Categories > Original > Poetry

Keep Your Voice Down And Feed Me Lies

by Dysphoria 1 review

"I wish you died instead of him." Sometimes I wish I did too.

Category: Poetry - Rating: R - Genres: Angst - Published: 2006-10-19 - Updated: 2006-10-19 - 198 words

The silence in the room threatens my sanity,
I'm waiting for someone to say anything,
my voice is lost, I'm now silent,
as I try to forget your words,
the ones that caused this silence.

"I wish you died instead of him."
How can one clauses bring so much pain?
How can one sentence nearly drive me insane?
How can seven words be so destructive?
How can a mother say that to her daughter?

I'm sorry he's gone,
I miss him too,
but I can't take his place,
even if I wanted to.

He was your angel, your pride, your son,
all your hope was placed upon him.
Now he's gone, and you only have me,
I guess I can see why you would hate me.

I'm nothing compared to him.
He was so smart, so clever, so bold,
he had everything in the world.
I'm so destructive, so secretive, so crude,
but I'd do anything to please you.

The world is such a cruel place,
to take him from you, and to leave me instead.
"I wish you died instead of him."
Well, I do too.
Maybe, that way, you could finally be proud of me too.
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