Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > The Mixed Tape

The Sound of Settling

by howshesews 4 reviews


Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Romance - Published: 2006-10-07 - Updated: 2006-10-07 - 2855 words

What a dream that had been, but all something to forget, right? Cassandra definitely thought so as she rolled over to get out of bed. On a normal day, she would have scooted to the edge of the bed, and made her way from there into the bathroom. And since the events of last night were just an incredible dream, today was just an incredibly normal day.


As she made her way to the edge of the bed, her feet hit something solid, and slightly hairy.

Legs; his legs.

So that was it. Last night had been real, and she had, once again, had sex with Peter even though her intentions were to be angry at him and probably never talk to him again. Maybe there hadn't bee much talking.

Fucking wrong again.

She remembered as she rubbed her eyes that she had told him she loved him. Those are words Cassandra didn't commonly throw around, and Peter knew that.

She loved him, and she'd told him. So much for being a tease. She crawled over Peter quietly and headed to the shower. After rinsing his touch off of her skin, which she thought might make her a little angrier at him (it didn't), she stepped into her room to get dressed. Pete was laying there on his back, eyes open, staring at the ceiling. Why did they both do that so much?

"What does this mean?" Cassandra turned to look at him. He was right in asking. She had almost wondered when she was showering. For some reason that place made her think more than anywhere else. Some days she would not shower just so she didn't have to focus on all of the things making her life shit. Lately, that had been happening a lot. Today, she needed to do some thinking.

Where did this leave them? Cassandra looked at him, analyzing his facial expression, which she decided didn't exist, and wondering what was holding her back.

Nothing. Fucking nothing, and that's when it hit her. She wasn't going to waste anymore time. There wasn't any sense in that. Two people who want to be together, and spend all of their time hurting because they're apart should not be playing this game. No, they should do whatever makes the pain go away, which, in their case, was being together.

Cassandra pulled a cream-colored shirt with brown rabbit silhouettes, which Peter had bought for her before her father died, over her wet brown hair, which had recently been cut short, almost ear-length He hadn't said anything about it. She wasn't sure it even made a difference to him.

After completely dressing, which, although it seems like it's taken her twenty minutes to do, only took three minutes, she made her way over to Peter's side, and laid her head on his.

"Pete, where do you want this to leave us?" He looked at her, and smiled.

"You called me Pete." She shrugged.

"I think it's necessary to disassociate you with the guy I used to be in love with. You're not him. I'm in love with who you've become over the past couple of months. You may not see him, but I do. You're more selfless than you've ever been. You're more humble. And that's the guy I'm in love with." He shook his head.

"That's Peter, then. The guy you don't want to love is Pete. I promise." She laughed and kissed him.

"This still doesn't answer the question I asked you, Cass." He was serious now. She was too.

"This leaves us as best friends, and two young people who are dangerously in love. Okay?" His eyes got wide. He didn't smile. "What?" He relaxed and flashed a grin.

"Together?" She nodded.

"Together." He quickly and forcefully placed his lips against hers, and pulled the shirt over her head that she'd placed there only minutes ago. Once again, they were off, along with their clothes.

"Anna, I'm not coming in today." Anna laughed.

"Because you and Pete are doing it." Cassandra considered getting defensive, but then decided against it.

"Did it. Now I'm just tired, and I want to spend the day with my boyfriend." Anna laughed again.

"Boyfriend? You hated him yesterday." Cassandra scoffed.

"Anna, do you honestly think I hated him yesterday? Or any day over the past 2 months, for that matter?" Anna shrugged, which Cassandra couldn't see, and replied.

"I always knew better. But you knew I knew better. Go back to your lover. I've got it under control over here. Oh, by the way. A guy came in and asked if your shop was a franchise or something. I told him yes, even though it's not. He's interested in opening another one. He thinks we're charming. So, when you get back here tomorrow, you've got a lot of work to do. He wants to make this little shop a big deal." Cassandra froze, and then screamed.

"That is what my mother dreamed of, Anna! This is what my mother spent 25 years of her life working towards, and I'm making it happen! I'm realizing her dream! Do you get how huge this is?" Of course Anna did, but she wasn't one to freak out, really.

"Of course. Seriously. Go back to bed. I'll call you in a little bit." Cassandra hung up the phone, and jumped on Pete's sleeping body. How he was asleep, she wasn't sure, because she'd just shrieked incredibly obnoxiously.

He opened his eyes quickly, and she noticed that his face wasn't a happy one. She laughed.

"Wow. I don't know if you could've landed that much worse, Cass." She laughed harder. "Why the fuck did you jump on me, crazy? It hurt." She crawled off of him and he rubbed his lower stomach gently. Woops. She didn't mean to land in those places.

