Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Heart of the Warrior Book II

Chapter 07: The Idiocy of Gilderoy Lockhart

by madnesspersonified 0 reviews

Sequel to Book 1, so read that first. Harry's second year at Hogwarts is filled with mysterious attacks, where he is the prime suspect. More complete summary in profile.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Dumbledore,Gilderoy Lockhart,Ginny,Harry,Hermione,Tom Riddle - Warnings: [!!] [V] [?] - Published: 2006-11-04 - Updated: 2008-04-09 - 3234 words

Chapter 07: The Idiocy of Gilderoy Lockhart:

"So let me see if this is right, your mind went blank for a few seconds just before the cat was attacked," said Master Splinter from the other side of Harry's two-way mirror.

"Yes, Master Splinter, and then I was hearing a voice that no one else could seem to hear," said Harry, frowning as he attempted to explain.

"Extremely puzzling and even more so troubling. Whatever is the source behind this voice seems to the one whom petrified that cat," said Splinter. "I would advise to remain on your guard Harry, but try not to let as many people know about your ability to hear this troubling voice."

"There are a fair few who already think I am behind these attacks," said Harry darkly, thinking of Ron Weasley and his constant dark mutterings around Harry. "Maybe it was me, after all there is this blank spot in my mind in between leaving the party and then when the voice stopped that I can't quite piece together."

"I doubt an attack of this magnitude could occur in only a couple of minutes," said Splinter. "I feel it was not you although there is something unsettling about these attacks. I can't quite sense what yet but an outside source could very well be the culprit. Still, do not trouble yourself, I am sure the attacker may get careless sooner rather than later."

"I hope you are right, Master Splinter," said Harry. The diary of Salazar Slytherin was lying on a table in front of Harry; he still needed to look up what exactly the Chamber of Secrets was.

"I need to meditate upon this matter further, so I must be going, good-bye Harry," said Splinter.

"Goodbye, Master Splinter," said Harry before putting the mirror away.

Harry looked through the diary, in an attempt to find an entry pertaining to the Chamber of Secrets. After about twenty minutes of intense searching, Harry hit the jackpot. The last entry in the diary contained exactly what Harry was looking for.

Entry Number 805

The final security measure I keyed to the school is in place. I told Godric about my uneasiness about letting muggleborns into the school. Granted, I really have nothing against them personally, the fact they may bring attention to our existence from the wrong people troubles me greatly. If a prejudice person gets their hands on this information, we could very well be wiped out, magic or not. The Muggles if they put their mind to it as they out number us could cause serious damage. I fear for the sake of my children, my two twin daughters, even though one is a disappointment by running off with that common Gaunt fellow and the other is a squib, who has decided to live among Muggles due to the shame of her lack of magical power. Even if I have lost touch with them, I fear they may be used to get to me, so I must be leaving. Before I go I have bred a beast to protect the school. I do this with great reluctance as only a Parselmouth can control it but some day it may be used to defend the school from invasion. I just pray the abilities of this serpent do not fall into the wrong hands. As I leave this for my true successor, as he or she should find this about a thousand years later, if this beast should ever get released for all the wrong reasons, it will be your sworn duty to stop it. Its always caused previous unrest between us ever since the moment I began to breed it all those years ago. Due to the unique properties of the school, the location may have moved slightly so I cannot name it. As I depart for the land known as Japan, I must say good fortune to the one who may have to go up against the beast. It is perhaps the nastiest of them all.

Harry looked at the diary entry, rereading it a couple of times. So the beast, which Slytherin forgot to name, was a serpent of some sort and was designed to protect the school according to his diary. The creation of the beast designed to protect was among Slytherin's final acts before he fled from Hogwarts and now the beast apparently was being used as some kind of method of attack for this mysterious person. Harry hoped he could find who was behind this, before someone actually died.

"Quidditch today," said Harry, looking a bit tired. Flint had them practicing late into the night.

"Should be interesting but then again, Gryffindor against Slytherin has always been the most entertaining game of the year," said Daphne. "As long as Harry does not nearly get himself killed."

