Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Serenade me with a coffee burn...

Chapter 008 - Another bad day to add to my god damn list of bad days.

by imogen993 5 reviews

Oh yes, life isn't great huh?

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2006-10-31 - Updated: 2006-10-31 - 537 words

[Chapter 8] -


Waiting for the day to arrive, we had spent a day shopping, and a few days at each others houses, gossiping about the upcoming event. Elisha was overly excited, and it was really funny seeing her freaking out over the fact she was going to meet Fall Out Boy. I think one time, she actually stated the fact that she was happy that Patrick Stump scarred me for life, and that earned her a large bruise on her arm, and a smart ass remark about 'How did she like it?' That shut her up for a while, but soon she kept going on about how she was nervous to meet Pete. I knew why, because she thought he was 'hot'. I personally don't see why people have to look at them for their looks, i don't know. I appriciate them for their music.*

But anyway, after much argueing, and many different sets of clothes, we had finally arrived at the day. God, it took long enough.
I went through the same procedure as I normally do. I had a shower, Turned my straightners on, picked out my clothes, straightened my hair, put the clothes on, and did my make-up. It went like clock-work; I didn't even have to think about it.
I hadn't seen Dan since the 'incident' and I wasn't planning on telling anyone. The bruises were almost gone, and the part you could still see I had covered up with make-up. So all was good.
Elisha came round to my house at about 11am, and she was squealing with excitement. She was all jumpy, and she was constantly giving my parents evil glares because they wern't ready to drive us yet. I was actually starting to get annoyed myself; it was 12.00am and we hadn't left out yet.
"Mum! Will you please drive us now!" I yelled into the kitchen, where my mum was making a 'packed-lunch' for us. God damnit woman!
"MOTHERRRR!" I screamed again, and her and my dad came waltzing out of the kitchen like nothing was wrong.
"Right. Are we all ready?" My dad asked.
We rolled our eyes, sighed, and nodded. Then Elisha started to jump around again.

In the car, I was having a hard time listening to the radio, condsidering Fall Out Boy was on, and Elisha was screaming the words. I swear, if she embarrases me like this in front of the guys, i'm going to kick her ass.
"ELISHA! SHUT THE HELL UP!" Me, my dad, and my mum all shouted at the same time. I glared at her, my mum brought her hand round to smack her on the knee, and my dad took his eyes off the road to yell. Big mistake.

The next thing I knew, we had gone head first into the side of a van, and mine, Elisha's and my mum's combined screams filled the car. Then I felt a massive pain in my stomach, and then, everything turned black.


Although thinking that Patrick is the cutest thing ever to walk the earth is a different story. Drools*
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