Categories > Original > Fantasy

Thrill Jumping

by Horizon_Project 0 reviews

Chrome takes Malachi jumping.

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy,Sci-fi - Published: 2023-01-09 - 376 words - Complete

Nineteen and seventeen.

Staring down at long, white, clawed toes sticking just over the edge of a concrete rooftop, high up in the sky. The ground seemed impossibly far below, the people hard to see, the cars looked like ants crawling along the city streets. A light breeze blew two heads of long white-silver hair.

“What if we don’t make it?” came the scared voice of the other teen.

Eyes looked up from the city below to look at him. He appeared to be fourteen or so, but his older brother knew better.

“Then we die together,” Chrome laughed, completely unafraid of the city down below.

A decision was made. If his brother jumped off the building, so would he. If they failed, they’d both die. But at least they’d be together.

Looking back down at toes, then the city once again. “Ready, Mal?” he asked, looking back up at his younger brother. The boy swallowed hard, but nodded. Chrome reached his hand out for his brother, the younger taking it, the two of them squeezing tightly.

“Three,” Chrome began the countdown.

“Two,” Malachi said, stepping up onto the ledge.

“One,” Chrome said, taking a big refreshing breath and letting it back out. He was grinning ear to ear, his adrenaline already beginning to rise.

“Zero!” Malachi’s voice was determined.

The two of them jumped from more than sixty stories up, plummeting towards the ground. Hands gripped each other tightly as they fell, window after window after window zooming past them on their way down.

“When do we stop?” Malachi asked, struggling to swallow his fear.

“Not yet,” Chrome replied fearlessly.

“We’re almos--”

There were less than two stories between them and the ground.


The world around them in all directions at once, impossible with the eyes. Disintegration. Freedom. Release!

A hard landing. Tumbling. Limbs tangled. A tight embrace. Crying.

Chrome stared up at the night sky from the sidewalk, resting a hand on the back of Malachi’s head, stroking it gently. “It’s okay, Mal. We made it. Shhh… I knew you could do it, Mal. You did it. You did it! We’re both here. We’re alive.”

Malachi held his brother tightly, sobbing into his chest.
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