Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Heart of the Warrior Book II

Chapter 13: The Battle of the Chamber Part One

by madnesspersonified 0 reviews

Sequel to Book 1, so read that first. Harry's second year at Hogwarts is filled with mysterious attacks, where he is the prime suspect. More complete summary in profile.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Dumbledore,Gilderoy Lockhart,Ginny,Harry,Hermione,Tom Riddle - Warnings: [!!] [V] [?] - Published: 2006-11-04 - Updated: 2008-04-09 - 3670 words

Chapter Thirteen: The Battle of the Chamber Part One:

Ginny Weasley awakened, feeling a bit groggy as she did so. She looked around and she seemed to be in some kind of dark, dank chamber. Animal bones seemed to be surrounding her at every area. The last thing she remembered is she had a strong impulse to write in her diary but the moment she touched the quill to the paper, her mind went blank and now she had woken up here.

"Where am I?" muttered Ginny, who was in a daze.

"Well, my dear, you are in the Chamber of Secrets," answered a high cold voice.

Ginny looked around, seeing a sixteen-year looking boy with long black hair, wearing Slytherin House robes. He seemed to be very faint but why was she getting weaker as his outline seemed to become defined.

"Who are you?" asked Ginny. "Why did you bring me, of all people down to the Chamber of Secrets?"

"Why, Ginny, I'm hurt!" said the spirit in a sarcastic tone of voice. "You wrote to me in the diary for months on end, surely you would recognize your old friend, Tom."

Ginny looked at Tom but she could not get up, she was too weak too move.

"You know, I must thank you, you now have allowed me to escape that diary," said Tom. "It is dreadfully boring with nothing but ink and parchment to amuse myself. Oh and all the complex dark magic I encoded into the diary to make a naive fool such as yourself trust me."

Ginny looked horrified at the implications at what she was hearing.

"Why me Tom?" asked Ginny in a faint whisper, tears flowing down her face as she could not find the strength to move on the ground.

"Why, well no real reason really," said Tom in a bored tone of voice. "You just happened to get your hands on my diary first. In approximately three hours, your life will be at an end, I must say it has not been a pleasure knowing you at all."

Ginny sobbed, she had been used by this; she could not even find a word to describe what Tom was. She hoped Harry could find this place in time, before Tom escaped completely from the diary. Harry was the only one Ginny trusted to stop this evil.

"Of course, my business is not done, Ginny," said Tom. "I still have one bit of business to accomplish before I plan to take over the Wizarding World. Quite a noble ambition, don't you think? I would settle nothing less from a powerful wizard like me."

"Harry can stop you," whispered Ginny, at a loss of anything less to say. "He stopped You-Know-Who before, when he was only a year old, you don't think you could even be as bad as he, especially if you are a mere memory trapped in a diary."

"Ginny, Ginny, actually I am hoping Harry Potter would show up," said Tom coolly. "I have been wanting to destroy him for some time. It is a shame I could not petrify or even kill him with my pet but taking you will lure him straight into a trap where I can finish him once and for all. He will bow down to my greatness; my power will be his downfall. Of course, before you drift into unconsciousness and then into death, I have one final secret to share with you. One final thing to pour into your soul as you depart from the physical world."

Even through no one else was in the Chamber of Secrets, Tom bent down so only he and Ginny could hear what exactly he was saying.

"I am Lord Voldemort," whispered Tom in a cold voice. "Three hours before it is too late to save you from expiring my precious puppet."

Tom Riddle's memory reared his head back, giving a cold high-pitched laugh as Ginny sank into unconsciousness. Tom admired his foresight at possessing Ginny more often as she put up a bit less of a struggle than she normally would have had the possessions been few and far between. The transfer had begun, in three hours, Tom would become full again and as he looked at the Portus-Amulet clutched in the girl's hand, he would be able to use his Basilisk to petrify entire Wizarding villages as opposed to a mere school.

The Dark Lord believed it would turn out to be a great day to be a dark wizard bent on total control of the Wizarding world. He gave another evil laugh in celebration of this fact.

Of course, if Tom had a little more foresight fifty years ago, he would have foreseen a tiny little problem. He put too much defenses and power into the diary and now as he was coming out of the diary, the thought patterns of his consciousness was becoming more and more warped, and thus, the diary was becoming unstable. Negative magical energy had built up within the diary and if Tom completely escaped from his hold in the diary, the backlash of such a shakeup could level Hogwarts into ashes. Naturally, the only concern Riddle had was complete power, so he left little details such as pouring too much magic into too little of an object out of his master plan.

