Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Downward Spiral

Chapter Four

by 854439 2 reviews

Chapter Four

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2006-10-18 - Updated: 2006-10-18 - 1330 words

For the next few days, I had more interaction with everyone. Partly because
Gerard and me were talking more, partly because the tour was near its end and
partly because I thought it best. Being their make up artist on tour was one
thing, but while we were back home...

That's home turf, totally different rules: including the fact that I couldn't
just meander in and sleep on their sofa. Though I was looking forward to having
my own bed and, more importantly, a clean place to live.

No matter how much I was looking forward to the end of the tour, I was still so
close to tears the day before we got home.

However, having gotten beyond drunk, I could have been at one point.


When I woke next morning I was face down on the sofa, arm dangling off and mouth
open. I jerked upwards, looking around, before groaning and clutching my head as
beams of light painfully infiltrated my eyes.

I tried to recall what had happened the night before. It came back to me like
one of those corny films where everything's blurred around the edges and it
flashes from one image to the next really quickly.

I could remember: playing charades, strip poker (which would explain the fact I
was currently devoid of my top), being sat on Frank's lap and...

No, no that was it.

Looking around I spotted my top near the bunks. I frowned, wandering how it got

Still nursing my head, I rolled off the sofa. Slowly, I lifted myself off the
floor. Hobbling over, I grabbed my top off the floor, jamming it on.


I did my normal morning routine - aspirin for whoever needed it, breakfast,
waking them all up.

Sometimes I had my doubts: was I make up artist or chef?

To sum the day up - swapping addresses and numbers. Don't ask me why. I felt
like I was with a bunch of girls for a moment.


"So we'll see you in two weeks," said Ray, hugging me in the parking
lot once we were home.

"If not before," I added, hugging Bob.

"If you're lucky, after," I smiled, pulling away before rounding on

"Take care," He mumbled into my hair. I smiled.

"You too," I'd barely pulled away before Frank had lifted me off the
ground. I giggled uncontrollably. "Okay, okay, I'll miss you too!" I
managed to giggle out. I ruffled his hair as he put me down. Frowning, he tried
to flatten it. "And you," I said, wagging my finger at Gerard.
"No getting drunk," He smiled.

"Oh, I'll try..." I swatted him on the shoulder before hugging him
too. He pulled back and smiled before heading to the rest.

I just stared at their retreating backs, wandering what to do.


After a few minutes, I found myself outside my house. It was a simple place; you
entered into the living room, there was an arch to your left that was the
kitchen and two doors at the other end of the room, one the toilet and the other
my bedroom. That was it.

Small and cosy was how I liked it. Everything was plump and comfy and followed
the same theme, which was the only thing that didn't match. Despite it being
cosy, all the colours were fairly dark.

My friends had painted the walls - I had no artistic talent at all. They were
deep red with the outline of roses painted on it. The carpet was a deep red too
and the furniture was black and red. The kitchen had had the cupboards painted
black and had red tiling floor.

My bedroom was my masterpiece, the only place I'd insisted on doing myself.
After painting the room black, I'd had fun chucking glitter at it while the wall
was wet. The black carpet still had glitter adorning it from the several times I
missed the wall being stood too far away.

The bathroom had never been decorated to any great extent. It was still the
dingy green it had always been.

The first thing I did was drop my bags at the door and head for my bedroom.


I woke late the next morning, and for every day after that. I think I actually
moved myself in there - fridge and all - at one point.

All too soon, my two weeks were up and I was rudely awoken one morning to loud

Mumbling, I rolled over in my bed to look at the clock. I groaned, realising
what day it was, before heaving myself out of bed and slinging a dressing gown
on over my rather small nightgown.

"Yeah, yeah, save 'yer knuckles! I'm coming!" I shouted as more
banging ensued from the front door, followed by a string of curse words as I
stubbed my toe on the sofa.

After a bit of hopping, I opened the front door and frowned up at the figures
stood there.

"I get escorts now?" I asked, turning back into the house, leaving the
door open. I hobbled into the kitchen and grabbed a few slices of bread before
walking back past the front door. "Come in, make yourselves at home,"
I said in passing, waving my hand, as I headed back into my bedroom to get

Five minutes later, I re-appeared. I paused at the sight.

"Well this is more interesting than eye spy..." I said, catching
everyone's attention. Bob was sat as a spectator on the sofa, Gerard had Mikey
by the arms and Frank and Ray seemed to be playing good cop bad cop...

I looked from one to another as Mikey tried to squirm free.

"You know what? I don't wanna know..." I said, walking past them into
the kitchen. The noises I'd heard from the bedroom started again (generally
Mikey screaming for help) while I rummaged through the cupboards.

I stopped when I found that, after finding a drink for myself, I'd then carried
on searching for stuff for the guys. 'It's my house,' I scolded myself. 'Until
I step out of here, I will not mother them. I will not mother them. I will not
mother them...'

"AHHHH!" I jumped and turned on my heel before falling into fits of
laughter. "Don't laugh: HELP ME!" still giggling slightly, I left my
drink and walked into the living room.

"What did you say?" Asked Gerard, now holding Mikey in a headlock.

"I said you are the supreme ruler of the assholes..." Replied Mikey. I
smiled, creeping around the sofa so I was behind Gerard.

Frank and Ray, who had now stepped back, eyed me. I smirked, miming spitting in
my hands and rubbing them together.

I got about three steps before I jumped, landing squarely on Gerard.

"For Mikey!" I squealed, punching the air as Gerard released Mikey and
stumbled forward, me on his back.

"Oh...fuck..." Was all Gerard said between laughs. Finally, he fell

"The beast is defeated!" I shouted, raising my arms in triumph.

"What do you mean the beast?" asked Gerard, words muffled by the
carpet. He lifted his head slightly. "I'm sure you weigh more than
me!" I folded my arms, still sat on his back.

"If you want me to get off you, you'll take that back..."

"I can stay here all day..."

"Me too. Mikey, fetch the drink in the kitchen for me will ya?" I
asked, turning my head. He nodded and got up from the floor where he'd fallen,
heading into the kitchen.

"What're you going to do?" Asked Gerard as Mikey handed me the drink.

"...Uhh...drink the drink...?"


After half an hour, he gave in and took his comment back.

So, about an hour after they arrived, I found myself being run through the plans
for the next tour...

...That started in about a week...

So, all in all, I got a three-week break before I was sleeping on a sofa again.

What fun I had...
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