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Where The Party Follows - Y/N x Childhood Crush

by veejune 2 reviews

Your best friend begged you to come, and you secretly always wanted to experience one of the Grimm brother’s parties. There's one problem though, you know the youngest of the brothers and you’r...

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Published: 2024-09-11 - 4241 words


Your best friend begged you to come, and you secretly always wanted to experience one of the Grimm brother’s parties. There's one problem though, you know the youngest of the brothers and you’re hopelessly in love with him. He’s Beautiful, strong, and tender, and he’s been hurt by you. He fell out of love and now you’ve switched places with him. You’re so in love with a guy you know you can’t have… until one night when you were begged to attend one of his parties.

Authors note

This little scenario is based off of people in my own life. Based off of the worst heartbreak I have ever experienced in my life, and finally this is based off of my childhood crush. We are now both in highschool and a lot of this story is based off of things in my own life, and things I have thought about when trying to go to sleep. This is simply a beautiful example of the scenarios I think about when trying to sleep. Btw all of these names are changed to name holders, (I thought I’d be pretty weird to use their real names.) Anyways, enjoy the story that includes my worst heartache.



Where The Party Follows...

I never thought my father would let me step foot in a house party and I never thought I’d ever step foot in a house party being hosted by the Grimm brothers. Sadly the honest truth is my father didn’t let me go. My father doesn’t know anything about a house party. A party being hosted in a parentless teenage household. A house full of kids acting like they’re adults. A house full of children trying to forget any pitiful thing happening in their stupid house in the suburbs. When you think long enough you start to think just how sad some of these parties really are. I look around at these people I’ve gotten to know the past few years and it seems like most of them are only here to forget something. It doesn’t matter how good the intentions the host’s had in making this party happen, parties are always the same.
Me and my friend pull in front of a three storied house. The front is made up of dark red, black bricks and windows with white shutters. A normal looking house in a neighborhood like this. Except for the herds of raggedy looking “first cars” piling in front of it. I slowly put my bright blue, chevy truck, in park while I’m infatuated by a herd of girls dressed in all the same clothes walking up the driveway. My face gets slightly hot as I notice one of the Grimm brother’s trucks in the driveway. It’s got a paint job that makes it look almost brand new and seems like a punch in my face compared to my highlighter blue paint that's on its last leg. The chips on my truck's hood make me feel disgusted, but whether it’s embarrassing or not I still love this piece of work.
“So the plan is still the same right?” My friend says as she looks at me with a forced smile. She knows I don’t let anyone drive my truck. It could get wrecked or wrecked or wrecked, and if even one dent gets on my truck I’ll have to answer to my father and I’m not even supposed to be here! “Yeah… if one of us drinks too much the other has to drive, and when we get to your place we gotta act like we were at your aunt's house.” I say leaning my head back with a monotone voice. She puts her hand in my hair as a comforting gesture, “You’ll be okay, right?” She looks at me with a kind look as she tilts her head to the side. The thing is that I don’t have the best history with the Grimm brothers. Or in this case Grimm brother, the youngest of the bunch. We used to be sweethearts when we were little, but I ended up dating my ex, his best friend, instead of him. Weird thing is that I only really wanted Trent Grimm and somehow ended up with Beau Savier. It didn't matter how close or how much me and Trent wanted to be together, we never actually ended up dating. “Jazzi!” I say with a playful tone. Her hand retreats from my hair, “I just don’t want you to be stuck on him this whole time, and if he retreats-,” Jazzi says while making a swipe in the air with her hand, “if he retreats to his room for the rest of the night cause he sees you, you won’t be heartbroken.” I look at her with a face I know doesn’t look serious, “I’m not here for him, plus you’re the one who begged me to be here.” She smiles and opens the door but before she could shut it she cheekily says, “It wasn’t very hard!” I smile and we both giggle as we start towards the gate on the side of the house.