Elsewhere in the school, Harry, Daphne, and Theodore were walking through the halls, discussing what Harry found at last night.

"That monster must be pretty bad if a giant six foot tall spider is terrified of it," said Theodore in awe as Daphne nodded her head in agreement.

"Still, we have no clue of what it is and you are still planning to go into the Chamber of Secrets, tonight?" asked Daphne to Harry.

Harry looked thoughtful. He attempted strain to think what it was. Petrified, roosters getting killed, a serpent of some sort, and spiders fleeing from it. Harry attempted to piece all together and his eyes went wide. He had finally figured it out.

"That's it, that's it," said Harry in triumph. "I know what the monster in the Chamber of Secrets is."

Daphne and Theodore exchanged looks, wondering exactly what their friend had finally figured out.

"What is it Harry, please do tell us?" asked Daphne.

"Yes, do enlighten us less educated people," said Theodore, although Harry could a curious tone in his voice.

"The thing in the Chamber of a Basilisk," said Harry in a dark tone of voice. "The petrified state of the people is concrete evidence of that fact, although it was extremely lucky that none of the victims died as the Basilisk's gaze is supposed to kill. This fact spells out one thing, the attacks were made in a way that none of the victims would be killed, until it moved onto its true objective. And furthermore, the blasted thing has been moving around in the walls, in the plumbing. Think about it, that's the only way I can hear its voice. I’m a Parseltongue after all. Think about it, it all fits"

"That does make sense," said Daphne in awe at her friend's ability to research.

"Still, you did mention a final objection, care to share any light on that theory, Harry," said Theodore.

"The attacker wants to be outside the confines of the diary, so they can be more mobile," said Harry. "After all, it must be taxing to keep possessing someone, although the duration time had to be cut in half with possession of the Portus-Amulet."

"So, is the plan still the same, Harry," said Daphne. "Going down into the Chamber and attempting to take this monster out."

"The plan is still the same," said Harry. "I will need something from my trunk as it is a Basilisk. I already got weapons concealed underneath by robes, so that end should be done but this item will prevent my from being petrified or killed by the Basilisk's gaze."

The three Slytherins walked but stopped just outsides Myrtles bathroom. Daphne gasped, she saw a message scrubbed on the wall first.

"No, not now, not another one," said Daphne in horror before reading. "Harry, I don't think you should read this."

Theodore walked up, looking slightly confused.

"How bad can a message be?" asked Theodore before seeing it. "Yep, I would have to agree with you. Maybe you really should not even read this Harry."

Harry held up his hand and walked up to the message scrubbed on the wall. He looked at it and what he read chilled him to the bone.

I have taken the one known as Ginny Weasley into the Chamber of Secrets; her skeleton will remain their forever. She will be the first victim of my grand dark uprising. None will be able to stop me, as by the time you read this message she will most likely be deceased. The next part of this message goes out to the one known as Harry Potter. I must admit the fools thinking you could possibly be the Heir of Slytherin was laughable at best but you seem to be a thorn in my side and I suspect you may figured out where the Chamber is located. While it is too late to save the girl at this time, I am challenging you Harry Potter to come to the Chamber of Secrets to face me in a duel to the death. I look forward to laughing at your fallen body, as I crush it beneath my foot. Have a nice day.

Sincerely, the Heir of Slytherin.

Harry looked at the message, his blood boiling at what he read. Ginny was in the Chamber, the Heir of Slytherin had captured her. Harry clenched his fists in anger, seeing them go completely white. One thought clouded Harry's mind, and that thought was pure revenge and vengeance against the one who did this to Ginny. The time for action was right now; the slightest chance of Ginny being alive drove Harry into sudden action. Time was off the essence, and if by some slim chance his friend were alive, Harry would save her or die in his attempt.

Harry turned and stormed off, towards the Slytherin Dormitories at a brisk sprint. He needed to get the item he needed from his trunk and then it was off into the Chamber he went.

Nearly thirty minutes later, Harry arrived at Moaning Myrtles bathroom, face set at what he had to do, with a white headband wrapped around his head. He walked up to the sink; this had to be the entrance. He looked at the snake carved into the side of the tap. Now, he needed to figure out how to open it.

"You know, maybe you should try hissing at it, that's what the red headed girl who came in here, did," suggested a voice.

