Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Heart of the Warrior Book II

Chapter 03: The Unexpected

by madnesspersonified 0 reviews

Sequel to Book 1, so read that first. Harry's second year at Hogwarts is filled with mysterious attacks, where he is the prime suspect. More complete summary in profile.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Dumbledore,Gilderoy Lockhart,Ginny,Harry,Hermione,Tom Riddle - Warnings: [!!] [V] [?] - Published: 2006-11-03 - Updated: 2008-04-09 - 3517 words

Chapter 03: The Unexpected

The first day of Hogwarts was upon Harry and naturally; he waited until the last possible moment to pack.

"Okay, let's run over the checklist one more time," said Harry, glancing at the clock. He had less than twenty minutes before he had to be on the train. Thankfully, due to the unique time zone warping properties Portus-Amulet, Harry would be dropped in the same time no matter what time zone he departed from and what time zone he arrived in.

"Harry, we've been over this three times already, I'm pretty sure you ain't missing anything," said Raph in an irritated voice.

"Just humor me," said Harry coolly.

"Fine...books with an over hyped author that you are going to prank into the next century just for annoying you," said Raph in a deadpan voice.

"The Lockhart books are here, as are the more important books in my collection, check," confirmed Harry.

"Nimbus 2000 racing broom and priceless family heirloom which allows you the ability of invisibility without the use of ninjitsu," called Leo.

"Check," said Harry.

"Robes both normal and Quidditch," said Don.

"Check," said Harry with a nod.

"Your loveable turtle brothers who want to come with you and see this Hogwarts School you have been raving about," said Mikey in a desperate attempt to fool Harry.

"Ch...nice try Mikey," said Harry shaking his head in amusement. "Do you realize I get in enough trouble without taking you along?"

"We would never get you in trouble, Harry" said Mikey mischievously.

"Yeah, Harry, don't you trust us not to cause any trouble?" asked Raph.

"Not as far as I can throw Hun and considering that behemoth’s size, it probably wouldn’t be that far," said Harry. "Seriously, guys, I would love to give you a tour of Hogwarts but smuggling you in under Dumbledore's nose is a bit out of my league at this point in time. Maybe if I figure out a way, you will be the first to know. Plus don't you think if a bunch of people saw giant turtles roaming the hallway, they would kind of freak out."

"Harry is correct," said Master Splinter who entered the room, leaning on his walking stick. "It is too dangerous and Harry does not have a way to get you four in anyway. Perhaps someday it will be feasible but until that day comes, stop pestering your brother."

"Right, Master Splinter," said Mikey, looking a bit disappointed. "Anyways Harry, have a fantastically radical bodacious year. Try not to run into any Dark Lords bent on killing you, okay."

"I'll try Mikey," said Harry. "You four try to say out of trouble as well."

"I don't think there will be much trouble Harry, with the Shredder gone and the Foot pretty much inactive after his destruction," said Leo.

"Indeed," said Harry, frowning as something about the Foot being inactive was unsettling him for some reason. "So I will be off right now, see you guys for Christmas at the latest."

Without another word, as the Turtles and Splinter waved to him, Harry touched his wand to the Portus-Amulet, causing a familiar jerking sensation, pulling Harry from the lair onto the platform of King's Cross.

Pulling himself up, Harry looked around. He spotted the Weasleys. Mrs. Weasley seemed to be keeping a rather close watch on Ron as they went through the barrier, no doubt due to his words the previously year involving Harry. Harry found who he was looking for and walked over to Ginny, as she was the last one to go through.

"Hello, Ginny," said Harry. "Ready for Hogwarts?"

"Hi, Harry," said Ginny, who seemed to have adjusted slightly to the fact Harry was slightly famous but was still a little quiet. "Yeah, I'm ready, Ron seems to be ranting about how I’m going to be a Gryffindor like every Weasley ever and how I will be safe from that "slimy no good Slytherin git". He has been really annoying, but he seems to go quiet about the subject whenever Mum goes into the room. He insulted you so badly the other day he annoyed be so much I had to hex him. I would even repeat what he said, it was so horrid."

Harry attempted to fight the urge to smile; he wished he could have seen that. Glancing at his watch, they only had about a minute and a half before the train was going to depart.

"C'mon Ginny, we better get on the train, I don't think you want to miss the train on your first year," said Harry.

Ginny nodded and they moved forward, Ginny in front of Harry. Ginny pushed her trolley forward, but she hit the barrier.

