Categories > Celebrities > Good Charlotte > Monkey Bones and Lizard Guts *One Shot*

Monkey Bones and Lizard Guts *One Shot*

by Leigh_Ashworth 0 reviews

Randomness and Chris is in this one also. Random language also.

Category: Good Charlotte - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Published: 2006-10-06 - Updated: 2006-10-06 - 517 words - Complete

Billy: Monkey bones and lizard guts, monkey bones and lizard guts...

Benji: Billy, are you okay?

Billy: Yeah... Monkey bones and lizard guts...

Benji: Okay...?

Joel: Yo, Beeeenji...

Benji: What?

Joel: Do I...

Benji: Do you what?

Joel: ... Look prrreetty to you?

Benji: Are you drunk?

Joel: Don't know... are you?

Benji: Oh God...

Paul: Hey dude.

Benji: Hey man. Do you know what's wrong with Joel?

Paul: Yeah, he got drunk, can't you tell?

Benji: I just didn't want it to be true.

Paul: Okay... whatever.

Chris: Where's Billy? He's got to hear this.

Benji: Hear what?

Chris: Something I watched on t.v. man.

Paul: What?

Chris: This is the song that never ends

Benji: Don't sing that to him. He already had "Monkey Bones and Lizard Guts" in his head.

Paul: Yeah. He's already singing it.

Chris: So, what's wrong with "The song that never ends?"

Benji: Chris, we don't need Billy hyper.

Chris: Why not? He's funnier that way.

Benji: MTV News is coming soon so he needs to calm down.

Paul: Yeah, tell him that song after the interview

Joel: Chrrrriiiissss, how's it gooooing?

Chris: I'm fine, are you drunk?

Joel: I still don't know; Benji hasn't told me yet.

Benji: Joel you are a drunken ass.

Joel: See... I'm a drunken ass... Hey, why did you call me that?

Benji: Cause you are a dumb ass.

Joel: I should freaking hit you in the face.

Paul: Joel, you need to sit down.

Benji starts laughing.

Billy: Benji?

Benji: Yes Bil...
Billy kisses Benji
Benji: Ly... um... wow.

Joel: Oh... My... God... Billy's Gay!

Paul: Joel, shhhhh

Chris starts to laugh.

Billy: Well, what do you think?

Benji: Um... well... it wasn't... bad.

Chris: Damn... Am I hearing this?!

Paul: Yes Chris, Benji liked Billy kissing him.

Joel: I think I'm going to pass out (thump)

Joel passes out

Benji: Joel wake up please, Joel?!

Paul: Benji man, he just passed out. Calm down.

Billy: Monkey bones and lizard guts, monkey bones and lizard guts.

Benji: God Billy, would you shut up about monkey bones and lizard guts?!

Billy: Sure babe... Whatever you say.

He smacks Benji and the ass and walks away.

Paul: Man, that boy is so freakin' creepy

Chris: Tell me about it.

Outside the recording studio

Benji: Where's my skateboard...? Here boy... where are you... Damnit! Where did I put that skateboard?

Five minutes later Benji finds it and is riding it around.

Benji: Woooooooooooh... aaaaahhhhhhh... look at me!! I'm flying... (Bang) Ow. I'm okay, I'm okay.

Billy: Benji, are you okay babe? I heard a crash. Are you hurt?

Benji: Yeah, I'm okay. Only my pride and dignity are broken.

Billy: Well come here and I'll fix them for you.

Benji: Billy, I like you it'd just weird that you kissed me that quick. If we start a relationship I want to start off slow.

Billy: Are you sure you want to take things slow?

Benji: Hell no, I was just joking. Let's go have sex.

Billy: Monkey Bones and Lizard guts.

So they did.

The End
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