Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Against the Odds

Chapter 2

by xXLimelightXx 0 reviews

Chapter 2

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2024-07-01 - 3542 words

It had been a couple weeks since the Hogsmeade trip, and things were pretty much returning to normal in Hogwarts. Classes continued towards the end of the fall term, the Quidditch season was starting to heat up quite nicely, with each team performing better than most could recall, and the rivalry between Houses running full steam with the nearing approach of the Christmas break.

The weather had warmed, melting the snow and returning the school to nearly spring-like conditions. But true to the season, it rained a majority of the time, forcing many of the students to seek shelter inside the massive stone walls of the school, venturing outside only when the need could not be avoided. Places like the Great Hall, and the House Common rooms were filled with students, making it hard for Ginny to find a quiet place to study. Wandering along a hallway on the second floor, she walked silently, carrying a small stack of books and parchment in her arms.

Turning a corner, her path was blocked by a group of students gathered in the hallway. Each of them seemed to be giggling or smiling, chatting idly amongst themselves. And each of them wearing the colors of House Slytherin. Seeing the solitary Gryffindor, they stopped and turned their attention towards her, much like birds of prey scouting their next meal. She moved to walk around them, but some of them mirrored her steps, continuing to block her path.

"Where do you think you're going?" one of the girls sneered, a third year student by the name of Morgina.

"Maybe she got herself lost?" another voice jeered.

Ginny looked each girl in the eye but did not answer. Not that she felt any need to explain herself to these girls, their questions were not worthy of a response. Again, she attempted to circumvent the group, and once more, they prevented her from doing so. Two them broke off, moving in behind her as well, keeping her trapped in the otherwise empty corridor. If not for the books she carried in her arms, Ginny would draw her wand, and hexed the whole lot of them. As it was, she merely stared defiantly.

"I asked you a question, Gryffindor. Where are you going?" Morgina asked again, her tone more threatening. Her eyes darkened at the insolent silence of this redheaded girl who refused to answer. But before Ginny could consider answering, another voice...a familiar voice...spoke for her.

"Leave her alone, Morgina. In case you couldn't tell, she's a Weasley." Draco appeared from the center of the crowd, apparently the ringleader of this little meeting. "Hassle her, and within the hour, Dumbledore will be hearing about how mean we all were."

She set her teeth firmly together, eyes boring hard at Draco. He met her gaze, full of the same arrogance and contempt he had always shown towards her family and her friends, especially Harry and Hermione. Their brief exchange lasted only seconds, but the battle of wills was over faster than she expected. It was Draco who turned away first.

"Come on. Let's go." He ushered the others back towards the staircases. "You know, Weasley, the school can provide maps for you...if you can afford them. Been here this long, and still getting lost?" He snickered, earning some laughs from his associates as they shuffled past her, a few stiff elbows shoving her aside as they passed.

Ginny bit her tongue hard, afraid she might say something unusually nasty if she didn't. Not at the Slytherin, for she expected no less from them. But from Draco. Turning on her heel to do just that, she found him standing alone near the entrance to the staircases, looking back at her. Again, they exchanged glances, but this time, he seemed perturbed, troubled. His eyes no longer held the cold hatred they normally possessed, but instead, there was a dull expression in them, as though he had no emotion to convey. Without a word, he stepped out to the staircase, and was gone.

With a sigh of relief, Ginny turned and resumed her walk down the corridor, clutching her books tightly against her. She seethed at being treated so badly by him.

"But what did I expect? He's a Malfoy, and they are as vile as they come. So what if I saved his life? I'm just a Weasley." she said to herself, moving to an empty classroom to study.

Severus Snape, the oily haired, crooked nosed potions teacher, and head of Slytherin House, was standing in the office of Headmaster Dumbledore, looking absolutely annoyed at having been summoned to deal with what was only described to him as 'an incident involving one of his House'. The idea that the headmaster knew about any meddlesome incidents before he did was humiliating to Snape and did not sit well with him as he stood before his desk.

Dumbledore was writing something onto parchment, having asked Snape to be patient, as they were awaiting the arrival of another before the meeting could begin. Snape could only imagine it was the student involved, but when the office door opened, it was Minerva McGonagle who entered, her pointed black hat sitting slightly off kilter as usual.