"Harry, the barrier sealed itself!" cried Ginny.

"Sealed itself," said Harry, walking over to investigate. He put his hand on the barrier. Sure enough the barrier had become solid.

Harry wondered why the barrier would seal like that. It appeared someone was attempting to keep either him or Ginny from going to Hogwarts. Harry did not worry about that fact right there. It was time and the train had already most likely left.

"Harry, I'm going to miss getting sorted," said Ginny frantically, looking around wildly in horror. "We need to, I'm almost afraid to say this, we need to take the car."

"What car?" asked Harry curiously, wondering what Ginny was talking about.

"Well, Dad enchanted a car to fly, long story there, and we can use it to fly to Hogwarts," said Ginny.

Harry was going it over in his mind. The thought was absurd, but Harry had few other options. Unless, but he hated to reveal the fact he had possession of a very rare magical object, but between revealing his possession of the Portus-Amulet to Ginny and the wrath of his head of house, Professor Snape, for taking a flying car to Hogwarts, he decided it would be in his best interests to use the rare magical object.

"No need to Ginny, I have an idea, just hang onto your things and grab onto my arm," said Harry, pulling out the Portus-Amulet.

Ginny grabbed onto Harry's arm as Harry pulled out his wand and thought about his destination, the train. The Portus-Amulet yanked Harry and Ginny towards the train.

Landing on their feet, they were on the train. Harry was glad it worked, because he did not know exactly where the train was and the Portus-Amulet did not work on unspecific destinations sometimes. Ginny still was hanging onto Harry's arm; even through they had arrived at their destination.

"Ginny, you can let go of my arm now," said Harry quietly.

There appeared to be a bit of a reluctant tone in Harry's voice, which Harry could not figure out where it came from.

Ginny let go of Harry's arm slowly, blushing slightly.

"Sorry," muttered Ginny, her face completely red.

"Okay, my friends should be around here somewhere," said Harry.

"I'll just be going Harry, I don’t want to intrude," said Ginny quietly but Harry shook his head.

"Don't be ridiculous Ginny, you’re one of my friends, so you get to come with me," said Harry smiling.

Ginny looked rather pleased as she followed Harry through the train. Eventually they reached the compartment where Daphne, Theodore, and Hermione were sitting. Hermione was looking rather frantic and while the two Slytherins were doing the best to hide it, they looked a bit unnerved Harry had not shown up as well.

"Harry, there you are, where have you been?" asked Hermione, her eyes going wide. "We looked all over for you, but we could not find you anywhere."

"Relax, Hermione, Ginny and I couldn't get on the platform for some odd reason, it seems to have sealed itself," said Harry.

"That platform would not seal itself, someone had to seal it to keep you from getting to Hogwarts," said Daphne.

"So Harry, got any deadly enemies who might benefit from you not going to Hogwarts?" asked Theodore.

Harry remembered something he nearly forgotten about the house elf, Dobby, giving him some warning about doom. Harry wondered if the elf had somehow tried to prevent him from coming back to Hogwarts.

"Well there was this house elf who attempted to stop me from getting to Hogwarts by sealing me in a pipe, complete with raw sewage and all, really fun time that was" said Harry.

"Did you manage to catch the house elf's name, Harry, because between Theodore and I, we have met most of the pureblood families who have house elves and we know who they are?" suggested Daphne. "So we can figure out who might have sent it."

"Why would someone have sent it?" asked Hermione quizzically.

"House elves only obey their masters, they cannot do anything without their master's permission," said Ginny, talking for the first time since she entered the compartment and looking a bit surprised at her own daring.

Daphne turned to Ginny, with a quizzical look in her eye.

"I don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting," said Daphne slowly. "I’m Daphne Greengrass and my less sophisticate male cohort here is Theodore Nott."

"Never miss a shot, do you Greengrass," said Theodore under his breath.

"I'm Ginny Weasley," said Ginny. "And before you say anything, I’m nothing like my brother Ron. You'd be Slytherins I suspect and he probably gave you a hard time just because you are."

"Understatement of the century, Ginny," said Theodore. "He attempted to paint our good friend Harry as the next Dark Lord."

"So I've heard," said Ginny darkly before turning to Hermione. "Hi, Hermione, pleased to see you again."

The two girls engaged in conversation about classes and this gave Harry a chance to talk to his two fellow Slytherin second years.

"Daphne, Theodore, do nothing to influence her choice on the house," said Harry in an undertone.

