Categories > Theatre > The Fix

Zoom Goes The Triangle

by KurtPikachu2001 0 reviews

PSI Cops fanfic. Eric and Stone Faceman fall hard for an alien who may or may not be a threat.

Category: The Fix - Rating: R - Genres: Fantasy,Horror - Published: 2025-01-09 - 2012 words - Complete

Been on a kick to write fanfics of either newer or one season wonder cartoons lately. Next up we have ourselves a PSI Cops fanfic.

PSI Cops

Fanfic title

Zoom Goes The Triangle.

by: Trenton Sands

Cold Opening:

A local junior high school called Degradation Junior High. In a cafeteria. A social worker named Ned is lambasting and berating a girl named Joelle about skipping gym class.

Ned: Why did you skip gym class?

Joelle: I hate it okay? All the girls there are mean.. Im always the last to get a partner...

Ned: Did you really think you were going to get away with this? You said you had a doctor's appointment. Why didn't you go outside and wait for your mother to pick you up? Instead you were in the sick room....

Joelle: Please don't punish me for this!

Ned: I'm going to have to. Standard procedure. I'm calling your mom and tomorrow we're going to have a meeting about what to do with you and....

Joelle: No! Don't tell my mom about me skipping gym class! She'll burn me with cigarettes and throw me in the ditch....

Ned: Your mom gets physical with you like that is because she loves you very to call your.....

Before Ned was about to make good on his word, a laser beam shone upon him and disintegrated Ned in an extremely painful way. Ned was now nothing but a bloody skeleton.

Joelle: YES! YES! Im free!

A Mysterious UFO was flying around chasing spaceship up in the sky. Both were going to land on Earth. One has landed on a bare landscape. The other was on its way to PSI Cops headquarters.

Scene 1:

Typical afternoon at PSI Cops Headquarters in the Briefing Room. Chief Beef stands at the head of a large table, pointing to a holographic projection of a strange alien artifact shaped like a triangle. Agents Kydd and Felixx sit across from him, while Stone Faceman and Eric exchange side glances at the triangle artifiact as though they had never seen something of it before. Bitsy, the child prodigy, tinkers with a device in the corner.

Chief Beef: (gruffly) This 3 sided triangle artifact was recovered from the depths of Sector 42. We believe it holds the key to the recent disturbances in the space-time continuum. (to herself): This sounds like some Butterfly Effect bullshit.

Kydd: (whispers to Felixx) Those two have been acting weird lately. Think it's got something to do with this mission?

Felixx: (shrugs) Maybe. Let's just hope they keep it professional. Mulder and Scully in The X-Files always do.

Noticing the side conversation Chief Beef turns her attention to them.

Chief Beef: (sternly) Kydd, Felixx, focus! This mission is critical. Stone, Eric, you two are leading this operation. Retrieve any intel on the triangle artifact, and report back. Dismissed.

Kydd and Felixx share a concerned look as they watch Stone and Eric leave the room, their tension palpable.

Felixx: Where did you locate this alien, Chief?

Chief Beef: In the landscape where the woods used to be. Saw it when i tracked it down on my computer.

Kydd: Do you want us on the case?

Chief Beef: No, I'm sending Eric and Stone Faceman! Sit this one out until I need you.

Eric and Stone Faceman drive to the desolate landscape where a forest used to stand but burned down long ago.

Scene 2:

Stone Faceman and Eric guide across the desolate landscape, scanning the terrain for any signs of life. They come across a shimmering, blobbish figure.

Stone: What... is that?

Eric: (in awe) It looks like... an alien. A beautiful alien Maybe like that one in Spieces!

The alien morphs into a more human-like form, revealing itself to be an alluring woman.

Alien Woman: Greetings, humans. I am Kalyra, guardian of this triangle artifact.

Both Stone and Eric's eyes widen, realizing they've met the same mysterious woman from their dreams. They exchange nervous glances, unsure of how to proceed.