"Thank you both for coming." Dumbledore spoke softly, setting his quill gently next to the inkwell. "I would not have called you here if there was not something I felt both of you needed to be informed of."

"Of course, Albus." McGonagle nodded. She looked at Snape, who seemed to be regarding her with a questioning eyebrow raised.

"It has been brought to my attention, through channels that are, unfortunately, slow, that there was an incident that transpired during the recent trip to Hogsmeade village. This incident, while assuredly an isolated incident that will not repeat itself, has brought concern from parents of some of our students who are aware that the incident took place." the headmaster explained gently.

"I was not aware of any incidents. In fact, the reports I received were that all our students conducted themselves in an exemplary manner." The Gryffindor Head of House appeared confused.

Dumbledore nodded his head, lacing his fingers together. "Indeed, they did. One student, in particular, did far more than that. One Ginny Weasley."

Both Dumbledore and Snape looked towards McGonagle, who merely blinked at the name. "Ginny Weasley? I'm afraid I still don't understand, Albus."

"Yes, and I must admit, I fail to see the connection to my House." Snape added.

"Allow me to alleviate you both of your confusion. It seems that since the close of the Tri-Wizard Tournament, and the return of Lord Voldemort, that panic has spread throughout the wizarding community. Naturally, the Ministry of Magic would have us believe that this was all an untruthful concoction, but not everyone seems to agree with their assessment of the situation. Particularly those who were witness to the events of last year's Quidditch World Cup."

No one needed reminding of the mess that was caused by the party of Death Eaters that invaded one of the most popular sporting events in all the wizarding world, in which numerous Muggles and wizard-folk were injured, attacked, and left to cower beneath the presence of the Dark Mark. The connection to recent events, however, remained unclear. Dumbledore continued in his usually soft voice.

"There are those who remember what it was to suffer during the first reign of He Who Would Not Be Named, and their fear of his return has led them to rather disturbing fits of paranoia and suspicion. A small group of wizards, unsatisfied with the Ministry's attempts to obscure the truth, decided to take action themselves, and attempted to ambush one of our students." The headmaster's eyes shifted towards Snape. "It seems Lucius Malfoy has made some enemies, who decided that while they cannot settle things with him personally, they would seek to settle them by way of his son."

"Draco..." Snape murmured. It was no secret Draco was among Snape's more promising students. But even this news seemed a little unsettling to the potions professor. "But what does this have to do with the Weasley girl?"

"She happened to witness the attack and was able to prevent any harm from coming to young Malfoy." Dumbledore replied with a hint of satisfaction.

The rivalry between the Malfoy family, and those families held in the purest blood, or allied with the elitist views shared by the Malfoy line was no secret. Nor was the prejudice of Draco against those deemed dirty or traitorous. It was all McGonagle could do to contain herself at the look of shock upon Snapes face at the realization.

"She...saved his life?" he muttered

Dumbledore nodded his head, his smile hidden behind his hands. Snape straightened himself, his composure returning to the harsh, almost birdlike scowl he often wore.

"Are the students in any further danger?" McGonagle asked, sparing Severus the need to find something to say.

"Fortunately not. Interrupting an Unforgivable Curse was no easy task, but the fact the curse was being used by no less than two wizards at the same location, drew the attention of the Ministry of Magic. Within seconds, the attackers were arrested, and as we speak, are being transferred to Azkaban."

"The students do not know?" She asked again, basing an assumption on the fact no rumors had circulated by this time. It was usually hard to keep secrets in a school like Hogwarts, but this was no ordinary piece of information, that was sure to spread like wildfire through every corner of the school once it got out.

"I do not believe so. Aside from Mr. Malfoy, only Ms. Weasley knows what transpired, and from what I've gathered, she is not of any desire to share the knowledge." the headmaster confirmed.

"If the attackers have been caught, there should be no need to alarm the students." Snape added.

"Actually, before the students leave for the Christmas break, I will be announcing the details of what has happened. I bring it to you both now, so that you may have time to properly prepare your Houses. If others decide to attempt similar attacks towards students related to current, or former, followers of the Dark Lord, it is only fair to warn them to take necessary precautions."

