Categories > Books > Harry Potter

The Moon and the Dragon

by Qycommet 0 reviews

Hermione and Draco are together at last, and they both know each other's weakness.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Draco - Published: 2024-07-17 - 5194 words

Draco woke to the sounds of birds chirping and sunlight pouring into his bedroom. He felt a flush of excitement wash over him when he remembered that today would be his and Hermione's day off to stay at home together and do whatever they pleased. Hermione, Draco's girlfriend of one year, slept soundly by Draco's side. He suddenly got a wicked idea ad gently rolled over on top of Hermione, pinning her to the mattress.

Hermione looked up at him, startled and confused as to what was going on. She smiled when she realized it was only Draco.

"Good morning," she whispered. Draco grinned.

"Can you move?" he asked. He was amused at the feeling of her squirming beneath him.

"No, not really…" Hermione said, looking a bit worried. "Why?"

Draco pulled the covers on top of both of them and slid his hands to her sides.

"Oh, I was just thinking about how ticklish you are…" Hermione's eyes widened as Draco continued. He stroked a finger up and down each of her sides and marveled at the feeling of her curves. "…and that seems to make situations like this a lot more entertaining." The giggles that streamed out of Hermione's mouth from the simple trailing of his fingers made him smile.

"Is that so?" she whispered playfully. Draco knew from the very first time he ever tickled her that she enjoyed it more than anything. Now was the perfect opportunity to allow them both a little pleasure, Draco thought.

"I believe it is." Without warning, Draco dug his fingers into Hermione's hips and tickled up and down her sides. Her reaction make him smile even bigger as she instantly began to thrash beneath him and laugh her heart out.

"Draco, stop it!" Hermione pleaded the best she could through manic giggles, even though she knew that she didn't want him to. Apparently, Draco knew this too, because he didn't let up. He slid his hands up Hermione's shirt and tickled her sides and lower stomach mercilessly. Hermione was breathless with laughter.

Draco decided to give her a quick break. "You done?" he said with a smirk. She was still giggling as she stared at him like he was crazy.

"Done? You're such a softie," Hermione giggled. Draco's jaw dropped open with a look of mock offense plastered on his face.

"A Malfoy?" Draco began with a shocked tone, "a softie?!" He glared at Hermione playfully and immediately began wiggling his fingers into her abdomen. Hermione didn't waste a second before erupting into uncontrollable giggles all over again.

Suddenly, Draco slid his body down lower to the point where he could reach her legs and began squeezing the sides of Hermione's knees and running his fingers up and down her inner thighs. Hermione lost it. The more Draco played with her smooth, slim figure, the less Hermione could withstand the tickling.

"NO DON'T - OKAY Draco I GIVE UP!" Hermione shrieked between giggles. Draco grinned and stopped the fierce tickling but continued to trail his fingers up and down her legs.

Draco lowered his voice to a seductive whisper. "I love the way you loved that…" Hermione smiled as she caught her breath.

"So do I," she giggled.

Draco smiled and began to plant kisses on her legs and trailed them up to her midsection. A shiver went down his spine when he heard her soft moans and he smiled. He kissed along her waistline and trailed more kisses up to her chest. Hermione was clearly in heaven.

"I know what you like best," Draco whispered. He heard Hermione moan and giggle in response. He then began placing soft kisses on Hermione's neck while very lightly tickling her upper body. Up and down, he'd run his hands along her sides and abdomen, while gently kissing and nibbling Hermione's neck.

Hermione arched her back in a clear state of bliss. She felt herself giggling from the mix of feelings all over her midsection. She moaned continuously at the feelings in her neck. She pressed her body up against Draco's and never wanted it to end.

"Draco…hehehe…oh, mmm.. Draco…" Hermione had never felt so stimulated. Draco noticed this and quickly halted the kissing on her neck and pressed his lips to hers. She immediately kissed him softly as if she'd been waiting for him to kiss her for hours.

"Do you like this?" he whispered with a grin. She attempted to answer him.

"Ye – HAHAHA Draco!" was all that came out. To her surprise, Draco had picked up the tickling and now rested his wiggling fingers on her sensitive hips.