"Why Harry don't you want her in Slytherin?" asked Daphne.

"Yes, I do, but that's not the point," hissed Harry under his breath. "It has to be the house she wants to be in. If she wants to be a Gryffindor, that is her own business, not mine."

"So Harry, you never did say what the house elf's name was," said Theodore.

"He said his name was Dobby, but I don't think he was there on the order of his Master," said Harry.

"Dobby, Dobby, I've heard the name for a house elf but I can't quite place it," said Daphne who looked at Theodore who shook his head.

The rest of the train ride was quiet. Harry personally was shocked Ron Weasley did not come barging into the train compartment and accuse Harry of corrupting Ginny or something insane like that.

In no time at all, Harry and his friends arrived at the school. Daphne, Theodore, and Harry took up residence at the Slytherin table while Hermione reluctantly went to the Gryffindor table. Professor McGonagall had insisted Hermione sit with her fellow classmates for at least the first night to maintain house unity.

"Wish the sorting would happen soon, I can't wait to eat the wonderful feast this school provides," said Daphne as Theodore nodded in agreement.

Harry really did not pay too much attention to the sorting; he was too busy watching Ginny. He suspected it was because he was curious on what house she would be in. Harry secretly hoped Slytherin but he hated to see Ron's reaction if this happened.

Ginny nervously walked up to the stool with the sorting hat. She was the last one of her year to be sorted; the moment of truth was at hand. She picked up the sorting hat, sitting on the stool.

"My isn't this interesting," said the sorting hat. "Extremely complex, yet people generalize you due to the rest of your siblings. People believe you want to be a Gryffindor but that is not where your heart truly lies. And oh, my I would be a fool to separate such potential.

"Potential, what are you talking about?" asked Ginny in her mind to the hat quizzically.

"I am afraid I am going to have to let you find that one out on your own, but scanning your mind, there is only one place where I believe you should be put," said the hat

Harry looked at Ginny, wondering why the hat was taking its time. A few seconds after these thoughts, the hat announced its verdict.

"Slytherin," thundered the hat.

Silence. The Great Hall went into pure and utter silence. A Weasley has never been put anywhere but Gryffindor. Ron seemed to be in numb shock at the Gryffindor table and he turned his attention to Harry, giving him an accusing glare. Harry just clapped for Ginny and Daphne and Theodore joined in, with the fifteen percent of the Slytherin house that were not Voldemort fanatics.

Ginny walked up to the table, looking unsure and taking a seat next to Harry.

"Welcome to Slytherin, Ginny," said Harry in a low voice but Ginny looked rather uneasy at the look on Ron's face. "He'll come around, Ginny, I hope."

"I'm not worried about what he'll think of me I'm worried about, it's what he'll say to you is what worries me," said Ginny quietly.

"Ginny, I think I can handle anything your brother says to me," said Harry. “I’m not made of glass you know.”

Dumbledore had his usual speech during the feast but Harry did not pay the old man too much attention as Harry was still enraged about what Dumbledore pulled last year with the fake duplicate of the Philosopher's Stone. When Dumbledore announced Lockhart would be taking over as Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher, Daphne and Theodore just shook their heads in disgust. Harry had a strange feeling Lockhart would not be too popular in the Slytherin House.

It was time for bed and Harry followed Ginny but a hand clasped Harry's shoulder roughly. Harry whipped out his wand and turned around, seeing an enraged Ron Weasley looking at Harry.

"What did you do to her, Potter?" demanded Ron as he rounded on Harry, his face red with anger. "You obviously had to do some sort of dark magic to corrupt her because there is no way my sister or any other Weasley would be in stinking Slytherin."

"Ron, I.." started Ginny angrily but Ron did not pay her any mind as he stared at Harry as if he just realized something.

"I know what you did, Potter, you used the Imperius Curse on her, didn't you," accused Ron. "I can't prove it right now but I know you did. You'll be thrown into Azkaban for this, with all the other dark wizards. You are no better than You-Know-Who."

Harry attempted to remain calm; he did not want to instigate anything with Ron, even if it was just for Ginny's sake. He also wondered what this Imperius Curse Ron was talking about was. He needed to look it up later to find what he was being accused of.

Ginny opened her mouth but Ron cut her off.

"Ginny, stay out of this, you are not in your right mind," said Ron. "You couldn’t possibly like this Slytherin on your own power."

Harry looked at Ron, with his hand on his wand.