Snape nodded and could find no argument in that statement. However, no relatives were associated with the Gryffindor students, leaving the Head of House still to draw the conclusion herself. "And those who protect such students may be of concern to these...people...who would attack students."

"Guilty by association, I believe is the muggle term used." Dumbledore nodded. "Please see to whatever precautions you feel are necessary. For now, I ask that no student leave the school unaccompanied, until I have the chance to complete the addition of a few additional security measures."

With a nod of agreement, both professors left the headmaster's office. It was certainly an enlightening meeting, if not slightly disturbing. Once in the hallway, McGonagle turned to Snape with a slight smile on her lips. "It seems the Houses may not be completely falling apart after all."

Snape returned the smile but remained silent. Once she moved on down the hall, her back to him, his smile curdled, turning slightly sour. He didn't like the prospect of the entire school knowing a Slytherin had been saved by a Gryffindor. And the act was certain to earn the House he hated most to shoot ahead in the bid for the House Cup. "Merry Christmas, indeed."

How exactly information spoken in private becomes public is truly a fascinating mystery within the walls of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. But by the end of school the day after the meeting between the Headmaster and two Heads of House, there seemed to be a great buzz filling the Great Hall during dinner. It had started in the morning with paintings on the staircase walls, spreading to some of the tapestries in the classroom corridors. By mid-afternoon, Peeves the Poltergeist had caught wind of a juicy tidbit, and flew through the Great Hall, chanting with glee "Slytherin Owes Gryffindor! Slytherin Owes Gryffindor!"

While no one seemed to know anything of any great fact, there wasn't a student that wasn't trying to piece together what was going on. All through dinner, theories were shared, questions posed, and accusations tossed around. Before the dessert course of the meal was presented, Dumbledore, sitting at the center of the head table, rose to his feet, lifting his hands, and the Hall fell silent, all eyes looking to him.

"Quiet, please. I have an announcement to make." He said loud enough to be heard by everyone, even at the farthest end of the long tables. "I had intended to make this known prior to everyone leaving for the holidays, however, as it seems everyone has been caught up in the excitement about something having taken place, it is only fair to make the details known."

A few more whispers began, and after a moment, Dumbledore called once more for silence. "It has been a few weeks since the student trip to Hogsmeade Village, but it has only recently come into light that something rather serious took place while many of you were there. One of your fellow students came under a very serious attack by a small handful of frightened and misguided individuals."

The news was like a firecracker, setting off a loud murmur of reactions. There was a sense of shock and confusion from almost everyone. But two students, both on opposite sides of the room, remained silent, their faces draining of color for a moment, for two different reasons.

"I assure you that the student in question, whose name shall remain anonymous for their own protection, is quite safe and with us here tonight." Dumbledore continued. "However, it was through the actions of another student that this was possible. For putting aside personal differences, for exemplifying everything that a Hogwarts student should be, and for risking their own life to save another from certain death...I award Ginny Weasley fifty House Points!"

The Gryffindor table erupted in cheers, joined almost immediately by Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw Houses. Even a few Slytherins showed half-hearted appreciation. All eyes seemed to turn towards the red-headed girl from Gryffindor, whose face was now a darker shade of red than her hair. Even Harry, Ron, and Hermione looked to her with stunned expressions. "Why didn't you tell us?" Ron asked of her. "What did you do?"

"I...I'd really rather not discuss it." Ginny replied, almost drowned out by the thunderous applause. She looked embarrassed at all the cheering faces, wishing she could sink under her chair and back to the comfort of the now empty Gryffindor Common. But when she glances over the shoulder of Neville Longbottom and met the stare from across the room of the person whose life she had saved, she did shrink in her seat. Draco looked back at her, as though what she had did was nothing more than a heinous crime.

"Come on, Ginny! You can tell us!" Harry prodded, excited that for once, the focus wasn't on him.

With Dumbledore's announcement concluded, following the mention of some new security rules going into effect that she didn't hear, the table was magically filled with hundreds of sweets and desserts. Finding herself without an appetite, Ginny found the first available opportunity, and left the table, being stopped every few steps by another person anxious to hear the tale.

Stepping through the door and into the hallway, she mounted the first steps leading back up to the tower housing the Gryffindor dormitory. She thought she might have made a clean getaway, but was met as she awaited the shifting of the staircases to complete, before she heard that voice, carrying a most sharp tone to it.