Kalyra: You must be the ones sent to retrieve this triangle artifact. It holds great power and must be protected.

Stone Faceman: Uhhh, sure we will.

Eric: Yeah, anything for you!

Kalyra: Go for now. I'll explain things later. (throws a piece of the triangle artifact) Take this for now.

Eric and Stone Faceman run back to their car to drive back to PSI Cops Headquarters. Both feel excitement and have a wondrous feeling come over them.

Scene 3:

After taking the part of the triangle artifact to the lab. Sitting in the lounge thinking about their mission, Stone Faceman and Eric are both lost in thought about Kalyra.

Stone: (quietly) Eric, there's something I need to tell you.

Eric: (suspiciously) What is it, Stone?

Stone: I'm in love with Kalyra. I can't stop thinking about her. It's like we're meant to be! Like Tristan and Isolde!

Eric: (shocked) You're not the only one. I've fallen for her too.

They both stand, tension rising, but are interrupted by Bitsy running in.

Bitsy: Guys, come quick! Chief Beef needs you in the lab! Also, Shirls is onto something.

Eric: Should we tell her we are in love with Kalrya?

Stone Faceman: Let's put some thought into it first.

Eric and Stone run to the lab to hear the news that Chief Beef has to offer.

Scene 4:

At the Forsenics Lab. Shirls is examining a piece of the artifact under a microscope. Chief Beef, Stone, Eric, and Bitsy watch her intently.

Shirls: This material is like nothing I've ever seen. It's almost... alive. Anyone remember that worm creature from Dune? It's just like that.

Bitsy: (excitedly) It's responding to the signals from the artifact. We need to find Kalyra and learn more from her.

A beam came out of the piece of the triangle artifact. A voice in an alien accent began to speak out of it.

Alien Voice: They're gaining on us. Go to Earth! Oh no. They're here on Earth too....

Kydd: Im getting War Of The Worlds vibes from this.

Felixx: That train of thought has you written all over it.

Chief Beef: (nodding) Agreed. Stone, Eric, you two will lead the search for Kalyra. And keep your emotions in check.

Stone: Of course we well.

Eric: Why wouldn't we?

Stone and Eric exchange a look, knowing it will be difficult to suppress their feelings.

Kydd and Felixx walk in.

Felixx: We could not help but notice about Stone and Eric.

Chief Beef: I didn't put you on this case.

Kydd: We think Eric and Stone Faceman are in love with that alien chick.

Felixx (laughs): You should've seen the way they looked when you mentioned it.

Chief Beef (rolling her eyes): Whatever, you two....

Kydd and Felixx (singing): Stone, Eric, and the alien sitting in a tree! T-H-R-E-E-S-O-M-E!

Shirls (snickers): Sounds kind of funny how they sang it that way.

Chief Beef holds Bitsy's ears.

Scene 5:

Encountering Kalyra once more. Stone and Eric find Kalyra near the artifact's original site. She looks distressed.

Stone: Kalyra, we need to understand this triangle artifact. Can you help us?

Kalyra: (hesitant) There's something you both need to know. I'm not what I seem.

She reveals her true blobbish form, shocking both Stone and Eric.

Eric: (stammering) You're... an alien?

Kalyra: (sadly) Yes. My true form is... different. But my feelings for you both are real.

Stone and Eric struggle to process this revelation, but they are determined to understand.

Eric: Uhhh, which one of us do you want first?

Stone: WHAT?!?!?! She revealed her true form to us and tricked both of us with an triangle artifact! And you're still in love with her?!?!?!

Eric: Excuse me while I seduce her!

Stone: This will not end well.

When Eric is about to have his way with Kalyra, Kydd and Felixx drive with their car and jump out and subdue Kalyra with tranquillizers.


Eric: Awww, shit!

Stone: Kydd? Felixx? I thought Chief Beef didnt you want guys on this case.....

