Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Downward Spiral

Chapter Two

by 854439 5 reviews

Chapter Two

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2006-10-17 - Updated: 2006-10-17 - 1292 words

Late that night, we arrived at another gig. I was about ready to pass out
after the 375th game of 'eye spy'.

Fortunately, after spending a day together, we seemed to have found some common
ground. Me being tired after the eye spy marathon, though, did throw it a bit. I
could change moods at the drop of a hat, and I think game number 10 was my
turning point.

Instead of putting up with a half drunk Gerard while trying to do his make up, I
removed the beer can from his hand, chucking it over my shoulder, not taking my
eyes off the part of his face I was trying to cover in black lines.

"And that was for...?" He asked.

"For being an idiot, now look up, please,"

"Someone's cranky,"

"It's what happens when you play eye spy with a brain dead guy who can only
think of three words: Bus, Tree, Cloud," I heard sniggering from behind me
and I smiled slightly.

"Sorry if I'm not as smart as you, little miss

"Sorry if alcohol hasn't destroyed my brain cells, but some of us have
sense," I said, making sure my final brush stroke was hard and caused pain.
"Your make up's done," He huffed before getting out of the seat.

Hopefully he'd loosen up in a bit, but I had my doubts.

He checked himself in the mirror.

"Cool," Was all he said before sitting back down.

I was already back at the tour bus by the time they finished. I didn't fancy
testing the theory that I'd be carting him back every night.


Next morning, I grabbed a glass and Aspirin for myself. My headache that had
developed last night, now left unattended all night, had become a throbbing
jackhammer against my skull.

Now, I was supposed to have a bed in another bus but, after discovering it gave
me bedsores, the person above me snored a lot and that the sofa in the tour bus
was a lot better to sleep on, I'd kinda moved myself.

I stood near the sink and swallowed the small white pill with the water. I
sighed, hearing movement from the bunks. Surprisingly it wasn't Gerard's bunk,
it was Mikey's.

I watched him open the curtains to Gerard's bunk and peeking in before closing
them and hobbling through to where I was stood.

"Mornin'" He mumbled.

"Morning. Sleep well?" He snorted.

"Yeah right. We didn't get back until, what, three in the morning,"

"Whose fault?" I asked.

"Gerard's," said Mikey, taking an Aspirin himself. "I swear, I'm
going have to just stop buying alcohol..." I smiled.

"I can't see that happening,"

"Me neither," I took a seat on the sofa.

"I can see Gerard hanging you for just 'forgetting' the alcohol,"
Mikey, nodding slightly, took a seat next to me. "As long as I don't have
to clean up after you, do whatever you like..." He snorted.

"For saying you seemed reluctant to be looking after us yesterday, you've
sure changed your tune," I nodded.

"I got to sleep on it and I decided it wasn't all that bad..." Mikey
just stared at me. "Yes, I was dropped on my head when I was a baby,"
He laughed quietly; looking over at the bunks as there was more movement.
"They're up early..." I looked at the clock. "-Ish" it was
nine in the morning.

After a few moments, three more bodies ambled away from the bunks as Dom entered
the bus, coffee in hand.

"Ah, you're awake," Said Dom, sitting in the drivers seat. "We
set off in a few minutes," There were mumbled agreements. Doing a quick
scan, my suspicions were confirmed: the only person still in bed was Gerard.

Getting up, I rummaged through the food supply and found some left over boxes of
cereal, barely in date, but no milk.

So, placing them on the table along with bowls, I headed off to wake Gerard.

He was awake, at any rate, just nursing his head with his eyes closed.

Sighing, I fetched the rapidly diminishing supply of Aspirin and a glass of
water for him before going back, opening the curtain slightly and perching
myself on the edge of the bed.

"Here," I said, handing him the water. He opened one eye and looked
suspiciously at the glass before hesitantly taking it. "And here," I
said, opening the Aspirin bottle and passing him a white pill.

"Thanks," He mumbled, taking the aspirin instantly before sipping at
the water. I smiled slightly.

My thoughts then? Probably doubting my sanity. Truth be told, I was more than
likely (finally) seeing what my friends saw in Gerard, but I wouldn't tell them

After listening to the chatter from the table for a bit, Dom announced we were
setting off.

"You getting up?" I asked Gerard, who squinted up at me. He shook his
head lightly. "Alright," I took the empty glass off him before heading
back out, closing the curtain to his bunk again.


I sent Mikey to get him up in time for the gig that day. I'd spent all day,
refusing to play eye spy, running over the night's plans, both for make up and
any activities after the gig.

I was apparently being forced into going out with them after the show, or
wherever they went.

Which, after once again getting rid of the alcohol so I could do Gerard's make
up, I was far from looking forward to.


Not being good around new people, I was fairly quiet. I just watched as Bob
tried to get Gerard to stop drinking. It seemed intervention at the very least
wasn't working. He wanted to be drunk out of his mind.

"Right," said Frank, walking over to me. "This is where we find
out how good you are at handling a totally wasted Gerard," I looked up at

"What-How-On my own?"

"Nah, not on your own. Not on your first try, at least," He said,
smirking. "Mikey's helping you," I groaned, but trudged over to Gerard
none the less. He looked up at me.

"Hey, it's you,"

"Yeah, it's me, and I'm taking you home," I said rather flatly.

"But I wanna stay here!" He wined like a child. And he didn't stop. He
just went on and on. Well, I knew how to deal with children like him...

"If you come back to the bus, I'll buy you lots of beer!" His eyes lit



"Lead the way!" He slid off his chair. I grabbed his upper arm to stop
him from hitting the floor. Eventually he stood and let me lead him back.


I frowned at everyone as I finally got Gerard back to the bus, letting him pass
out on the sofa, unable to guide him much further.

I looked at the gathering in the bunks and smiled sweetly, gliding over. I
stopped, smiling at the huddle of them around a bottom bunk, before swatting
Mikey around the head.

"What was that for?" He asked, covering his head.

"For leaving me to lug him back!" I hissed. I swatted Frank on the
head too as he started giggling. "It's not funny!"

"Is too," He said, still giggling quietly. I frowned before looking
for the time.

"Right, bed, everyone," Frank opened his mouth to argue.
"Now!" Still giggling, he heaved himself into his bed.

Muttering to myself, I headed back to what should have been an empty sofa for me
to sleep on, but then I remembered I'd let Gerard pass out on it.

Sighing, I looked around. Nowhere.

Instead, I ambled back to the bunks and collapsed in the free bed.

My first bed in days. It felt great...

And smelled great...
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