Harry spun around, weapon in hand. It was only Moaning Myrtle. He was starting to get extremely jumpy.

"You knew someone was coming in here, Myrtle," said Harry in a cool voice, attempting to keep the anger he had been building from erupting at the ghost. He needed to save his anger for the ones who deserved it, like the Heir of Slytherin.

"Of course, she was in here loads of times but I hid in my toilet, she had really scary red eyes," said Myrtle, shuddering at the very thought.

Harry walked over, looking at snake carved into the side of the sink. He needed to will his mind into believing it was a real snake.

"Open," hissed Harry in Parseltongue.

The wall sprung up, revealing a long way down. Pulling out a grappling hook, Harry tossed it down. He heard the hook edge latch onto something below and he tied the other end around a sink. Harry pulled out a staff and used it to slide down.

Meanwhile, someone was following Harry into the bathroom. Gilderoy Lockhart had been very curious in where Harry Potter was going after he overheard it was a Basilisk during a conversation between Potter's friends Greengrass and Nott. Lockhart grinned, if the boy succeeded in slaying the beast, he would wipe his memories and have the material to make another book to enhance his fame and glory. All Gilderoy had to be was be patient.

Harry hit bottom, looking around at the surroundings of the Chamber of the Secrets. He wordlessly lit his wand, to help give him an idea about what he was up again. The Chamber was littered with bones; he just prayed none of them were Ginny's. Harry shuddered at the very thought, the anger building up in him once again. He moved forward, ready to shield his eyes at a second's notice and also keeping his hand near a weapon with every step.

With every breath he took, Harry's chest tightened, as he feared the worst was nearly to come to pass. He came to the end of the line, a solid wall. On the wall, two giant serpents were laid. Harry had a feeling they were not for decoration and he stepped forward. Time for some more Parseltongue action.

"Open," hissed Harry in Parseltongue once again.

The snakes sprang open and Harry continued on his journey and sight he saw terrified him to no end.

Ginny was lying on the stone floor of the room, motionless. Harry rushed forward, kneeling beside Ginny.

"No, Ginny, wake up, please wake up," said Harry frantically. "This cannot be happening, you can't be dead. I have faith you are strong enough to see this through, to survive whatever that evil bastard of a Heir did to you, come on Ginny wake up."

Harry looked at Ginny's body, unwilling to believe what was lying before him. She could not be dead. She just could not, this was not right. Harry felt a great emptiness in his soul for a reason he could not even begin to speculate as he saw Ginny's condition. Harry wished his friend would just wake up, wished this nightmare would come to an end.

"She won't wake," said a voice, which caused Harry to spin around. Harry was face to face with the spirit a sixteen-year-old boy. "She is not dead, barely clinging onto life at this moment through. In less than thirty minutes, she will be gone."

Harry looked at the spirit, attempting to place him but the spirit spoke first.

"I was wondering when you would show yourself, Harry Potter," said the spirit. "We have met before, I am sure you remember the diary. This diary."

The spirit pointed to a diary that was lying on the floor. Harry looked at it but the diary looked a bit different than how Harry remembered it. The diary appeared to be glowing a sickly yellow color and Harry wondered why smoke was slowly hissing out of the diary. It clicked in Harry's mind.

"Tom Riddle," hissed Harry angrily in Parseltongue.

"In the flesh," said Riddle in a bored tone of voice. "Close enough anyway, as your little friend is slowly losing her life energy. Bit by bit, she is becoming undone and I am becoming more solid."

Harry looked at Ginny and sure enough, her face looked extremely pale and sickly, her eyes shut. The same face so full of life when Harry first met her had become a lifeless travesty of its former self thanks to this fiend. Harry also saw something clamped in Ginny's hand. Moving closer, Harry saw she had the Portus-Amulet in her hand. Harry had a sinking feeling what was up. He prayed he was wrong, but the chance of him being right was extremely high. Harry needed to trick Riddle into action so he could find a way to destroy the diary, which was still hissing and now was giving off a demonic glowing red glare as it glowed.

"Exactly what are you anyway?" demanded Harry. "You must not be that important, I have never heard to you up until I came upon this diary."

Riddle winced. If he had a physical body, Potter would have struck a nerve with that little remark about not being important. The Dark Lord fixed his sights on Potter, smirking.

"Why, Harry, I am certain a few people have heard of me, although not under this name," said Riddle. "I will be meeting you in another forty years, Potter. In fact, if you don't get who I am now, why don't I spell it out for you."