Every time she opened her mouth to say something, Draco would tickle her faster and all that would escape her lips were startled laughs. The next time around, Draco couldn't help locking lips with her as she burst into an irresistible fit of giggles. Draco rested his hands on her hips and immersed her into a passionate kiss. He was amazing, she thought as she returned Draco's skillful kiss.

Hermione pulled away for a moment. Draco glanced at her, slightly confused.

"I love you," she whispered breathlessly. Draco smiled and kissed her once more.

"I love you, too." Draco would never get tired of hearing that. Then, suddenly without warning, Hermione wrapped her arms around Draco's neck and rolled them over so she was on top of him.

He stared at her with surprise, opening his mouth to say something. "H-hey, Hermione!"

She ignored him, still rather breathless from that last assault. Nevertheless, she wanted some revenge on him as well. Before Draco could say anything else, his wrists were roughly grabbed and his arms were raised, forced in place above his head. From there, the Gryffindor began to dig her nails against his exposed armpit. "Aahhh! Hahahahahahahahahaha! H-Hermionesahahaahahahha! I-I'm sorryehahahahahaha! Stohohohop!"

After everything that Draco had put her through, there was no way that Hermione was going to go easy on him.

"Nohohahahahahahahaa! C'mon, don'tahahahahahahaha!" Draco complained, struggling to lower his arms in defense. "Hahahahahahahahahahah!"

Hermione fingers danced along the hollow of his armpit, changing up her tactics to keep him in a constant state of guessing. She would lightly flutter her fingertips against Draco's exposed skin, then suddenly shift to a more aggressive approach that utilized her nails. Of course, she made sure not to bear down too hard, as she wanted to tickle him, not hurt him.

Draco continued to laugh and protest, helpless to stop her. Although he'd figured that she'd get herself free eventually, he hadn't expected her to manage so quickly. He'd planned to have a bit of fun with her for a while, but the tables had turned, and now he was the one on the receiving end of things.

Hermione soon traveled down from Draco's armpit, now focusing on his side and ribs even as he squirmed around with laughter. After all, there were sure to be plenty of sweet spots on his body, and she intended to search for each and every one of them.

"Ahahahahahahaha! Nohohohahahahaha!" Draco attempted to push her off, but Hermione wouldn't budge, but the tickling weakened him quite a bit as well. "Ahhhh!"

"Mm, what's wrong? Don't tell me that you're ticklish, too," Hermione replied sardonically, glad that she could give him some well-deserved payback, as she continued to tickle his upper body.

"Mmm! Damn!" Draco couldn't help but groan with delight, bucking his hips. "Hehehehehe! Pleasestahahahahahap!" The tickling was driving him crazy, making it hard for him to concentrate.

Hermione paid no attention to his protests, her fingers soon scribbling over his ribs. She was determined to tickle him everywhere that he'd done to her, wanting to teach him a lesson.

"AAHHHNOHOHAHAHAHA! NOHOHOT THERE! HERMIONEHAHAHAHAHA!" Draco's laughter escalated further, the torment to his stomach causing him to squirm around. He still couldn't get her off of him. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

She continued this for a few more minutes, taking her time to tickle all over his upper body. Draco shrieked with laughter, his arms now free but still unable to fend her off. "AHHHHHH! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! PLEASE! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!"

She ignored his begging, Hermione then decided to set her sights on Draco's bare feet instead.

Draco let out a sigh of relief when Hermione abruptly stopped, wiping a few tears from his face. However, his eyes went wide with alarm when she wrapped her legs around his, effectively trapping him. "Hermione, wait-!" Draco didn't get the chance to finish his plea before Hermione began tickling Draco's feet.


Hermione couldn't help but smirk a bit, glad his feet already proved to be one of his weakest spots. She refused to relinquish her hold on his legs even as he attempted to pull himself free, her nails skittering over his unbearably sensitive feet. "What's wrong, Draco? Is this too intense for you?"

"AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! PLEASE! I-I'M SORRYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! L-LET GOHOHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" His feet wiggled around a bit in her grip, and he attempted to scrunch them up in an effort to defend them.

"I'm not going to let you go," Hermione replied calmly, focusing on his heels for a few seconds, then moving up to his arches and insteps.

The young man writhed around, laughing his head off as fresh tears streamed down his cheeks. No matter how hard he tried, Draco just couldn't break free from Hermione's hold.

