Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Heart of the Warrior Book II

Chapter 15: Aftermath

by madnesspersonified 1 review

Sequel to Book 1, so read that first. Harry's second year at Hogwarts is filled with mysterious attacks, where he is the prime suspect. More complete summary in profile.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Dumbledore,Gilderoy Lockhart,Ginny,Harry,Hermione,Tom Riddle - Warnings: [!!] [V] [?] - Published: 2006-11-04 - Updated: 2008-04-09 - 4332 words

Chapter Fifteen: Aftermath:

Harry stepped in front of Ginny, shielding her from Lockhart's attack, as the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher raised his wand, preparing to strike.

"Obliviate!" cried Lockhart as he pointed his wand at Harry.

Harry closed his eyes, bracing for the worst but water on the bathroom floor rose up, forming a protective dome of some sort over Harry and Ginny. The memory charm ricocheted off the dome and came back at Lockhart twice as fast as it shot off in the first place.

"No!" screamed Lockhart before the spell hit him right between the eyes, causing him to fly back and crash into the wall.

The dome vanished, the water back on the floor as Ginny and Harry both exchanged confused looks. Lockhart was lying on the floor, his eyes glazed over, and neither had any idea what just happened.

"Harry, what just happened?" asked Ginny looking rather perplexed at the event that just occurred.

"I think something protected us, causing the idiot to get blasted with his own spell," said Harry attempting to figure out what exactly happened.

Lockhart pulled himself up, looking more confused than usual. He had a blank, weary look on his eyes.

"Hello, nice place this is, isn't it?" said Lockhart dreamily. "Do you live here by any chance?"

Harry struggled not to laugh. The idiot had fried his own brain on the backlash of that charm.

"No, Professor," said Harry, frowning.

"Professor, am I?” inquired Lockhart looking curious. "I must have been hopeless, if I was a Professor."

"Indeed," said Harry in a low tone of voice before turning his wand to Lockhart. "Petrificus Totalus."

Lockhart went stiff as a board before falling down to the ground.

"There, now he can't hurt himself any more for the moment, I will have someone come to collect him later," said Harry. "Come on, Ginny, we need to go down to Snape's office. As he is your Head of House, there is no doubt your parents will be down there. I believe this way will be faster."

Ginny gave a short nod with her head as Harry pulled out his recovered Portus-Amulet, grabbing Ginny's hand before pulling out his wand. Harry thought of the area outside Snape's office, before tapping his wand to the Amulet. Harry and Ginny were pulled towards their destination.

Harry walked up to Snape's office, knocking the door, while concealing the Portus-Amulet underneath his robes.

"Enter," said Snape in his usual tone of voice.

Harry and Ginny entered Snape's office and the sight they saw were the Weasleys, Dumbledore, and McGonagall sitting around Snape's office looking rather solemn.

"Ginny!" cried Mrs. Weasley. "You're alive. Harry, you saved her, somehow you did it, but how?"

Harry noticed for a brief second when Dumbledore saw Ginny, he looked like he saw a ghost. Mrs. Weasley pulled her daughter in a hug. Fred and George ran up and clapped Harry on the back while Ron looked at the ground, not able to meet Harry's eyes. Percy remained seating, although he looked rather relieved that his sister was safe.

"So, Harry, how did you managed to get our daughter out of there?" asked Mr. Weasley.

"I believe that is a question we would all like to now, Mr. Potter," said McGonagall.

Snape leaned in close, listening, he had wondered how Potter had managed to worm his way out of this one, especially with the unstable nature of the diary.

"It all started with this morning, the Heir of Slytherin left a little message on the wall," said Harry. "I had just deduced where the Chamber yesterday, late last night in fact, but this message forced me to act. It stated how Ginny was taken into the Chamber, how no one would be able to find her in time before she..."

Harry could not bear to repeat what had nearly come to pass but everyone got the meaning of what he was saying.

"The Heir challenged me to a duel to the death," said Harry. Mrs. Weasley gasped at these words and Snape raised his eyebrows. "I had to do it, so I found the entrance in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. I managed to slip down into the Chamber, engage both the Heir and the monster, which was a Basilisk, into battle."

There were gasps of horror all around, with the exception of Dumbledore who did not seem surprised.

"Thanks to a lot of quick thinking and a luck of luck, both the Heir of Slytherin and the monster were defeated and thus the school and Ginny were both saved," said Harry.

Ginny looked at Harry, it was obvious her friend was leaving out certain details for obvious reasons.

Ron looked up, speaking for the first time today.

"Still, who would hate you so much to challenge you to a duel to the death," said Ron in a hushed tone of voice.

"I think someone who I defeated nearly twelve years ago would do, someone who known quite well," said Harry. "A past version of Lord Voldemort, using this diary as means to control an innocent victim to do his bidding."