"I doubt even Harry can even be that unlucky," said Theodore.

Ginny nodded, looking a bit tired and she still did not look too good, as it was about a couple of weeks after that Halloween Night. Ron was still not talking to Ginny due to her friendship with Harry and from what Harry could see, this still seemed to have a negative effect on Ginny. Harry did not like to meddle in the disagreements of others but he might need to have a chat with Ron about his little attitude problem. That is if he could say more than two words to him without being called an evil dark wizard.

"Still, Harry, try not and get yourself hurt," said Hermione before adding with a sigh. "Again."

Harry just nodded, getting up to his feet, preparing for action.

"Good luck, Harry," said Ginny weakly.

The Slytherin Quidditch Team sat around mentally preparing for the game in the locker room as Flint was about ready to give one of his award winning, classic pep talks. Flint marched up to the team, scowling before looking at them.

"Losing is unacceptable," said Flint shortly in a cold tone of voice.

The Slytherin Team went out to the field, preparing for action. Harry was hoping for a quick capture of the Snitch, as Flint's spies informed the team captain that the Gryffindor Team was training harder than ever. The two teams went into the air and the game started with fast and furious action, becoming tied up twenty-twenty. This was the least of Harry's concerns as no matter where the beaters on either team hit the Bludger; the Bludger sailed back and attempted to go after Harry.

Harry wondered what was going on, as if he did not know any better, the blasted Bludger had been tampered with. One of the Slytherin Beaters, Bole, attempted to whacker the Bludger away from Harry but the Bludger whizzed back, narrowly missing Harry's head.

"This bloody thing has gone bezerk," growled Bole, as Harry had to duck and dodge, before deciding to outrun the blasted thing, which kept up his tale.

Harry could see Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle laughing and pointing at him. Harry glared at Malfoy before shooting up, seeing Ginny looking like a nervous wreck in the stands, biting her lip and Hermione having her head in her hands with Daphne and Theodore gaping at the Bludger, seemingly wondering what in the world was going on. Flint had managed to take the Quaffle in the confusion and score five goals in a row without anyone noticing as the other players were too busy watching Harry attempting to dodge the crazed Bludger.

"Gotcha," said Fred Weasley, attempting to bat the bludger away. It worked for about a split second before zooming back and going after Harry.

A sickening crack is heard as the bludger smashed into Harry's arm but as Harry cradled his broken arm, he could see the Gryffindor Seeker going after the Snitch. Harry shot up, busted up arm and all. The Gryffindor Seeker, on his Cleensweep, looked numbly as Harry managed to shoot up over him and dive down, grabbing the Snitch gaining the victory for Slytherin, but the bludger was still on Harry's tail, cracking his arm not being enough for the rotten rogue. The bludger hit the back end of Harry's broom, causing the Slytherin Seeker to spiral out of control, before crash landing in the mud.

"We've won," said Harry weakly, his arm killing him but the victory at hand.

Harry could spot the Weasley Twins attempting to wrestle with the Bludger, which was putting up a heck of a battle. Daphne, Theodore, Hermione, and Ginny rushed over, looking worried.

"Your perfect game streak is still intact Harry," said Daphne. "That is your perfect streak of having some kind of mayhem attracting you."

"Harry, are you alright?" asked Ginny, concern showing through her tired and sick looking features.

"Just a broken arm," said Harry before wincing as he heard a clicking noise. Colin Creevey and his infernal camera seemed to be making there way over. "I don't want a picture of this, can't you see my arm is broken and I am covered in mud."

"Harry, just be still, so I can get a picture..." said Colin.

"Back off, didn't you here what he said!" snapped Ginny irritably causing Colin to back off, with a wide-eyed look in his eyes.

Harry groaned as he saw Lockhart walking over, wand raised. Harry prayed Lockhart was not going to try to do what he thought he was going to do.

"Harry, do lay still so I can fix that arm," said Lockhart, beaming.

"Get away from me," hissed Harry. He did not want Lockhart to attempt to heal him; the idiot had not even convinced Harry he could hold a wand properly.

"Don't quite know what you are saying, must have hit hard on the way down," said Lockhart.

