Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Failure Is Not An Option
Fudge's Last Hope
5 reviewsHarry Potter was sent to Azkaban for High Treason and the murder of Cerdic Diggory, now he's out, no as a free man but as a tool for Fudge to stay in office. Strong!Harry Cunning!Harry Insane!Harry...
Failure Is Not An Option
(#) Treck 2006-10-28
Will It's hard to say anything so far. Could you tell us what the ships are going to be if any?Author's response
I've already got 5 chapters at, ships... Well not H/G, H/Hr or Slash, any ideas?
I'll update here tonight.Failure Is Not An Option
(#) Treck 2006-10-28
Well after reading the 5 chapters on I'd have to go with Su Li A Ravenclaw in Harry's year that has not been used so you can make her into anything you want. Her only mention is in HBP & the lexicon. Is Not An Option
(#) jabarber69 2006-10-28
Hell he dont seem insane to me just someone that has finally had his eyes opened. Hell think about it if you was the so called chosen one and innocent to boot and the whole world suddenly turned on you AGAIN but this time they tossed you into HELL! wouldnt you have this same scarcastic I DONT GIVE A FUCK attitude!Author's response
Yeah, he's just a little off, I'll post again tonight.
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