He couldn't handle it at all, the ticklish sensations driving him berserk. It became even worse when she turned her attention to the soles of his feet. "AAHHHHH! NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NOT THAHAHAHAHAHAT! STOHOHOHOP!"

Hermione tickled those areas, scribbling all over them without respite. If Draco wanted to mess with her, then she would return the favor. Despite Draco's attempts to break free, Hermione held onto him tight as he continued to go berserk.

This was sheer torture for Draco, yet he couldn't say that he hated it. The tickling boosted his arousal, feeling Hermione's skilled fingers exploring every inch of his feet, especially those particularly weak spots.


"Hm, I daresay that you might be even more ticklish than me, Malfoy," she teased, allowing herself to be a bit more playful than usual. Now was not the time to stay reserved, as she didn't know if she'd ever get this chance again. "Just remember that you started this whole thing in the first place."


Hermione spent a good five more minutes tickling Draco's feet, taking advantage of those highly ticklish spots even as Draco pleaded with her. However, was he begging for her to stop? Or to keep going?

Draco couldn't think straight, his mind a jumbled mess as he helplessly lay there, unable to pull his legs free. He was eventually given a moment to catch his breath and compose himself, his face as red as a tomato. "H-Hermione...please..."

Hermione smiled to herself as he began to writhe around with laughter, relishing the fact that she continued to have the upper hand on Draco.

"Surrender yet?"

“Yyyyeeeessss!” Draco begged, “Seh! Suh! Suhurendeheher!” Still panting from the foot tickling Hermione had inflicted.

"That means I win," Hermione smiled.

"You cheated!”

Hermione shook her head. “No, I didn’t. You lost fair and square.” When he didn't agree, Hermione tickled Draco's right foot causing a shriek from him.

"OKAY! YOU WIN!" Draco finally admitted defeat. Finally, there was no more desire for pride or victory. Draco just wanted this to stop.

Hermione smiled triumphantly and gradually eased up on the tickling, though she didn’t let go of his feet. Instead, she began to gently rub his soles, her touch soft and soothing now as she massaged away the lingering ticklish sensations.

Draco lay there, panting and flushed, his body relaxing as the contrast between the earlier tickling and the now gentle massage was almost enough to make him forget the humiliating loss


Hermione continued to rub his feet, her fingers tracing light patterns on his skin

Once she stopped, Draco sighed, then shook his head with a rueful smile. “So what’ve you got in store for me for losing?”

Hermione flashed him an unapologetic smirk, “You’ll see.”

Draco held Hermione close, their laughter still lingering in the air as they stood in each other's arms. The playful tension between them had always been one of their favorite parts of their relationship—those little moments where they could let go, where they didn’t have to be the serious students or fierce rivals they once were. In these ticklish skirmishes, it was just them, no walls or pretenses, only joy.

“You know, I could’ve let you win this time,” Draco murmured, a smirk curling at the corner of his lips.

Hermione raised an eyebrow, pulling back slightly to look up at him. “Oh, is that so?” she asked, clearly unconvinced. “You were laughing pretty hard for someone who ‘let me win.’”

Draco chuckled, tracing his fingers along the curve of her spine. "Maybe I'm just generous that way."

Hermione shook her head, laughing. "Generous. Right. Let me guess, next time you'll 'let me win' again, huh?"

Draco's smirk deepened. "Only if you’re lucky."

They stayed wrapped up in the warmth of each other’s arms for a few moments longer, the teasing fading into a comfortable silence. Draco felt his heart steady, the remnants of their playful tussle giving way to the quiet satisfaction of simply being close to her. He didn't mind losing, not to Hermione. Not ever.

Eventually, Hermione pulled away just enough to look into his eyes, her expression soft and affectionate. "You know," she said quietly, "I think what I love most is that you never stop trying."

Draco raised a brow, amused by the shift in her tone. "Trying to what?"

"To win," she replied with a smile, running her fingers gently through his hair. "Even though you know I’ve got your number."

Draco grinned, his hand finding hers. "Well, maybe I just like the challenge," he said, pulling her hand to his lips and pressing a soft kiss to her knuckles.

Hermione’s eyes twinkled.

"Good. Because I plan on winning again and again."