"Now, wait, Professor, Harry should really get up to the hospital wing where a trained professional who knows what they are doing could have a look at him," said Daphne.

"Miss Greengrass, I know what I am doing," said Lockhart as he raised his wand and Harry could not stop him. A small tingling sensation was felt in Harry's arm before nothing and he could see Ginny's eyes went wide in anger before pulling out her wand.

"What the hell did you just do!" screamed Ginny, looking at Harry's arm and then at Lockhart.

"Language Miss Weasley," said Lockhart. "That could happen unfortunately sometimes. Now why don't you four get Harry up to the hospital wing so Madam Pomfrey can er tidy him up slightly."

Ginny pulled out her wand, her brown eyes glaring in anger but Hermione gave her a warning glance.

"Can someone please tell me what Lockhart did to my arm?" said Harry. "I can't really tell due to my positioning."

Hermione and Ginny helped Harry to his feet but Ginny was giving a retreating Lockhart a deadly glare.

"That moron removed your bones," said Theodore angrily. "Dumbledore had to be on some mind altering substances when he hired that buffoon."

Daphne nodded in agreement as the four Slytherins and Hermione made their way up to the Hospital Wing. Harry's arm felt limp and like a rubber glove. Harry hoped Peeves had something special cooked up for Lockhart soon, because he wanted to see the idiot suffer.

Madam Pomfrey looked at Harry's arm, looking ticked off at Lockhart's preemptive healing efforts.

"I have no idea what that teacher was thinking, but he should have allowed you to come to me straight away," said Madam Pomfrey. "I can mend bones in an instant, but growing them back is a whole other matter all together."

"You will be able to, won't you," said Harry grimly.

"Certainly, but it will be a very long, painful process," said Pomfrey. "You will have to spend the night, naturally."

A few moments later, Harry was dressed in pajamas and Madam Pomfrey was pouring a potion from a bottle labeled "Skele-Grow" from a bottle into a cup. She handed the cup with the potion to Harry.

"You need to drink all of this, Potter," said Pomfrey.

Harry drank the potion and his mouth felt like it was on fire afterwards. He needed to gulp down some water to get the burning sensation out of his mouth. Harry laid back as his friends surrounded the bed, talking in low voices.

"So, Hermione, tell me, exactly how can you defend Lockhart now," said Theodore.

"I am sure it is a mistake anyone can make," said Hermione reasonably.

"No, Hermione, a mistake is misspelling a word on a homework assignment," said Harry in a dark tone of voice. "This is a gross miscalculation done by incompetent moron."

Hermione looked rather put out of Harry's grim attitude on the situation.

"Still, Harry, what exactly did you find out about the Chamber of Secrets, if anything," said Daphne changing the subject.

"Only it was designed a security measure designed by Slytherin to protect the school," said Harry in a low voice. "Slytherin feared something like this may have happened, the control of the Chamber falling into the wrong hands."

Ginny looked at Harry, looking rather terrified.

"Don't worry Ginny, I am sure the culprit will be captured sooner or later," said Harry reassuringly.

Ginny opened her mouth, about ready to tell Harry about the blank spots in her memory around the time of the attacks but a hissing low voice in her head once again told her this might not be the most plausible course of action. Ginny attempted to struggle with the will power of the voice in her head but it only last a few seconds before the voice won.

"I suppose you're right, Harry," said Ginny numbly.

"Yeah, I bet if any more attacks happen, the Chamber would be made out to be something more sinister, due to the fact the Ministry seems to be rather keen to drag anything regarding Slytherin through the mud. Honestly, this kind of attitude is what lead to most of the people from Slytherin is what lead to most of the people joining You-Know-Who in the first place during the first war, as it gave some of them a sense of belonging," said Daphne, shaking her head in disgust.

Pomfrey came out at that moment, shooing the four away, muttering about how Harry needed to regrow his bones and thus needed to rest. Harry gave a sigh, before laying back and shutting his eyes.

Hours later, Harry felt the pain of splitters growing in his arm but that was not what woke him up. He saw the house elf, Dobby about two inches away from his face, peering at him.

