Categories > Original > Fantasy > world tour

day twelve

by taylor 0 reviews

september 12th

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-10-10 - Updated: 2006-10-11 - 238 words

dear diary,
Not much happened today. We're unfortunatley leaving now. I forgot where we're going,Taylor will tell ya. Ryan absolutley loved it there and I did too,we're thinking about renting a little house there. So,I wasn't sure if Ryan's getting me that ring or not,he said he'd surprise me. But, word around the bus is that he did! So I'm writing on the plane and Ryans sleeping on my shoulder. Brent and Justin are playing Pirates video game. Brent is winning because Justin can't hardly concentrate because you know hes afraid of planes. Tom's on his laptop IMing Melissa. she says hi and she hates us. Jeff is trying to make conversation with me and talking about computers,it bores me but I'm trying to be nice because hes trying to be less annoying. All of hit the lights are practicing singing and seeing who is the best at opera. Taylor's unfrotunatley sleeping,if she was awake she could keep Jeff quiet and me company but oh well. Shannt, is writing music about Taylor,I've overlooked it and it's excellent. I told him he should sing that and play it acoustic. He said it was a great idea! Shaants more easy to talk to than Jeff,hes just creepy. Well,I'm going now,Jeff is actually make good conversation,and Ryans waking(yay) so bye. where we will end up? I have no clue!
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