Categories > Anime/Manga > Witch Hunter Robin

A Moment in Time

by Sunsinger 0 reviews

A slice of life with Micheal and Sakaki

Category: Witch Hunter Robin - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Michael, Sakaki - Published: 2005-07-07 - Updated: 2005-07-08 - 276 words - Complete


Michael sighed, running his long, pale fingers through his cinnamon hair, entwining his fingers behind his head and stretching. His thin faded black shirt rode up his torso, showing off a slightly pale - too pale - concave stomach. His umber-tinted lenses swung up as he held the position before relaxing, flexing his slim fingers and turning back to his computer.

Black boots moved across the gray flagstones silently behind Michael's vision. A rustle of cloth sounded through the empty room as the owner knelt behind him, brushing the cinnamon tail from his neck and pressing a soft kiss against the nape. Michael reached back, resting his hand on the dark sable head. Turning and tugging his lover by the hair, Michael's met the other's, opening to the tastes of sunshine and fog. Sighing, Michael broke the kiss and turned back to the computers, Sakaki wrapping his arms about him.


Amon stared at the screen. Standing up, he turned off the monitor and headed down the stairs. As he walked through the computer room, he noticed that Sakaki was back at his desk. "Sakaki."

"Yes, Amon."

"Zaizen has given Michael the rest of the night off. I suggest you take him out to eat. He must be back by 11:00." Amon moved over to the elevator. Behind him both young men stared in amazement. As the elevator moved down, a small smile twitched at the corner of his mouth.























One more note... In the Episode "Rent" The group gets back together again, including Nagura (Amon's brother), Michael shows up in Harry's. Which is OUTSIDE the STNJ... so sorry but yes he apparently can leave or he found a way.
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