"Harry Potter came back to Hogwarts," whispered Dobby in a low tone of voice. "Dobby warned him not to but Harry Potter is not listening. Dobby wonders why Harry Potter did not heed Dobby's warning and stay home where he was safe."

"Dobby, what exactly am I not safe, what do you know?" demanded Harry, looking at Dobby with a piercing glare that made the house elf wince slightly

"Dobby's master forbids Dobby from saying," said Dobby. "Dobby hoped that his bludger would send Harry Potter home, send him back to where he was safe before it was too late."

"You made that bludger," hissed Harry. "What else did you do to try and stop me from coming to Hogwarts?"

"Dobby sealed the barrier, to prevent Harry Potter from getting through," said Dobby before sitting down and rocking back and forth. "But Harry Potter found another way in."

"Dobby, why are you doing this, if I leave now, others will be put in danger," said Harry before realizing something. "This is about the Chamber of Secrets, isn't it?"

Dobby nodded in affirmative.

"I will stay, as it may come down to me to put that beast back into the Chamber," said Harry. "If I don't, it may threaten all my friends, putting them in danger, and I can't have that."

"Harry Potter is so brave, so noble, so valiant, but he seems not to grasp his importance," said Dobby. "Before the defeat of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, house elves were treated as the lowest forms of life, like common vermin, sir. Of course, Dobby is still treated like vermin but that is besides the point, sir."

Dobby's eyes went wide before muttering, "Bad Dobby, Very Bad Dobby."

"Dobby, please understand, I can’t go, no matter what," said Harry. "I must stay for certain reasons dictated by honor."

"Dobby will respect Harry Potter's code of honor, even if Dobby feels it may be best for Harry Potter to depart," said Dobby before his eyes went wide as he heard footsteps. "Dobby must go now."

The house elf vanished with a pop and not a second too soon as Professor McGonagall appeared to be carrying a motionless body with a face covered in stone. Dumbledore followed shortly. Harry pretended to be asleep but focused on what the two Professors were saying. Madam Pomfrey joined the two after about twenty seconds.

"We think he may have been going to visit Potter," said McGonagall in a low tone of voice to Madam Pomfrey. "I fear whatever got Mr. Filch's cat may have petrified Mr. Creevey. I shudder to think what may have happened if Albus had not been out for hot chocolate."

Harry privately felt it was pretty suspicious that Dumbledore just happened to be close to the scene of the crime when it happened. While Harry felt the chances of Dumbledore being behind the attacks were low, the old man seemed to know a bit more than he was letting on.

"Good heavens, another petrified," gasped Madam Pomfrey. "The mandrakes are coming along well, I hope."

"Yes, Professor Sprout said they should be ready in about four or five months," said McGonagall. "Professor Snape has consented to brew the restorative potion, I just pray there are not any more attacks."

Dumbledore bent down, pulling a camera off of Colin.

"I wonder if perhaps Mr. Creevey managed to get a photo of his attacker," said Dumbledore before pulling the back of the camera open. Harry was greeted with the most disgusting smell ever, as the camera had been destroyed.

"Good heavens, melted," said McGonagall. "But, Albus, what does this mean."

"It means the Chamber of Secrets has indeed been opened again," said Dumbledore. "Innocents may perish before the beast is brought to justice."

"But who..." started McGonagall.

"The question is not but who, the question is but how," said Dumbledore although he turned from McGonagall, hiding the twinkle in his eye slightly. Dumbledore hoped his plans would work and he could care less who suffered as a result of the attacks.

Harry closed his eyes halfway and could see Dumbledore was not being truthful. He knew something and Harry hoped he could find it out, before he was too late. He hated disobeying Master Splinter by dwelling on the subject but if this attacker kept it up, there was no telling who in the school could run afoul of this attacker.

Harry managed to drift off to sleep a couple hours later. The culprit had struck twice and Harry felt there could be no way he could be blamed for this one as he was in the Hospital Wing when it occurred. Of course, there were some who were not interested in facts and only in drawing their own conclusions.
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