As soon as we step inside of the backyard I see two older Grimm brothers surrounded by what looks like people their age. I curiously look at their features. I've never seen this set of brothers but all of Trents siblings look like they could be his twin. They both have the same brown eyes and same dainty nose, one looks more reserved than the other, but both of them are big in a strong way. One has wavyish hair while the other has bouncy curls. They have obvious differences like how the one with curls has a sharper jawline and a narrower face while the other seems to have the opposite. The biggest similarity is their way of speech, “Ay! Where's Lux man?!” the one with wavyish hair says to a shadowy unrecognizable girl up on a balcony. “Why don’t you go find him, Ty!?” She yells back. They both have a southern slang in the way they speak, but you’d only be able to notice after someone points it out. Ty puts a hand over his eyes like he has a headache, “Bengi said Lux has my charger!” Ty yells back, “Yeah Lux stole it this morning, I saw him!” the curly haired brother yells back, clearly intoxicated. Bengi stands up and sways around then quickly gets yanked back down to the chair he was sitting in by Ty. “Whatever dude, just go kiss some guy already.” The girl scoffs at Ty’s rebuttal and slams the door behind her as she walks inside from the balcony.
I realize I haven't moved in a while and that I probably look like a creeper just staring at these very obvious college guys. I turn to look over my shoulder and don’t see Jazzi. “Are you serious?” I mutter under my breath. I knew this was going to happen, she has a terrible attention span. I start to walk towards the back door that leads into the house and pass groups of people I know good enough to call their names if I needed but not enough to hang with. I get a sinking feeling in my stomach as I pass the threshold into the house. I don’t want to have to retreat to my truck and wait out this party, I do want to have fun. I know none of my close friends would be here and the Grimm parties were notorious for being a hub for “certain activities”. As I walk in I'm greeted by the kitchen. Mostly all that's there are drinks except for a package of cookies a guys holding while he laughs so hard he starts falling to the floor.
I walk over to the island and look for something light. This music's loud and currently playing a Spanish song while a huddled group of girls sing their hearts out while using some kitchen utensils as microphones. Suddenly a boy shorter than Trent and with straight hair comes through the door walking towards some of the drinks in front of me. Him and Trent share the same eyes, same face, same smile, at first glance you could mistake him as Trent. It’s Lux Grimm, one of the only two Grimm brothers still going to our highschool, now a senior and the older of the two. I look away quickly and try to hide my face without making it noticeable. God why did I come here, I just wanted to have a good time at these parties like everyone else but I can’t even be close to this stupid house without feeling awkward. Lux reaches in front of me for some random bottle and starts to hum to the song like he understands the lyrics or something. I look into my cup as I try to cover my face and see my reflection. Lux is still struggling to find a specific bottle which is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. He leans further into the island and finally grabs a bottle and stands up straight. I’m staring at my eyelashes in the reflection of my drink and realize Lux hasn’t moved away yet. I look from my lashes to see him staring into the reflection of my drink and we both make direct eye contact. I jump a little and look further to my left as Lux lets out an amused snicker walking back out of the kitchen. Did he notice me? Me and Lux never had an actual conversion before or any kind of gesture at all, for that matter. I never thought he knew who I was at all, but Lux and Trent are known to be very close. So, of course he knows who I am. I put my hands on my face and breath out a heavy sigh. I need to get out of here, I think as I get up putting my drink in the trash. I start to walk the same path Lux took, maybe this will lead me to where Jazzi’s at. Or at least somewhere less depressing than the kitchen.
I walk into a dining room, a mediocre dining set greets me and I see two big mirrors facing me. A group of guys and a girl are busy playing cup pong while a few people spectate. Every ball that gets in is met with a loud shout by everyone in the room. I watch a girl with a dark brown pixie cut get ready to throw a ball. She seems to lean too far by accident and starts to fall over and slides across the table while trying to find her balance again. No one comes to her obvious need of help. All anyone does is snicker and watch the poor girl tumble. Before she can reach the end, to much of my surprise and hers, she’s caught by a curly headed girl. Her light brown hair with blonde streaks, long enough to reach her waist is worn down and hides her facial features from being seen. She catches the damsel in an elegant manner. The drunken girl slowly looks up to this goddess and chokes out a quiet, “oh..” The ruffled girl is helped to her feet and finally you can see the curly headed girl in all her glory. Her face has soft features but in a way she seems intimidating. Her jawlines sharp and vivid and her dark brown eyes are big and Bright in the lighting of the room. But the most alarming feature about her is the uncanny similarities she has to the Grimm siblings. I noticed her silhouette and remembered the silhouette of the girl on the balcony earlier tonight. She smiles a toothy smile at the girl, a smile I’d see constantly in my youth, as she carefully helps tighty up the girl’s pixie cut. “Thank you, Teddi…” Teddi finishes with her hair and puts her arm around the girl's shoulders, “Do you need water Sierra? I can help you into the kitchen.” Sierra protests with an audible grunt and a shake of her head. Teddi begins to walk Sierra into the kitchen followed by Sierras, “No, no.. no I’m fine..” Their back and forth banter fades off as I walk towards the next room.