As Harry held up the offended diary this proclamation caused an uproar among everyone in the office although Professor McGonagall seemed to find something lacking from Harry's explanation.

"What do you mean, by control of an innocent victim to do his bidding?" asked McGonagall. "Exactly what are you referring to, Potter?"

Harry drew a deep breath, this was the moment he head been dreading telling about ever since they came out of the Chamber. He met Ginny's eyes and she reluctantly nodded. Harry braced himself, before giving an explanation at what happened.

"Unfortunately, Ginny has been writing in Riddle's diary all year and Riddle has been possessing her to carry out the attacks made by the Heir of Slytherin," said Harry.

"Ginny!" cried Mr. Weasley incredulously. "What have I told you, not to trust an object if you do not know where it keeps its own brain? Something like that could have been full of powerful dark magic."

"I know, I'm sorry," said Ginny desperately attempting to fight tears once again.

"I believe Miss Weasley should go to the Hospital Wing right now," said Snape. "She has been through a lot on this evening and needs to recover from her ordeal."

"I believe you are right, Severus," said Mrs. Weasley as she beckoned Ginny to get up. Ginny looked at Harry, not wanting to go.

"I'll visit you later," said Harry in a low tone of voice to his friend. "As soon as I am done with these two."

Ginny left the room with her family and McGonagall joined them leaving Snape, Dumbledore, and Harry in the same room.

"So Mr. Potter, is there anything else you can tell us that happened tonight," said Dumbledore.

Harry pulled out the sorting hat and handed it to Dumbledore calmly.

"This is to be returned to you," said Harry coolly. "Also, your Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher attempted to erase the memories of Ginny and myself after we came up from the Chamber of Secrets and he accidentally fried his brain do this incompetence. He is currently in a full body bind in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. I would suggest you collect him later, as he may need medical treatment."

Snape attempted to fight a smirk at Lockhart's current state of welfare. Dumbledore looked at Harry, with a bit of a calculating expression on his face. He needed to find out if Potter had gotten the Sword of Gryffindor or not. The relic was extremely vital to the Headmaster's plans.

"So nothing came out of the hat, no relics of Gryffindor," said Dumbledore looking at Potter.

"Afraid not, Professor," said Harry in a calm tone of voice as if was addressing a six year old. "I managed to somehow beat the Basilisk and Riddle by tricking the snake to bite the diary and the basilisk venom burned a hole through it. Nothing from Gryffindor's came out of the hat."

"Very well, Mr. Potter," said Dumbledore. Harry turned his attention away from Dumbledore and to the door. He expected been expecting a visitor since he saw Dumbledore returned and now Harry sensed a presence approaching.

"Mr. Potter, do tell us why you are staring at the door at this moment," demanded Snape.

Harry hesitated for a second before responding.

"I believe we should be expecting some company, right about now," said Harry in a dramatic tone of voice.

Sure enough, Lucius Malfoy entered Snape's office, not looking too pleased. Dobby followed Lucius, attempting in vain to keep up with his master. Lucius walked up to Dumbledore, turning to the Headmaster. Malfoy had an enraged look on his face. Harry decided to sit back and enjoy the show between the two manipulative men for the moment.

"So Dumbledore, you decided to defy the direct orders of the Board of Governors, and return to this school, despite the fact you were strictly ordered not too," said Lucius in a cold tone of voice. "Give me one reason why I should not call the Aurors and have you arrested."

Dumbledore looked at Lucius, before pulling himself up to his feet.

"Well, Lucius, it seems the Board of Governors called me back, when they heard Arthur Weasley's daughter had been taken into the Chamber of Secrets," said Dumbledore. "Strange tales they did tell me, about you black mailing them by threatening their families if they did not agree to remove me from the office of Headmaster."

"Your point being..." said Lucius challengingly but Dobby was acting strange. He pointed the diary, which was resting, in Harry's hand and then to Lucius, before punching himself in the face.

Harry turned to Dobby and muttered, "I know." The house elf looked pleased that Harry caught on but neither Lucius nor Dumbledore paid either of the two any mind.

"The Heir of Slytherin had been caught," said Dumbledore. "The one who carried out all these attacks had been brought to justice."

Lucius raised his eyebrows, looking at Dumbledore with a calculating expression.

"So Dumbledore, care to tell me who was the one behind these attacks," said Lucius coolly.

"It was the same person who had masterminded the attacks fifty years ago, only now he did it in memory form," said Dumbledore. "The younger version of Lord Voldemort, manipulated Miss Weasley into carrying out the attacks as his past student self, Tom Marvolo Riddle."

Harry could see Lucius did not even bother too look surprised. So the older Malfoy thought he was untouchable thanks to his close reactions with the Minister of Magic did he?

