Categories > TV > Stargate: SG-1 > Lantash


by Meushell 0 reviews

Severely weakened, Lantash was prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice so that others could escape. Except…he survived. Now with no hope of rescue, he survives in a Goa’uld prison.

Category: Stargate: SG-1 - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama - Warnings: [!!] [V] [?] - Published: 2024-06-28 - Updated: 2024-06-28 - 421 words


There have been a few times in my life where I was truly terrified, and I've lived for hundreds of years. However, laying on the ground after the rest of the group had left, and listening to the sounds of Jaffa come closer...both Elliot and I both have nightmares about that still, which really doesn't make much sense after what's happened since then.

I did my job, took over Elliot when the Jaffa came because we both thought they might prefer talking to the symbiote part of a Tok'ra. They brought me to the Chaapa'ai where I released the poison. They collapsed, knocking Elliot and I over with them.

Elliot and I were both too weak to push them off, and the poison made the Jaffa too weak to do anything either.

So, I waited for the poison to kill me. Even if I had been terrified, even if I was going to die, it was worth it to save her. Of course saving them was also worth that, but mostly, I did it for Samantha. After a while, I realized a thought mixed with dread and thrill, I wasn't dead, and I should have been.

I even heard SG-1 and Jacob/Selmak pass by and leave through the Chaapa'ai. They wouldn't have seen me under the now dead Jaffa, and there was no way to signal them.

So, I laid there under the getting-to-be-very-heavy-Jaffa wondering why I was still alive, and completely alone because Elliot had passed out a while ago.

After a day I was rather shocked that Elliot and I were both still alive. I thought if the poison hadn't killed us, the injuries would have. Of course I was trying to heal him still, without waking him, out of desperate hope that we'd be saved.

Being under dead armored Jaffa in the hot sun was a most tortured combination. The smell alone was intolerable, and that wasn't the worse part.

I still have nightmares about that too.

I retreated completely into Elliot's mind, and passed out soon after.

The next thing Elliot and I knew was we were lying in bright light. I realized we were in a sarcophagus, and our situation has just gotten worse.

Why didn't we die when we were supposed to?

As it turned out, we were captured by a minor, and I believe recent Goa'uld, Zar. I don't know how long it's been, how many years, I estimate a few, and he's been torturing us ever since.

To be continued...
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