Categories > Original > Romance

Shells Under Virtual Pressure

by shellyfanfics 0 reviews

Shelly and Vee are a lesbian couple who love each other but don't know how to express their love.

Category: Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2025-01-17 - Updated: 2025-01-17 - 282 words

"I hope this floor is good, I could use some items." shelly says, she just wanted to meet a twisted main, or at least something cool to happen like a couple of medkits for Sprout or Cosmo, or her! However, she would get more use out of a bandaid because she only has two hearts. she was already on one heart because Boxten accidentally ran into her with all the twisted chasing him. clumsy box got me hit... she thought

The elevator door suddenly opened and snapped her out of her thoughts. As everyone rushed out, vee used her ability to see the twisteds on the floor. Oh great. scraps and goob are here. Someone is gonna die... she thought

She decided to stay by Vee. She was walking with Vee, overwhelmed with joy, though she didn't know why. She pondered why she always felt so different next to her. Shelly figured it all out that walk. She stopped in her tracks

"I..I like Vee" she thought to herself. though she knew Vee would never like her back. They're both girls! Girls can't like girls! but why was she feeling like this? Would the other toons think badly of her if she told them? Does Vee feel the same? With her mind riddled with questions, she decided to wait the rest of the floor out by the elevator. It was best to take a bit to think about this.

"Maybe Vee feels the same way. I would never know, it's not like I can read what goes through her mind."

Suddenly, the elevator door opened behind her. She walked in, relieved that she could finally get away from those evil twisteds.
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