Categories > Anime/Manga > Saiyuki > ENDLESS LOVE


by queasy 0 reviews

The true ending, wherein our story earns its 'fantasy' genre.

Category: Saiyuki - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy, Romance - Characters: Cho Hakkai, Genjyo Sanzo - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2005-07-04 - Updated: 2005-07-04 - 436 words



by queasy, which is the natural result of excess moonshine

...he remembered falling.

He was cold, and stinging cold droplets beaded on his cheeks like tears.

He remembered falling, and Jeep crying. He was cold, chilled down to the bone, and he felt no reason to move.

Warm air huffed over his face, and voices - when will he wake? Won't he be hungry? - looks even more sour than he normally does - a rough laugh that smelled of beer and cigarettes.

A shadow fell over the faint red glow that told him his eyes were shut and there was light. The cold raindrops stopped splattering on him. - /Why didn't you two close the windows? Go out, let him sleep - tch, it's his fault /-

The voices were familiar, and for a moment he could not yet remember who he was, or why he lay there. He did not feel ready to open his eyes, but he was remembering.

He was falling, and Jeep cried; the steering wheel twisted in his hands in seeming revolt as they careened down the rocky cliffside. He remembered the icy shock of cold water that slammed the breath from his lungs and cut off Goku's yells, drowning Gojyo's half-hysterical curses in gurgles, and the sharp white flare of agony in his head.

He remembered a bruising grip on his arm and being dragged through water, and a quiet voice cutting momentarily through the haze of pain with dispassionate emphasis - /I drove Jeep down a cliff once, but it was deliberate and controlled. You are never /-

Opening his eyes cautiously, he could see Hakkai pouring a cup of something foul-smelling, probably aware that he was awake. Hakkai was in an uncharacteristic state of dishabille, his shirt untucked and his shoulders hunched. Then he turned slightly and Sanzo saw that he had one hand under the rucked-up shirt, pressed against his side where the bullet had penetrated to reach the insane false Sanzo. The smell of fresh blood from the reopened wound hung in the air.

"Your medicine is ready," said Hakkai, his normally mild tones clipped and precise. A loaded silence passed between them. He set the cup of medicine on the night-stand by the bed. "We lost some of our supplies in the river. We will have a new wardrobe on your account." With an air of grim finality, Hakkai left the room, closing the door behind him.


Which is why this story wasn't labelled as AU...

MS-Gena, credited with inspiration and most of Chapter 1, is the Middle-Earth Mary Sue Generator at
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