He chuckled, shaking his head. "We'll see about that, Granger." His voice was playful, but there was no denying the sincerity beneath it. He loved her competitive streak. Loved the way she could be brilliant, mischievous, and caring all at once.

Hermione grinned, stepping back with an exaggerated stretch. “Alright, then. You’ve been warned.”

Draco watched her, his eyes following the familiar, graceful movements of the girl who’d somehow become the center of his world.

"Warned?" he echoed, moving to follow her. "I think I’ve just been inspired."

Hermione gave him a sly smile over her shoulder as she headed toward the door, leaving Draco behind for a moment, his mind already planning their next battle. He knew he’d never truly win against her—and he was more than okay with that.

For every laugh, every playful poke, and every surrender, he was reminded of just how lucky he was to have her by his side.

Hermione couldn’t help but smile to herself as she sat by the window, her thoughts drifting back to yet another one of their tickle fights. Draco had always tried to put up a fight, but the truth was, she had him figured out. It wasn't just about winning—though she loved that, too—but there was something about seeing him so carefree, so undone by her touch, that made her love those moments even more.

She thought about his laugh, that genuine, unrestrained sound that bubbled up when her fingers danced across his skin, particularly on his feet. Draco, for all his bravado and elegance, was hopelessly ticklish, and his feet were his greatest weakness. Hermione had discovered that early on in their playful battles. The moment her fingers brushed the sensitive soles of his feet, he’d break, his composed exterior crumbling into helpless laughter. His toes would curl, and he’d try to pull away, but he never really wanted to escape.

She loved the look on his face when she had him pinned, especially when she managed to get him right there on the couch, his wrists held down, completely at her mercy. The way his lips would curve into a grin, half-defeated but full of amusement, and the way his eyes, even in the throes of helpless giggles, always sparkled with a hint of affection.

Hermione ran her fingers absently across the edge of the window ledge, imagining the feel of Draco’s skin beneath her hands, the way his body tensed and squirmed under her touch, and how tickling his feet would always send him over the edge. It was the softest part of him—both literally and metaphorically. The way he’d laugh so uncontrollably made her feel like she was seeing a side of Draco no one else got to see. He was always so composed, so careful with his emotions, but in these moments, he was completely open, vulnerable in a way that was rare for him.

And Merlin, she loved winning.

It wasn’t just the tickling itself that brought her joy, though that was certainly part of it. There was something deeply satisfying about outwitting him, about knowing all his weak spots and using them to her advantage. Draco was cunning and clever in so many ways, but when it came to these tickle fights, she always seemed to get the upper hand. She knew exactly where to tickle, when to hold back just enough to keep him laughing but not completely overwhelmed. It was a careful balance, a game she had mastered.

There was something else, too. Something unspoken between them. She could feel it every time she won, every time she had him pinned beneath her, laughing and breathless. It wasn’t just about the physicality or the competition. It was the connection. The way he trusted her in those moments. The way he let go completely, allowing himself to be vulnerable with her in a way he never would with anyone else. She loved that he let her in like that, that he didn’t mind losing to her, that he gave her the control even though they both knew he could easily flip the script if he wanted.

But he didn’t. Draco always gave in, always let her win, and Hermione loved him even more for it.

Her mind replayed their most recent fight, the way Draco had thrashed on the couch, his laughter filling the room as she mercilessly tickled his feet. She could still hear his voice, pleading between giggles, “Not again!” But she knew, deep down, that he didn’t want her to stop. He loved it just as much as she did, even if he pretended otherwise.

And she loved that moment, right at the end, when he finally gave up and said, “You win.” The look in his eyes, the way he smiled up at her. It wasn’t just about the tickling anymore. It was something more intimate, more meaningful. When he surrendered, it wasn’t just to the tickling. It was to her, to their bond, to the trust they shared.

Hermione leaned back, a soft smile playing on her lips. She knew she’d keep winning their tickle fights. She knew Draco would keep letting her. And she also knew that in those moments, where laughter filled the space between them and all the walls they built came tumbling down, they were both winning in their own way.

Because every time Draco gave in to her, every time she had him laughing helplessly beneath her, she felt the same thing.

A deep, unspoken connection that made her heart swell. And even though she loved winning, the real victory was in the trust and love they shared in those moments. And that, more than anything, was why she couldn’t wait for the next tickle fight.

