.".
Shut tight. Why shut tight? Don't remember shutting tight. Wait... unfamiliar smell... sweet but unfamiliar. Intruder? Prey? In my territory?
I can smell them. Can smell fear. But also sweet...
Where are you...?
The door was down. I hissed quietly through my teeth as I saw this... thing crawl into the room. My mind raced with both confusion and curiosity at the sight of a hunched over hooded man, both human but... too animalistic in its stance. I caught a glimpse of its mouth as it looked around the room and growled. Yes, it is a person. Or used to be. I'd never seen anything like this before. I knew it was an infected but I've never seen this type of infected, probably a special infected like those Smokers or whatever those freaky lasso tongued guys are called. I scrunched up deeper into the corner of the couch, camouflaged by both the fabric matching with my frayed black tank top and the darkness of the room, as he prowled further into the room with a low rumbling growl. I thought I was safe in my hiding spot when he froze and faced out blankly into the room, believing he hadn't seen me. But than it started sniffing. Sniffing. Like an animal. It could smell me. This isn't good, not good at all. I gripped the handle of my knife firmly in my hand and close against my chest as it creeped closer. Closer and sniffing. Growling as it got closer to my location. I'd about had enough with cowering so... I sprang up and sprinted to the doorway. I wasn't prepared for the bone-chilling scream that echoed from behind me and the tapping of sharp nails on pavement, my heart pulsing quickly as it chased me down. "F-CK F-CK F-CK SH-T!!" I screamed out as my boots pounded against the cold concrete, pushing myself to however fast I could go. The tapping of claws grew faster behind me, followed by a deep menacing snarl. I made the mistake to take a glance behind me. Wrong choice. So many people have lost their lives to this ONE WRONG CHOICE. The sight of gleaming white eyes and sharp teeth covered in dry blood made my knees buckle.
I'm so damn stupid. I'm gonna die. I'm dead. So f-cking dead.
It caught up to me and pinned me roughly to the cold hard ground. It turned me over to where I could see it towering over me. Great... I have to see this when I die. It pressed me harder into the ground, growling loudly as it slowly lowered its face to my neck. I held back a scream as I felt its breath huff against my throat, the rumbling from its threatening snarls growing louder and louder. I shut my eyes tightly, preparing for it to rip my throat out. But it just kept lingering over me, deeply inhaling as it was practically pressing its face into my neck.
Intruder is weak. Vulnerable and helpless. But if enemy... why scent sweet? Not like other females... Could kill easily. Eat easily. Shred easily. So soft... but soft is pleasant to me. So sweet... so small... so warm... very pleasant. Could... be...?
I wasn't prepared at all for what it did next.
Moments before, this thing so intent to kill me, was growling and hunting me down with malicious aggressiveness.
But now?
It's sprawled out on top of me... rumbling... into my neck...
"What the f-ck?". I laid there confused for a while, too scared to move. I jumped up and pushed it off though when I felt it try to lick at my neck. "HEY HEY HEY, WOAH! PIPE DOWN BIG GUY!" I exclaimed as I hold my arms out to put some distance between me and whatever the hell this thing was. It looked back at me with a blank expression, tilting its head slightly like a lost little puppy. But it had the audacity to try and crawl towards me again, nuzzling its cheek along my shoulder like a cat. "AH AH!" I called out, like a person to their dog who was just caught doing something they weren't supposed to. I held my hands up and against its chest, not daring to shove it off again so it didn't get pissed. He tried to lower himself back out on top of me, but chuffed out disappointedly when I kept a firm press against them. "Don't know how it got here, but personal boundaries man!". I swear I felt it scowl at me from under the hood as it sat back and grumbled out quietly. I quickly tried to snatch up my knife but was met by a warning growl. "Okay, okay! I'm just gonna put it away. It continued to growl deeply as I picked up the knife, but quickly quieted down when I slipped the blade into my pocket. I jerked up to my feet and began to slowly inch away, not daring to break eye contact with this infected that had spared me for some odd reason. But it rose up to its full height as it stood on its legs, walking up to me than firmly standing in place as it cocked its head. Just great... it's following me now. "Shoo! Go! I'm leaving now." I waved my hand out towards them as I began to walk away and pick up my bag. But he just followed me.

"God dammit." I sighed out as I continued to walk while this feral man thing tried to follow behind me quietly.
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