Categories > Anime/Manga > Full Metal Alchemist > On the Nature of Being Serious

On the Nature of Being Serious

by fireun 1 review

Maes lounged, half sprawled across the back of the couch in a dreadfully non-regulation example of posture.

Category: Full Metal Alchemist - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Maes Hughes, Roy Mustang - Published: 2006-10-25 - Updated: 2006-10-26 - 610 words - Complete

Disclaimer- not mine. merely borrowing. no profit made

There it was again, the faint sensation of something ghosting across the back of his neck, just light enough to be ticklish. And ticklish he was, which made reading damn near impossible.

"Damn it, Maes!"

If the look on his face was any indication, that was exactly what Maes had in mind. "Yes?" That infernally guileless could one hope to combat that and win? Maes lounged, half sprawled across the back of the couch in a dreadfully non-regulation example of posture. The piece of grass he had been chewing on thoughtfully earlier was now being fidgeted with in a show of boredom, and was most likely the source of the distracting tickling.

"...give me the grass, Maes."

"You sure as hell know how to take the fun outta life, old man."

"And stop calling me that!"

Maes handed over the offending bit of greenery, managing to drape himself halfway across Roy's narrow shoulders in the process, and appeared to forget to haul himself back off. "Stop acting like one."

"The hell?!"

"Your problem, my friend, is that you take everything too seriously." Maes oozed his way off the couch, landing himself more or less in Roy's lap, where he lasted all of thirty seconds before the offended man dumped him to the floor.

"See, like that. Relax. Enjoy life. Well know damn well it is short. Occupational hazards being what they are and all."

Roy stared, amazed. "How can you even joke about that..."

"Simple. The alternative is shit." Maes curled up on the floor, more or less content to rest his chin in his hands. "It is possible, Roy, to be aware of the serious stuff and not dwell on it."

"Don't lecture me. I get enough of that in this damn book. Speaking of which..." Roy decided it was a perfect time to segue back into his studies.

Maes, as usual, had other ideas. He hauled himself silently to his feet, taking advantage of the fact Roy seemed well and determined to ignore him to make his way around to the back of the couch once more.

Roy almost wished he had let Maes keep the piece of grass. In retrospective it had been less distracting...

"Study later. Or will that keep you up past your bed time, old man?"

Roy shivered, the warmth of Maes' breath raising goose bumps along his arms, the feel of Maes' lips along the back of his neck reminding him that there were other things in life than studying.

And that he could let Maes win.

Every now and then.

"Stop calling me that." Roy snarled, turning his head so as to redirect Maes' wandering lips into contact with his own.

"Sure thing."

The flippant tone in Maes' voice irked Roy, coaxing out a frown. "Damn it, can't you be serious, even once?"

Maes bit at Roy's lower lip, just shy of drawing blood. "Sure. I can be serious."

A serious Maes was a dangerous Maes Roy discovered as he was pressed back against the couch, held down by powerful arms. A protest welled up, emerging from ingrained inhibitions against displays of affection, against setting aside work... "Maes..."

"Hell, shut up Roy." Maes growled, pressing his hips against Roy's in an rather sharp motion.

Roy decided that maybe he would let Maes be the serious one for once. Maybe then Maes would stop with the whole 'old man' thing, maybe he would stop with the teasing and the lecturing...and, a little voice in some dusty corner of his mind reminded him rather smugly, it was proving to be interesting thus far...
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