After her latest victory, Hermione sat triumphantly on top of Draco, his chest still rising and falling from the laughter that had just taken over him. His face was flushed, his hair slightly disheveled, and his eyes still glimmering with that mix of amusement and resignation. He had lost—again, and Hermione was relishing every second of it.

"Well, well, well," she said, her voice playful and teasing as she reached out to run her fingers through his tousled blonde hair. "Looks like someone just can't seem to stop losing."

Draco rolled his eyes dramatically, though there was a small smile playing on his lips as he gazed up at her.

"You’re getting far too good at this, Granger," he muttered, though his tone lacked any real complaint. It was impossible to be upset with her, especially when she had that gleam in her eye that always sent a shiver of warmth through him.

Hermione gently ruffled his hair, her fingers threading through the soft strands as she looked down at him, clearly enjoying her moment of victory. "Face it, Malfoy. I’m undefeated." She grinned, the teasing note in her voice laced with affection. "Maybe you're just not as cunning as you think you are."

Draco snorted softly, his smirk widening. "Careful, Granger. You keep this up, and I might actually start trying to win."

Hermione chuckled, her fingers trailing softly from his hair down to his face. She placed her hands on either side of his head, cupping his cheeks gently as her thumbs traced light circles across his skin. The teasing edge in her voice softened as she looked into his eyes, the playful banter giving way to something much more intimate.

"Mm, but where’s the fun in that?" she whispered, her smile tender now as she stroked his cheeks with her thumbs, her touch feather-light against his flushed skin. Draco’s expression softened under her touch, his heart beating a little faster as he watched her, completely captivated.

There was something about the way she looked at him in those moments, something that made him feel like the rest of the world melted away. Her playful dominance during their tickle fights was always fun, but it was this.

The way she shifted from teasing to tenderness in the blink of an eye that made him fall for her all over again. She knew how to read him, how to push his buttons and then, with just a touch, calm him in a way no one else ever could.

Draco let out a soft, contented sigh as Hermione leaned in, her lips mere inches from his. "You’ll get used to losing," she whispered, her breath warm against his skin.

"Not sure if I’m ready to admit that yet," Draco replied, his voice low but filled with affection.

Hermione chuckled softly before closing the distance between them, pressing her lips to his in a gentle, lingering kiss. Her hands remained on his face, her thumbs still stroking his cheeks as their lips met, and Draco melted into the kiss, his body relaxing beneath her. The laughter from before was replaced with a deep, comforting warmth that spread through both of them as they kissed, soft and unhurried.

When she finally pulled back, her forehead resting gently against his, Hermione smiled down at him, her hands still cradling his face. "You’ll come around," she teased, her voice full of affection. "Eventually."

Draco chuckled, his hands finding her waist as he gazed up at her, completely at peace. "Maybe I already have," he murmured, his eyes filled with the kind of quiet devotion that only came from moments like this.

Moments where they were just Draco and Hermione, without pretense or the need to win or lose.

Upon After her next victory, Hermione found herself comfortably straddling Draco, a position that had become so familiar after all their playful battles. Draco lay beneath her, still catching his breath, his cheeks flushed from both laughter and the closeness between them.

Hermione, ever triumphant, ran her fingers gently down his face, tracing the line of his jaw with soft, deliberate touches. She smiled as she brushed her hand over his eyes, encouraging them to close.

Draco's eyelids fluttered shut, and he let out a quiet sigh, his body relaxing further under her gentle touch. She could feel the steady rise and fall of his chest beneath her, a stark contrast to the laughter and squirming from only moments before.

There was something so tender about these moments after their playful fights, where teasing and laughter gave way to something softer, more intimate.

Hermione leaned in closer, her lips brushing lightly against his ear.

"You never stood a chance," she whispered teasingly, though her voice was now filled with affection more than mockery. She could feel the subtle smile on Draco’s lips.

Before he could respond, Hermione pinned one of his wrists gently beside his head, pressing his hand into the soft cushion of the couch.

Draco made no effort to resist; they both knew this was part of the routine now. With a playful yet firm movement, she reached for his other wrist, pinning it down next to his head, her grip firm but full of care. He was completely at her mercy now, just as he had been so many times before, and she could sense the quiet surrender in him.

