Categories > Original > Humor > YOUTUBE HIGHSCHOOL!

Meet the characters/youtubers!

by maavzie 0 reviews

hi. wanna snack? cuz BOY OH BOY, theres a lot!

Category: Humor - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2024-06-10 - 103 words

ItsFunneh/Kat: Gender/Pronouns: She/Her/They. Kat is a Junior, in an emo phase (i just wanted to make SOMEONE emo! she doesn't cut btw so dw), basically doesn't like anyone except for Draco/Allen, and she is straight-ally!

Grian: Gender/Pronouns: He/Them/It. Grian is a Sophomore, nice around anyone who isn't an asshole, (im a mumscarian shipper btw), and is Pansexual!

StacyPlays/Stacy: Gender/Pronouns: She/they/them. Stacy is a freshman, VERY nice to people, loves wildlife (mostly dogs tho), and is Aro-Ace!

thats all for now, but i WILL add more characters as the story goes on!
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