Categories > Original > Fantasy > world tour

day ten

by taylor 0 reviews

september 10th

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-10-10 - Updated: 2006-10-11 - 212 words

Dear diary,
Today has been so busy! We're getting ready to leave tomorrow. I'm gonna miss this place,good times here
like this for instance. Justin has been so fun to hang with. So Ryan and I went searching for a ring and I didn't want some big fancy one
Yea and Brent told me "you know you want a real ring! not some sissy one! Ryan,what a wimp going ring shopping!" I slapped him and kicked him where it hurts! Then Justin did. I hung out with Taylor today we were talking about weddings and stuff! We shopped to, it was really fun. Considering we're the only girls,it was nice to get away. Jeff,poor Jeff,he tried to hang out with us again today. We ctually let him,he wasn't as annoying,oh yea Tom hung out with us too,for a whileI'm so excited! I don't know where we are going next but it will be fun! Spencer is quite the comic and I'm so happy to be with all these homies! I can't wait for Taylors wedding It's going to be so cute seeing them finally get married!
well gotta go! I have to go get one last ice crean with Ryan before we leave tomorrow!
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