A soft smile touched her lips as she leaned down, her hair brushing lightly against his cheek. Hermione began to kiss her way down Draco’s neck, starting just below his ear and trailing slowly downward, her lips pressing warm, deliberate kisses into his skin. She felt the slight tension in his muscles give way as she moved lower, her lips exploring every inch of his neck with a mix of tenderness and passion.

Draco let out a soft sigh, tilting his head slightly to give her more access, his body relaxing completely beneath her. The feeling of her lips against his skin, the weight of her sitting on top of him, the way she had him pinned, it all made him feel both helpless and cherished, a combination that had come to define their post-battle moments.

Hermione's kisses became slower, more lingering, as she continued her path down his neck. She paused occasionally to nuzzle against him, savoring the warmth of his skin, the closeness they shared. Her breath was warm against his collarbone, and with every kiss, she felt the connection between them deepen. There was no rush, no need to hurry; this was their time, a quiet moment of affection after the playful chaos.

She lifted her head slightly, her lips still hovering near his neck, and whispered softly,

"I win again, Draco." Her tone was playful, but beneath it, there was a warmth that made the words feel like more than just a declaration of victory.

It was a reminder of the bond they shared, the way they balanced each other in these moments of playfulness and tenderness.

Draco chuckled softly, his voice barely a murmur.

"I know," he replied, his eyes still closed, his body fully surrendered to her. Though he had lost again, as he always did, there was no trace of frustration this time. Just contentment in being close to her, in feeling her love through every touch, every kiss.

Hermione, her hands still holding his wrists firmly in place, leaned down once more and kissed him softly on the lips, the teasing victory replaced by the quiet affection they both cherished after each of their playful battles.

What puzzled Draco the most, though, was how much he secretly loved it. Not just the tickling itself, which was unbearable but oddly exhilarating, but the way Hermione completely dominated him in those moments. How she had him at her mercy, reducing him—the cool, confident Draco Malfoy—to helpless giggles with just the touch of her fingers on his feet. The sense of surrender, of letting go and trusting her entirely, filled him with something he could hardly describe.

There was something intoxicating about being at her mercy, allowing her to break through the walls he'd carefully built around himself. In those moments, Draco wasn’t the proud heir to the Malfoy family or the polished, sometimes aloof young man the world saw. He was just a boy who couldn’t help but laugh, writhing beneath the touch of the girl who had taken up permanent residence in his heart.

He tried to rationalize it. Maybe it was because she knew him so well—every little vulnerability, every soft spot, both physical and emotional. She could make him laugh uncontrollably, but she was also the one who could soothe him after. She would stop when he needed her to, always knowing when enough was enough. That unspoken understanding between them made him feel safe, even when he was laughing so hard he could hardly breathe.

Draco ran a hand through his hair, a quiet chuckle escaping his lips as he thought about the way Hermione's eyes lit up when she tickled him, especially when she got to his feet. She knew how much it drove him mad, but she also knew how much he secretly enjoyed it—enjoyed giving in to her. There was something freeing in that surrender, in letting her be the one in control, if only for a few moments. She had a power over him that no one else did, and it wasn’t something he wanted to resist.

His mind replayed the moments of their last tickle fight, Hermione's fingers trailing lightly over his soles, the way his toes curled, and how no matter how much he pretended to resist, he never truly wanted her to stop. The laughter bubbling up from deep inside him was real, as was the sense of affection he felt for her in those moments. There was no pretense, no game of one-upmanship. Just the two of them, completely comfortable and completely vulnerable.

He wondered if she knew. If she could see through his half-hearted protests, if she understood that part of him craved that vulnerability with her. He liked how she could disarm him so effortlessly, how she could break through his defenses in a way no one else ever could. He liked the feeling of losing to her, knowing that she held that power over him and that she would never misuse it.

Draco smiled to himself, shaking his head slightly as he leaned back, his thoughts lingering on Hermione. Maybe it was strange to enjoy being tickled, to enjoy being so thoroughly defeated by her time and time again. But if there was one thing he was certain of, it was that he wouldn’t change a thing.

Because in those moments, when Hermione had him at her mercy, Draco felt something far deeper than just playful competition. He felt love—the kind that made him feel lighter, freer, and more alive than he ever thought possible. And if that meant losing a few more tickle fights, then so be it.
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