"Couldn't keep it quiet, could you, Weasley?" Draco said, coming up the stairs behind her.

She turned to glare at him, not in the mood to put up with his prattle. "I didn't say a thing, Malfoy! I don't know how he found out. What do you care? It's not like he mentioned your name."

"That won't bother you, will it? Basking in the glory, just like your friend Potter."

"Don't you dare take that tone with me, Draco!" she warned.

"Or what?" He topped the stair, standing within a foot of her. He was slightly taller than she was, allowing him to glare at her down the sharp, hawk-like nose that centered his face. "You think you're so special because of what you did? You're still worthless, and you'll always be worthless."

She found herself suddenly considering the notion of socking him in the jaw and sending him flying back down the stairs he had just climbed. Her eyes, icy blue and full of frozen fury, locked on his, her teeth clenched tight, holding back all sorts of harsh and nasty words the likes of which her brothers Fred and George would cringe at.

"You think you'd be a little more grateful to someone who saved your life, Malfoy!" She bit off sharply.

This caught the attention of an old witch in a nearby painting who happened to be flying through a neighboring wheatfield on her way to join an old friend for tea a few frames away. She looked at the two and swooped in circles for a second pass. "Especially since you owe her a life debt, sonny!" The witch cackled before flying off.

Draco shot a glance at the now vacant painting, before turning back to Ginny. He couldn't argue that, but the knowledge seemed to set his very blood on fire. His stomach churned, bile threatening to rise up from the deepest pit of his stomach at the thought.

As if reading his mind, Ginny shook her head "You don't owe me anything." Draco's expression didn't change, and if his eyes could, she was certain they'd reach out of their sockets and strangle her. Certainly, if their positions had been reversed, he would have let her die without hesitation.

"I wish it were that easy. But thanks to your meddling, I owe you my life." he hissed.

"Thanks to my meddling, you still have a life! Or doesn't that matter to you?" She couldn't believe his arrogance. "You would rather I had let them kill you?"

"It would be preferable to being indebted to a blood traitor like you!"

He had pushed his luck too far with that, and he knew it as soon as he said it. With only enough time to blink, Draco's head snapped sideways, the side of his face stinging and turning a sharp red as she slapped him.

"Don't you ever say that to me again!" She took a step towards him, pushing him back against the wall, daring him to say another word. Turning his face to hers, he stroked his jaw, but said nothing. Once the staircase had finished shifting, Ginny turned and stomped furiously up the stairs.

Draco sneered, glancing back towards the lower level, where the other students were starting to emerge from the Great Hall. Meeting up with his cronies Crabbe and Goyle, he returned to the Slytherin common room, to listen to the speculation as to whom it was that owed their life to Ginny.

Goyle glanced at Draco, still nursing to side of his face a little. "What happened to you?"

Lowering his hand into his pocket, Draco frowned "Nothing. Mind your business."

"It doesn't look like nothing."

"I said it was nothing!" Draco got to his feet and paced back and forth across the common room. "Did Dumblebore say anything more after I left?"

"Naw. but everyone is trying to figure out what happened in Hogsmeade." Crabbe replied, keeping his eye on Draco. "Did you find anything out?"

"Such as?" Draco was finding his associates extraordinarily annoying.

"Well, she was walking away from you before we came out. I thought maybe you could have found something out."

Draco looked back at him sternly. "She wouldn't tell me the time of day. Why would she tell me something like that? Use your head."

"It must be something important if it's being kept so secret..."

"Important? Hardly. After all, she's just a Weasley." Draco scowled "I've had enough of that little witch. I'm going to bed."

Without another word, he climbed the stairs to his room, laying down on the bed, gazing up at the ceiling in silence. His jaw still stung, but it was fading. The image of shock on her face remained, however, giving him a sense of satisfaction. It lasted only a moment, as the reality of the moment returned.

"My life...owed to HER. There has to be a way out of this debt. I can't let it out that I owe my life to her. She's probably telling Potter and his friends all about it, getting a good laugh over it. But I'll fix her. She's just a stupid little girl, after all." He yawned, closing his eyes, starting to drift off to sleep. "Just a girl...just a dirty little Weasley...just a Weasley.."
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