Categories > Games > Harvest Moon > The Perish Flower

The Aspect of Love

by JustWrite 1 review

Elli contemplates her love life.

Category: Harvest Moon - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-11-03 - Updated: 2006-11-03 - 950 words

Chapter 2: The Aspect of Love

A little girl is missing. Every villager is out searching for her, except for me. I'm watching the other children, who are silent with worry for their friend.

They say she may be the victim of the flower. I think otherwise; it's wrong for an innocent child to die so young. Though I'm beginning to wonder myself if the legend is true.

My brother will not stop crying. I have tried to calm him with stories, jokes, games; but nothing will help.

I hope they find May soon.


Sure, I could understand physics. I knew the ins and outs of medicine and healing; even mathematics came easy to me. But the one thing I couldn't understand was love- and why it wanted nothing to do with me.

Of course I had no time for a relationship at the time being, but it seemed that even when I did have the time I was still alone. I'll admit that I had always been fond of Doc, but I knew my feelings would never be returned. It was like a school girl's crush on her teacher.

Things became even more complicated when Jack had come. He took over his grandfather's farm after he had died, and I instantly took a liking to him. There was just something about the smile reflected in his eyes that proved to me he was an amiable person. And he was. For the first two seasons of his stay, he would bring me freshly picked flowers every morning. He would even search for me on the days the clinic was closed. Pretty soon I was head over heels for him; I was sure that he was the one I would spend the rest of my life with.

But apparently, I was wrong. One day I was shopping when I overheard a conversation between Karen and her father. She was asking his permission to marry.

"It was given to me yesterday," she had said, "the blue feather." I was happy for Karen, and I loved weddings. Until she mentioned who it was that had given it to her. "I love Jack, Dad," she continued. "And he loves me."

And that was the end of that. Of course I had spent hours crying myself to sleep, because I was positive that he had loved /me/, and only me. I began to wonder if it were my fault, if I had missed my chance by not telling him how I felt. After a while, however, I began to forget about my feelings for him and was glad that he was happy.

But I still couldn't say I was. Not in that area of my life anyway. To guys I was an intellectual, and a tad antisocial. I doubted I was as smart as Mary, but she was still shy and cute and had a guy who was the same. The bubbly, flirty Popuri had also settled down with her husband Kai. Ann was engaged to the wise and down-to-earth Cliff. And now Karen was to be married to Jack. As for me, there seemed no hope. I was destined to babysit children and heal others for the remainder of my life.

I tried not to think about it. I would go on helping the doctor and the villagers as long as I could, and when my grandma died I would raise Stu until he was old enough to take care of himself. It seemed my life would forever be dull, but then, who knew what was around the corner?


The day was going slowly at the clinic. A couple people had popped in and out to purchase some Bodijizer, which didn't really require much of my help. I sat at the reception desk skimming through a book and occasionally stealing glances at the doctor sitting across the room. He was writing reports, the content of which was beyond me, and quietly humming to himself.

Perhaps he's not that /much older/, I thought to myself. Four years had seemed a lot when I was younger, but now, as I thought about it, it didn't seem much difference. The difference was in maturity and intellect. Sure, I was mature too, but I had a childlike energy that dominated my personality the majority of the time. I wasn't all that naive, for I often helped in delivering babies, but I found my jokes and small pranks didn't go over too well with Doc.

Plus, his wide extent of knowledge dumbfounded me. He was a doctor afterall, and I was a doctor's /assistant/. He had left Mineral Town a few years back to study at a private medical college. I was surprised he had returned to the little town, but of course I was glad that he had.

"Hey Elli," he said, shaking me from my daydreams, "could you come here for a sec?" I got up and traveled over to where he had been working. "Sit there," he told me, pointing to the bed upon which patients were observed. As he stood up from his papers I couldn't help but notice the smile playing at the corner of his lips.

"What is it, Doc?" I asked curiously.

"Well," he said, genuinely smiling now, "sometimes the nurse needs a checkup too." At this I grinned and blushed like a schoolgirl. The fact that he had called me his "nurse" caused my stomach to flutter and my mind to reel with thoughts. Did he consider me mature after all? Or did he have a hint of immaturity that he had just never shown before?

I couldn't help but smile as he told me to open my mouth and say "Ahh".
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