"A guy came into the store today and asked if he could open another one! He wants to turn my mom's store into a franchise. He wants to make it huge." Pete sat up and smiled.

"That's what your mom was trying to do, isn't it?" Cassandra nodded. He hugged her tightly.

"I'm happy, Cass." He didn't act happy. She pulled away.

"No you're not. What's going on?"

"You're going to have to be here all the time." He looked up, as if to correct what he'd said. "Don't get me wrong. I can be completely understanding to not having you around as much as I'd like. My occupation is pretty demanding as well, I just sort of wanted to drag you around the country so you could maybe enjoy my demanding occupation. We're together. My head was already making big plans that probably aren't possible. Please ignore the mess I seem to have made already." He lay back down and she smiled.

"I'll go anywhere with you. I'll hire assistant managers. I can be the supervisor that works from home or something. I'll figure this out. We'll make this work." He smiled, and kissed her gently. Good. He had her back. He really didn't need much else at this point.

After they got up and showered, or re-showered in Cassandra's case, they decided to make their way over to Patrick and C.J.'s. The wedding was less than a month away, and the two of them were completely stressed over all of the stuff left to do. It was funny to Cassandra that a few months ago Patrick hadn't cared about anything. Now, on the other hand, he was involved in almost every decision C.J made concerning the wedding.

Now he knew how it felt, and the thought of Patrick planning a wedding really made Cassandra laugh.

The guys had to leave in a week to do more promotion for their new album. Cassandra was set on spending as much time with them as possible, because when they left, her and C.J. had made plans to never leave the others side until the wedding. Until the guys were back. Fucking lucky bitches, they were.

They knocked on The door to the happy little apartment they both knew so well, and were very surprised to se an unfamiliar older woman at the door. Peter spoke.

"Hi. We're looking for Patrick and C.J. Do...they still live here?" The lady looked confused as he spoke, but then smiled once he'd finished talking.

"Of course. I'm C.J.'s mother. Come on in." They walked inside and noticed all of the blinds were closed, and C.J. was on the couch, a large bowl at her side, and Patrick sitting on the floor, back against the couch. He turned and looked at them, smiling. He immediately jumped and hugged them.

"Guys, you'll never guess what happened." Pete and Cassandra were beyond confused. It seemed weird for Patrick to be so happy when his fiancée was so sick. What was going on.

"You're right. You're too happy right now for me to have any clue." Cassandra said, smiling.

"I'm going to be a dad! Caroline's pregnant! I, Patrick Stump, am going to be a father. Isn't this incredible?" Peter hugged his friend, and Cassandra did too. Cassandra then proceeded to run to C.J.

"This is insane, Ceej. When did you find out? How do you feel?" C.J. sat up and smiled.

"I found out about a week ago. I told Patrick last night. I called my mom a few days ago and she flew in. I've been incredibly ill lately and I wanted her to take me to the doctor today to make sure everything was alright. It is. I feel awful, but incredible." Her tone was bittersweet. Cassandra sat down next to her.

"What's wrong, Ceej?"

"I'm just sad that Patrick and I aren't going to get anytime to just be married. We're going to be married, then deal with me being a pregnant bitch, then we're going to have a child, which is never going to get to see it's dad, and I'll be left here with a crying baby while my husband is gone making 16-year-old girls touch themselves. I don't think the last half bothers me. Please ignore the estrogen. I'm mostly just disappointed that Patrick and I won't get any 'us' time after we're married. We're skipping straight into parenthood." Cassandra grabbed C.J.'s hand, and then hugged her.

"I'll be here. I know I'm not Patrick but my boyfriend is going to be-"

"Boyfriend?" Cassandra shook her head.

"That doesn't matter. You're pregnant. That's the news of the day. My day is tomorrow." C.J. flicked Cassandra's collarbone, her secret weapon.

"Ow! Bitch." C.J. laughed.

"It's your day too. Your news is just as good as mine. When was this decided?" She said waving in the direction of Peter and Cassandra.

"This morning. He came over last night. Stuff happened. Why fight it? I love him more than oxygen. I'm sure you know what that's like." C.J. smiled. Patrick and Pete came over to them and sat on the floor in front of the girls. Their girls. Peter spoke.

"Ceej. I always knew you and Patrick would create spawn. I had a very keen sense regarding this subject. I believe you remember me saying this?" She nodded and he laughed.

"You're just...omniscient, Peter. That's all there is to it. No fighting it. It's very plain to see."

Cassandra scoffed.

"Bullshit." Pete smiled and flipped her off. Patrick looked confused.

"Wait. Why are you two here together? Don't you hate him?" He asked, pointing from Cassandra to Pete. Pete just looked at Patrick then Cassandra.