A big flatscreen TV’s volume is on max, with a football game in the background. This room has the most people out of any room I've seen in this house till now. People are stacked up on the couch like they’re siblings or something. Hordes of teenage children are just sitting wherever they can while engrossed with the game and whatever ilegal thing their little hearts desire. Some others are standing up talking in their respectable groups, and others are coming in and out of the room as they please. I look closer to the couch and I see a few people sitting in the middle looking like they own the place. Ironically, two of them do. I see Lux talking to a guy on his left and another turned away from me with wavy shoulder length hair on his other. Lux’s eye contact diverges from the guy he’s talking to and lands on me for a split second then returns to his business. The guy he was talking to turns to face me. His hair is cut into a messy mullet without the sides shaved and his striking blue eyes remind me too much of my sophomore year. Cole London faces me with a face of distaste, “What are you doing here??” He says, clearly drunk and with a smirk. Cole gets up suddenly walking towards me with a slight limp and a wobble in his step. I switch my weight onto a different foot and lean backwards the slightest bit. He gets in my personal space and says, “Finally here when I don’t want you, huh?” He laughs in my face with a bloodshot look in his eyes, “You’ve always been the type to play with people's feelings. Haven’t you?” I look up at him standing my guard, “I’m not here for you.” Is all I say, but his face erupts in anger. “You only ever do anything for a boy! And you expect me to believe that? You’re pathetic, your parents were right. You are a terrible person.” He stares at me like he’s waiting for my response. Instead I stare at him with wariness, my fiery and confident personality disappear as I look into Cole's eyes. Quickly I glance behind him at Lux. I look at Lux for guidance, assistance, or even help, but his eyes are on me and the only motion he does is lift his hand close to his face in disbelief. My eyes reluctantly look beside him to the wavy haired guy, and I’m horrified. No.. No... Not here, not right now…
The guy stares bullets into me, Trent stares bullets into me. Trent heard what Cole said to me. He’s going to experience me break down right in front of him because a drunk Cole used the, “Your parents were right” card. Even in this miserable time I can’t get my mind off of how much he’s changed. He’s grown the past few months and gotten skinnier. Those big determined dark brown eyes haven’t changed at all. His relentless, never staggering, never changing look he’s had since we were little still holds up to this day. His freckles are perfectly mapped out like the most extravagant constellation. His figure is muscular and big, his stature is reaching those of his eldest brothers, and his expression is nothing short of charming. Even in his stunned look I still see the softness of his personality shining through. I can still remember the sympathetic and compassionate look he’d always give me when we were little kids.
I stare at him, and I can feel my face twist and change in horror. The torment I feel when he does as much as look at me is intolerable, and all he does is stare. All he does is stare at me like he’s waiting for some kind of response to my ex from sophomore year. Cole turns around to face Trent. And then turns his head back at me with a tunting gape of his mouth. He lets out a maddening scoff that irks every part of my existence. “You see I'm all buddy buddy with your heartbreak.” Cole say’s slurring his words in anger. Trent looks at Lux and raises his eyebrows slightly then tilts his head slightly to the side while looking back at me. “I think it’s funny how you want so badly to be close to him again and I think it’s absolutely hilarious that your ex-” Cole say’s with emphasis on the “ex” part before he takes a slight pause, acting in disbelief, “Your ex! Ended up being closer to him than you are!” I swallow hard at Cole's statement. The house hasn’t stopped being amused by the party. Everyone has their own things going on whether it be the football game, or cup pong, or conversations, it seems like we’re the only one’s stuck in our own little bubble. I know this is the case but even so, I feel that the whole world’s on my shoulders. Cole, Trent, Lux, a few people that's in our vicinity, and I are the only ones engrossed in our little “interaction” and I start to feel my face get hot quickly. “I’m not here for a boy, Cole. There’s no reason for you to be acting this way towards me.” I say with a soft voice I had forced myself to choke out. My eyes wonder to a wall behind Cole. I can’t look at any of these guys here, I’m already embarrassed enough. “I Loved you. I love you. He doesn’t! He never f did!” Cole says in a trembling voice. It’s been 5 months since me and Cole had a falling out and I know he’s still hurting. I know his greatest fear while we were dating was me leaving him for Trent. He knew Trent didn't love me but to have your girlfriend cry in your arms because she’s missing another boy can mess up a relationship.