"So Mr. Malfoy, would you like to know exactly how Ginny came to possess this interesting diary," said Harry, looking at Lucius with a cold glare.

"Potter, I believe that is none of my concern how that silly little girl came to own that diary," said Lucius coldly.

Harry turned to Snape and Dumbledore.

"I request you two to please leave right now, I would want to have a discussion with Lucius, as he seems to be under the mistaken impression he is dealing with someone he can attempt to intimidate and can get away with attempting to bring my friends to harm," said Harry in a cool tone of voice.

Snape wanted to stay and enough the show but he respected Mr. Potter enough where he decided to leave. Snape raised himself up to his feet, before walking out of his office, his robes billowing behind him in his trademark intimidating manner.

Dumbledore also left but for a different reason. The Headmaster felt Potter stood no chance of intimidating someone like Lucius. Dumbledore believed Lucius would not dare kill a student but he could harm Harry enough to knock the uppity Slytherin second year down a peg.

"Potter, you are not worth my time and I do not want to hear your little fairy tales," said Lucius with a sneer.

Harry was not intimidated, as he knew Lucius was only an older and slightly more sophisticated version of his son Draco.

"What I am going to say is surely worth your time, as you planted that diary with the expression purpose of making Mr. Weasley look bad,” said Harry. "If Ginny got killed, then it was just an added bonus for you but your main purpose was to make Mr. Weasley lose face and get to the Muggle Protection Act pulled."

Lucius looked at Harry with a calculating expression.

"How do you know of my disdain for the Muggle Protection Act, Potter?" asked Lucius who looked impressed at Harry's knowledge. The boy obviously knew more about Lucius than Lucius knew about him.

"Malfoy, a true Slytherin never reveals his sources of information," said Harry coolly. "Now, I am going to suggest you not distribute any more of Lord Voldemort's old school possessions and I will not let any information slip to the Ministry of Magic about an interesting selection of items underneath your drawing room floor."

"You dare blackmail me, Potter!" cried Lucius in a slightly enraged tone of voice.

"Blackmail is such an ugly term but yes in a roundabout way, that is what I will be doing to you if you step one toe out of line," said Harry in a calm tone of voice, the type Snape had come to perfect over the years.

Malfoy started to turn and Harry looked at Dobby. A wicked plan began to form in Harry's head as he remembered that house elves could only be freed by being presented with clothing from their masters. Harry would get his revenge in the most sinisterly subtle way possible and he would give Dobby a reward for helping him, even if the elf's assistance were rather indirect. Pulling off his sock and stuffing it into the diary, Harry hoped his plan would work. It was so fun messing up the lives of former servants of Lord Voldemort.

"I believe this belongs to you," said Harry to Malfoy, stuffing the diary in his hand.

Lucius Malfoy tossed the diary to the side, glaring at Harry.

"You are a meddlesome fool, Potter, must like your parents," said Lucius. "I daresay you will meet your end one day, just like them."

"Yes I believe I will but only by old age, Lucius," said Harry without missing a beat. "Now good day to you."

"Come Dobby," said Lucius but the house elf did not move.

"Master has given a sock, Master has given it to Dobby," said Dobby in awe.

"What was that you wretched vile excuse for an house elf?" demanded Lucius.

"Master tossed the sock and Dobby caught it," said Dobby happily. "Dobby is now free."

Lucius looked at Harry, pulling out his wand in anger.

"You lost me my servant, Potter!" yelled Lucius angrily while raising his wand. "Cru..."

Harry prepared to defend himself but Dobby blasted Lucius through Snape's office door with great power before Lucius could curse Harry.

"You shall not harm Harry Potter!" cried Dobby. "He is great and noble and you is nothing compared to Harry Potter. You are to go now no good vile and evil ex-Master."

Lucius walked off, humiliated. He was unable to believe a twelve-year-old boy and a house elf had outwitted him.

"One day Potter," said Lucius before turning and walking away angrily.

“I look forward to it, Lucius, I suspect your attempt will be quite amusing,” replied Harry.

Dobby turned to Harry, looking happy.

"Harry Potter has freed Dobby," said the house elf excitedly. "Harry Potter is more noble and more great than Dobby could have ever imagined."

"Least I can do Dobby, just try not to save my life by sending crazy Bludgers at me or locking me in a sewer pipe ever again," said Harry.

The elf gave a wide toothy grin but Harry then realized something Dobby had told him when they first met.

"So Dobby, why did you tell me it was not You-Know Who?" asked Harry.

"Dobby was giving you a clue, sir," said Dobby. "Back before the Dark Lord's reign of terror, he could be freely named. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named once had a name and that was the one he used to accomplish this, Harry Potter."

"Nice talking to Dobby, but I have got to visit my friend, Ginny," said Harry. "No doubt she is still a bit understand upset about being forced to carry out these vile attacks for that fiend Riddle."

