Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Skylines and Turnstiles (Gerard's first love)


by imnotokay 1 review

MCR plays at the battle of the bands, and gerard meets a beautiful girl, goes on a date but still doesn't know her name.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2006-10-09 - Updated: 2006-10-09 - 288 words

mikey went to work ( a department store in the mall) Frank had to work too, ( a semi-nice sit-down restaurant) and so did Ray (fixing cars at a local garage) so, me & Bob were left in the apartment all by ourselves... i flipped up the laptop, and started playing the sims (the coolest game ever!!!) bob started doing laundry, a job Ray always complained about because it was "woman's work" when all of a sudden, my cell phone rang, i rushed to pick it up

Me: hello?
Me: hey! what's up?
Jade: not much... can i come over?
Me: yeah, but there's not much to do, you wanna go see a movie or something?
Jade: sure, the Lady in the Water is out, I've been dying to see that!!
Me: cool! come on over, and we'll figure out when to go...
Jade: cool, be right over!
Me: Bye!
Jade: Bye!

i hang up, i start looking for the show times online
i find a good one that starts 45 minutes from now, about 10 minutes later, the doorbell rings, i rush to get it, i open it, and she jumps on me, surprisingly, she's not all that heavy. i love this girl! i tell her about it, and we go to the theatre, but we still have like 15 minutes untill it starts, so we started playing games in the arcade. she even beat me at air hockey, i swear this girl is perfect!

so we went to the movie theater, and watched the Lady in the Water, it was Great! and I got to hold her hand practically the whole time!!

after that, i dropped her off at her house, and went home, to the cheers of the guys.
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