Felixx: Consider us homewreckers!

Kydd: We might've dropped the bomb telling her you were both in love with her.

Stone: Thank you for saving Eric from a fate worse than death.

Eric: I was so close!

Felixx: Did you see the way we jumped out of our car! I was like all Sonny Crockett! Freeze Miami Vice!

Kydd: Yeah, and I guess that made me Tubbs! Get it?

Dragging the tranquillized Kalyra into the car. Felixx and Kydd sang a song.

Felixx and Kydd (singing): Heigh Ho! Heigh Ho! It's off to the containment field she goes.....

Eric (sobbing); Please be gentle with her.....

Stone: Follow my lead when we get back. I got an idea. (whispers to Eric)

Felixx, Kydd, Eric, and Stone Faceman all go into Kydd's and Felixx's car to drive back to the PSI Cops headquarters to the containment field room.

Scene 6:

Kalyra is being held in a containment field. Stone and Eric stand outside, watching her.

Stone: We can't let Chief Beef use her for experiments. We need to set her free.

Eric: (nodding) Agreed. Let's do it.

They break into the lab, disabling the security systems and freeing Kalyra.

Kalyra: (grateful) Thank you. I knew I could trust you both.

Eric: Guess we're getting away with this.

Stone: Yeah, for now anyway.

Eric and Stone Faceman share a mutual moment in setting their true love Kalyra free.

Scene 7:

A UFO landed next to PSI Cops headquarters. Out came some evil aliens. Chief Beef had Bitsy look them up.

Chief Beef: Who are they?

Bitsy (on her computer): They seem to be evil rival aliens from another planet.

Chief Beef: What's the name of the planet?

Bitsy: (reading from her computer): They're from the planet Tarmac. They're here for the artifact!

Chief Beef: this calls for action! Kydd, Felixx! Get your asses out there now!

Eric and Stoneface were on the scene of the UFO and the Tarmacs along with Kalyra.

Felixx: We're here!

Kydd: What it is?

Chief Beef: Look for youselves, guys! A battle is about to ensue! And help Stone and Eric!

Kydd and Felixx run off.

Kalyra: See? I am a good alien. I wanted to make you guys fall in love with me so you can help me.

Eric: Let me guess. These dudes chased you back to Earth for this artifact.

Kalyra: Yes, you guessed correctly. I'm from the planet Camrat! And these guys are from the planet Tarmac! If they get their hands on his artifact, they can destroy the earth and universe as we know it!

Kydd: We heard the whole story.

Felixx: No fucking way we'll let that happen!

Kalyra, Stone, and Eric face off against hostile alien forces protecting the artifact. Kydd and Felixx provide backup, firing from a distance.

Kydd: (yelling) We've got your back, guys! Just like in Guardians of the Galaxy.

Felixx: (grinning) Let's show these aliens what Psi Cops are made of! Check us out, The Men In Black ain't for nothing on us!

The battle intensifies, with Kalyra using her powers to protect Stone and Eric. The team works together seamlessly, showing their unity and strength.

Scene 8:

The Tarmacs have been defeated once and for all. Stone Faceman, Eric, Kydd, Felixx, Chief Beef, Bitsy, and Shirls gather in the briefing room. Kalyra stands in the center.

Kalyra: (tearfully) I must return to my planet. But I will always remember the bond we share.

Felixx: This feels like an Avatar scenario. Anyway, we're sorry we doubted you and first.

Kydd: Hope you can forgive.

Kalyra: For helping me, I do forgive. It's natural you two wanted to disect me at first.

Stone: (softly) We'll miss you, Kalyra.

Eric: (nodding) Take care, and thank you for everything.

Kalyra vanishes, leaving behind a small, glowing fragment of the artifact as a token of gratitude.

Chief Beef: (holding the fragment) This will remind us of the courage and love that transcends even the boundaries of our universe.

The PSI Cops team stands united, ready for whatever challenges come their way.


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