"What's the matter, Potter, afraid to curse me," said Ron. "Go ahead, use dark magic on me like you did Ginny. You might as well have a moving target if you plan to take You-Know-Who's place. You..."

"Silencio," muttered Harry, striking Ron silent with the silencing spell, a handy spell he remembered doing some light reading on. It had been Harry's first practice with the spell and he was shocked he could actually pull it off, as it was said to be a fifth year level spell.

"Mr. Potter, what do you think you are doing?" demanded Professor McGonagall who had an uncanny tendency to spot trouble quicker than any teacher in the school. "Hexing students, that will be five points from Slytherin and a detention."

"Minerva, if I may make a suggestion on Mr. Potter's detention," said Lockhart who had came over just now.

"What suggestion what that be, Gilderoy?" asked McGonagall.

"I have acquired an extraordinary amount of fan mail recently, I need a hand in answering it," said Lockhart with a smile on his face which Harry felt he needed to wipe off. "I feel Mr. Potter would be up to the task. Let's say, this Saturday."

"You heard him, Potter," said McGonagall.

Harry felt like spending a few hours with Lockhart would be the worst possible punishment he could deal with.

"Can Filch just hang me from the dungeon ceilings by my thumbs instead?" begged Harry.

Filch, who had just walked over to investigate the disturbance along with Mrs. Norris, had a creepy smile spread across his face.

"An excellent suggestion Potter," said Filch looking excited at the thought of it in a rather creepy matter. "May I please, Professor?"

"Absolutely not, Argus," said McGonagall, her mouth thinned and her eyes narrowed. "Potter is to serve his detention helping Professor Lockhart answer his fan mail."

McGonagall muttered something, unfortunately canceling the silencing charm on Ron.

"As for you Weasley," said McGonagall turning her attention to Ron. "Don't think you are getting off on this matter either. I heard what you said and there were some serious accusations you leveled there. Ten points from Gryffindor and a detention with Mr. Filch, polishing the silver in the Trophy room this Saturday. Also, I will be writing to your mother, having a chat about your behavior. Now I suggest you all get to bed before any more trouble could be caused."

All parties went off to bed, although Ron gave Harry one final dirty look. Ginny looked bothered about the fight between her brother and her friend. Harry felt this was going to be a long year, as this was sure to cause a slight rift between Ron and Ginny in the long run. Harry hoped it would be mended for the sake of everyone.

In her dorm room, turmoil ran through Ginny's mind. She wanted to go off on Ron for the things she said about Harry but she felt saying what she wanted to say to Harry would extremely awkward. She did not know Harry's other two Slytherin friends well enough to trust them with her feelings. Hermione was in another house all together as were her other brothers. To top it all off, her dorm mates seemed cold and rather neutral towards her, as if they were unsure about how to approach her. They didn't hate her or anything, but from what little contact she had with them, they barely talked to her.

Going through her books absentmindedly, she found something in her Transfiguration book. Curiosity overwhelming her, she pulled it out. It appeared to be a diary of some sort with the name T.M Riddle on it. Looking at it, Ginny felt some compelled to write in it for some strange reason. Maybe it could be the perfect thing to get all her feelings down on paper so she did not hold them in.

Dipping a quill in a jar of ink, Ginny began to write but the ink sucked through the pages.

Hello, I see you stumbled upon my diary. May I ask what is your name?

Ginny dipped the quill into the ink and began to write.

My name is Ginny Weasley.

The ink sucked through the pages before responding.

Hello, Ginny. My name is Tom Riddle. I was once a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Do you go there by any chance?

Ginny wrote her response and after a moment, Tom replied back.

Nice to see another Hogwarts student, I have not talked to anyone since I have been created fifty years ago. It has been so long and I have been so lonely. Why don't we be friends?

Normally Ginny would not trust something that seemed to have a mind of It’s own but an overwhelming spontaneously came over her that she could trust this diary.

Hours later, the spirit of Tom Riddle inside the diary was pleased. The mental connection was established between himself and the girl. In a few weeks, it would be fully formed and then he could use the girl to continue his noble work. The complex dark magic he put on the diary would make sure the girl did not suspect a thing until it was too late and then, she would be unable to tell anyone anything about Tom, as the connection would be so strong Tom would be able to stop her from bringing to the attention the diary's true nature. Tom also hoped to find out what his future self was up to. The plan after his work was completed was to merge with his future self and have twice the power he normally would have, thus making himself utterly invincible.
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