"You hated me?" He looked offended. She rolled her eyes. "How could you hate me?" He'd meant for that question to sound a little different than it did. C.J. spoke.

"Pete, you don't make it hard." He then flipped her off and Cassandra put her hands in the air, requesting everyone's attention.

"Patrick, while the children fight, I'll explain this to you the as best I can. Last night, Peter and I...made up. This morning, the question of where it left us arose, and I decided it was only sensible to forgive him, and be together. Got it?" She explained this calmly and matter-of-factly, making Patrick smile and nod, laughing a little.

"Alright, Cass. No more questions." She folded her hands in her lap.

"Thank you." C.J. Got up.

"I'm going to go get cleaned up and then we'll get some food. I want watermelon." Patrick shook his head.

"It's December. I'm not going to Mexico. Pick a different fruit." She flipped him off and headed towards the shower.

45 minutes later, they were at a Bakery/Deli/Coffee shop near Cassandra and Pete's apartment. As they sat down and ordered coffee, C.J. spoke to Cassandra.

"So, I guess this leave you with a pregnant me while they're gone. Sorry. Where are we staying?" Cassandra smiled, and shook her head.

"Don't apologize. I'm excited. We can stay at your place or mine. Whatever is easiest for you, preggy." C.J. smiled.

"Caroline, why don't you stay at Cassandra's. You can make it a girly adventure. It will be something to get you away from the apartment and all of our insane wedding plans until I get back." C.J. nodded.

"That sounds ideal. Your place it is." She said, looking at Cassandra. Cassandra looked at Peter and noticed how quiet he was being.

"What's up, babe?" She whispered, patting his leg. He smiled at her, and lowered his face to hers.

"I've got no reason to be upset, Cass. I'm just tired of talking about leaving you." She kissed his cheek, and spoke.

"It's 4 days away. You need to face it. We'll be fine. We're spending Christmas together. At least we get that." He nodded and they rejoined Patrick and C.J.'s conversation.

"What are you guys doing for Christmas?" Patrick asked, after they'd all finished eating. Cassandra shrugged. They hasn't actually had this conversation. Apparently Peter knew though, because he answered.

"I called my mom this morning while Cass was in the shower, so you don't know about this yet," He added, looking at her. "And she told me that Cassandra should have Christmas with us. So we're going to my parent's house. Then the next day, we leave." Patrick nodded, Cassandra looked at him.

"So are we going over there on Christmas eve?" Peter shook his head.

"Christmas morning." Cassandra didn't say anything for a second, and then looked at Patrick and C.J.

"What are you guys doing Christmas eve?" They looked at each other, and then shook their heads.

"We have no plans, I guess." Patrick said, and C.J. nodded.

"Well, then it's settled. I know Andy won't be here for Christmas Eve, but Joe will. Call him and you guys and Joe can come to our place. I'll cook, and we can do a little gift exchange. How's that sound?" Pete laughed.

"You can't cook." She elbowed him in the ribs.

"Fuck you, I can follow a recipe." C.J. interrupted their little war.

"We'll be there. Andy is going to be in town that night, I know for sure. He told me. So he'll come. Joe goes wherever food is, so he'll be there. Do either one of those guys have girlfriends?" They all shrugged.

"Joe was talking to some girl name Jordan for awhile, but that's as far as I think that ever went. But then again, I haven't asked." Peter said, getting up to throw his trash away.

"Well, either way, everyone who wants to come is welcome. I only know how to make large amounts of food, because all of the yields on my mom's recipes say something like, 'serves up to 12 people' or something. We've got it covered." C.J. nodded.

"You call Andy, I'll call Joe." Cassandra nodded and hugged Patrick and C.J. Pete followed, and they parted ways. As soon as Peter and Cassandra got in the car, Cassandra leaned her head on the head rest and sighed.

"C.J. is pregnant and that's the weirdest thing ever." Peter was silent for a second as he drove, then he spoke up.

"Why is that the weirdest thing ever?" She shrugged.

"I guess it's just weird for me to imagine, considering she's younger than me and I'm no where near ready for kids." Pete nodded.

"I think it's safe to say that this baby wasn't a plan. Even a tentative plan, so I'm not sure Ceej was necessarily ready. Now, I don't think she has a choice. If she wasn't ready before, she's at least getting ready now." Cassandra nodded.

"Hey, Peter?" Cassandra said, quietly.

"Hmm?" He said, while concentrating on driving.

"I love you. I love today." He smiled as he parked.

"I love you. More than I love today, I love you." He kissed her, and they walked into their home, hand-in-hand.


um, i hope you all are still enjoying. i know it's kind of rough. let me know if you anticipate more.
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