Riddle made letters float into the air that stated Tom Marvolo Riddle. Then with a wave of his hand, they were rearranged into I am Lord Voldemort.

Harry looked at Riddle, seeing everything clearly now.

"You," said Harry angrily. "Of all the people I could have ever thought, you were the last person I ever thought of. The last time I saw you, I threw a sword right through your ugly face and now your past sixteen year old self haunts me."

Harry looked from Riddle to Ginny, something clicking in his mind.

"She was writing in the diary," said Harry anger building.

"Very good Potter, ten points to Slytherin for your amazing deduction," said Riddle sarcastically. "The silly little girl wrote in me for months, telling me her every fear, her every thought, her every problem. How must she anguished over her brother Ron hating her closest, best friend, the oh so great and powerful Harry Potter. She did wonder if you just tolerated her sometimes, not wanting to hurt her feelings by telling her to get lost. I used her, Harry; I used her to commit my dirty work. She was an excellent puppet but as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end."

Harry glared at Riddle, attempting to keep his cool.

"The girl was nothing but a shell to host my power," said Riddle. "Surely you saw how sickly she became once I possessed her. Something as weak as useless as her could not possibly hold the greatness that is Lord Voldemort."

"Ginny is much greater than you would ever be, Voldemort," said Harry angrily; insulted that Tom would insult his friend. "I won’t allow you to kill her. It will not happen, somehow you will be stopped, and I’ll do it!”

Tom turned to Harry with a sneer but Harry's gaze remained unmoving, he stared Riddle down. If Riddle were honest with himself, he would admit anger pouring out of Potter's green eyes was disturbing, but Tom's sanity was too far-gone to be intimidated.

"Young love, how touching," hissed Tom sarcastically. "She will be dead Potter, but do not despair, because once I am finished with you, you will be joining her in the afterlife. You should have known better than to mess with the greatest and most powerful wizard of all time."

Harry shook his head; unable to believe Voldemort could be so egotistical. Then again, he was only sixteen and had not matured all the way. Harry turned his attention away from Riddle's ego, attempting to come up with a course of action. As the life faded from Ginny, he needed to goad Riddle into a fight so he could be destroyed before he escaped from the diary. A brilliant idea entered Harry's mind as he remembered how vain the younger Voldemort was about his skills and his power

"You know what your main weakness is Riddle," said Harry rhetorically. "You believe in your own hype. You truly believe you are the greatest wizard that ever lived, the most powerful, and the most deadly dark lord of them all. Somehow in your future, you got a bunch of people who still believe your hype."

Riddle merely raised his eyebrows. Harry saw Riddle was slowly becoming angered. Harry's plan was working.

"Potter, you appear to be extremely brave or extremely stupid," said Riddle in a cold tone of voice. "I have risen above what could be expected to me, even when I got handicapped with a Muggle father. I had the misfortunate of being named after the ingrate, who ran out on my mother when he found out she was a witch but of course, I got him in the end. Now, I should destroy you for your disrespectful tone against the greatest sorcerer who ever lived."

Harry looked at Voldemort in numb shock. The most evil Dark Lord in a century, the one who commands the loyalty of pureblooded supremacists everywhere, a halfblood? Still, Harry needed to take the diary out before Riddle completely escaped from it.

"You are a disgrace to the house of Slytherin, Voldemort. Pretenders like you give a once noble house a bad reputation," said Harry. "You don't have the guts or the power to defeat me twice in your future, I beat you decisively we fought. So, Riddle, I am going to borrow a line from another past enemy of mine. The time for games has ended, no more charades. This will be finished right now. Simply put, I accept your challenge for a duel to the death that you left on the wall of Hogwarts."

Harry glanced at the diary. It was hissing even more loudly and became a deeper shade of red. He hoped Riddle would swallow his bait, as the artifact appeared to be growing unstable and more life was fading from Ginny.

"Very well Potter, so be it," said Riddle after a few seconds thought before turning to a statue of Salazar Slytherin before hissing in Parseltongue. "Speak to me Slytherin, greatest of Hogwarts Four."

The diary responded with a demonic sounding hiss.

"Your command, Master," hissed a voice that Harry was absolutely certain came from inside the statue.

Harry braced himself for what was coming; there was no way he could turn back now. After what seemed like an eternity but was really only a few seconds, Riddle responded to the statue.

"Kill him," hissed Riddle in a cold tone of voice.
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