Everytime me and Cole were together I was happy, but if Trent came into my vision; even if it was for a second even if he was turned away from me, it’d ruin my day. Seeing Trent made me so happy but when he’d leave from my vision all I could think about was how we’re never going to be together. I loved Cole, I still do, but I love Trent more. All I want to do is find someone I love as much as I love Trent. I don’t want to feel like I’m dating someone to get Trent off my mind and I didn't want to hurt Cole more than I had too. I couldn’t see us being together for much longer anyways, so we both decided to end it. I look at Cole, “I know he doesn’t love me, Cole, and I don’t care about that. I haven’t since, like, freshman year. Really, I’m only here because of Jazzi.” I say as I step closer to him. I’m trying to make him feel better but all it does is make it worse. He looks at me with a look I’ve never seen him use before. His eyes stare me down with a hatred I’ve only seen once in my life. Once in my life, years ago after I left a desperate, miserable looking Trent in the middle of that hallway. After I rejected him when he had finally been vulnerable with me. The look he gave me when he saw me cry over Beau tearing me down while he just stood there, staring me down in hatred. Doing nothing as Beau takes things a little too far, and then a look of regret I see takes over Trent as Beau walks away leaving me sobbing on the cold ground.
Cole steps back and trusts the couch is behind him enough to sit down. He lands on the couch in a wobbly manner and closes his eyes, “You’ve always been a who.., I bet Charley would love to take you up upstairs and…” He trails off and becomes inaudible, but I’ve heard enough to know what he means. Charley is seated by the other side of Cole. He’s known to be disgusting when it comes to girls but even he was taken aback by his statement. I feel something in my throat get larger and It becomes hard to breathe. I look to Trent, then Lux, then Charley, and back to Trent. I frantically step back in horror and knock into someone. “Oh!” I hear in a high pitched voice from behind me. I turn to say sorry. The girl’s holding a tray of drinks and asks if I'd like one. I don’t respond to her and quickly down the drink and place it back on the tray. “Alright, Get it girl!” She says to me smiling. I flash her a forced smile, take two more and walk off further into the house.
I don’t dare look behind me, I wouldn’t be able to stand the look of those boy’s for another second. So I walk straight into a hallway and soon after into another living room, but this time it was a marble fireplace as the centerpiece. People are gathered on couches and other furniture but it’s not as crowded as the other room. There's a group of people standing by the fireplace trying to figure out how to start it. Periodically the group erupts into laughter then quickly gets back to work. I desperately scan the people to find someone I know in the room and I finally find Jazzi snuggled up on the couch beside one of the guys she’s, “talking” too. I down the two drinks and set them on a coffee table as I walk closer to her. “Oh my god! You look terrible! What happened?” She says as she gestures for me to sit on the couch next to her. Her man looks at her with worry and gets the memo to scram. “I saw him, Jazzi. And… and I saw Cole..” I sink into the gape of her neck and she wraps her arms around me. Her constant strokes of my hair seem to calm me down a bit, “What happened?” She says it almost reluctantly. Like she doesn’t want to know what she let happen to me since she was the one who dragged me to this party. “Cole saw me, and he was super drunk, and… and he-” I start to cry in her arms. Not much makes me cry but the drinks were starting to hit and I couldn’t hold it back anymore. “Shh, baby it’s okay..” She says to me as she hides my face from the world. “He said so many things, Jazzi, and… it all was in front of Trent… and Lux- and they didn't even stop him.” I say as I wipe my tears away with my sleeve. “And I drank…” I stay still and wait for Jazzi’s sigh of disappointment, but it never comes. “I guess I’m going to have to drive you home then.” Jazzi say’s with a positive tone in her voice. I can feel the smile on her face as she talks.
Her man turns to us and says, “What are you talking about? I thought I was taking you home?” I pull away from her and look her straight in the face, “Are you serious.” One of the only reasons I came here with her was if she promised she wouldn’t run away with some guy and leave me behind. “I didn't think you’d drink…” Jazzi says with a quiet voice. I get up and start to walk away, “No, I’m not doing this crap with you today.” Jazzi desperately grabs my arm, “Wait! No don’t go, how are you going to get home?” I swing around and look at her, “I’ll find a way, just don’t get mad if I don’t end up at your place tonight.” I snatch my arm back from her and walk towards the back door. I’d never do anything like that to Jazzi if I wasn’t already on the verge of a breakdown, but she promised she’d stay with me. The fact that she’d pull that one at one of the Grimm brothers parties is definitely going to take some time for me to get over.
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