"Dobby understands, sir," said Dobby. "Good day, Harry Potter, Dobby may be meeting you again sometime in the future."

Dobby vanished with a pop as Harry walked out of Snape's office. Snape was standing outside, looking at the door of his office being blown off from Lucius flying through it.

"I see I am going to have to put my door back on," said Snape mildly. "I do hope it is not too damaged to where I need to purchase a new one from Lucius's over inflated head crashing through it."

Snape then turned to Harry.

"Mr. Potter, I am sure you would want to be aware the Mandrakes should be ready in about two weeks. Then I will be able to make the potion to revive all the unfortunate victims of this horrific encounter and Mr. Malfoy," said Snape. "Now I will let you to tend to whatever business you need to. Good day, Mr. Potter."

Harry needed to make one trip before he made his way up to the hospital wing. He pulled out his Portus-Amulet and ported himself down to the Slytherin Library.

Harry pulled out the juvenile Fawkes from his pocket, setting him on the shelf.

"Thank you, young one," said Fawkes in Harry's head. "I shall be myself again in a few days and I will be able to return to the Headmaster's office."

Harry nodded to the Phoenix before moving over to a second shelf and pulling out Slytherin's blade, placing it on the shelf. Harry decided to keep that particularly dangerous artifact safe, as he would not need it for travel like the Portus-Amulet so he could keep Slytherin's Blade in the Slytherin Library.

Preparing to go up to see Ginny in the hospital wing, Harry was stopped by the buzzing sensation in his pocket. He had a communication coming in on his mirror. He pulled out and saw Leo's face in the mirror.

"Leo," muttered Harry in shock as it appeared his brothers had came back from their little underground mission.

"We returned from deep under the city, even through it took three and a half months to do so," said Leo. "We ran into a bit more trouble than we bargained for, but we managed to get out. Unfortunately, we could not return home due to an unforeseen circumstance and now have to hide out in a place other than the lair. It was a good thing Master Splinter managed to come and warn us before we arrived home, otherwise there would have been big trouble."

Harry looked at Leo, wondering what forced his brothers not to return home.

"What sort of trouble?" asked Harry in a worried tone of voice.

"Foot Ninjas," replied Leonardo simply. "Dozen and Dozens of them are searching the tunnels close by the lair, no doubt searching for us. None of us can get back to the lair undetected and if we attempt to slip in to the lair, any noise could alert them to the location of our home and they may storm in, attacking us."

A dark expression went over Harry's face. The happiness Harry had over his brothers returning from underground had been poisoned by the sinister shadow of the Foot.

"So where exactly are you guys hiding out since you can't find your way back to the lair?" asked Harry.

"We managed to get to an abandoned warehouse, just across from central park, without being seen," responded Leo.

"The one that used to produce sporting goods before it got shut down a couple years ago?" asked Harry.

"Exactly, Harry, so now you know where to find us," said Leo. "Now, what has been happening with you since Christmas?"

"I just saved the school from the uprising of a sixteen year old version Lord Voldemort and saved Ginny from a giant fifty foot snake," said Harry calmly. "Other than that, it has just been another year at Hogwarts."

"That’s a story that you need to no doubt share with us in full once you get home, Harry," said Leo looking a bit disturbed at the fact his brother had to battle a fifty-foot snake. "I will tell the others I got in touch with you Harry. Good-Bye."

"Bye, Leo," said Harry putting the mirror back into his pocket and then setting off towards the Hospital Wing.

When Harry arrived at the hospital wing a few hours after the incident involving Malfoy and then his talk with Leo, Ginny was sitting up in her bed, looking rather irritated. Her expression brightened slightly when Harry arrived.

"Now I know how you felt like when you hurt your knee," said Ginny irritably. "Honestly, I told Mum and Dad I was find but Mum would not hear any of it. She ordered Madam Pomfrey to keep me in bed for a couple of days because I apparently was mentally disturbed by what happened with Riddle today, but I feel fine thanks to what you said to me. Your words really helped me calm down from what happened. My parents just left to go home, by the way, they needed to get home but they said they'd come back tomorrow to visit."

"Ginny, I know it's frustrating, but you just got to relax," said Harry. "It has been a long day, for us all."

"I see Malfoy seemed to have run afoul of the Slytherin heir," said Ginny conversationally. "I wonder how he got himself petrified."

"You don't remember anything, do you Ginny?" inquired Harry in a quiet voice.

Ginny became real quiet for a few seconds before looking at Harry to respond.

"No Harry and it's frustrating me," said Ginny regretful. "I tried to tell you, loads of times but Tom prevented me from doing so. There is nothing in my mind but blank spots. I vaguely remember some things but I could not concentrate enough to pull the memories out right now. I just hope I am not haunted with attacks I couldn't prevent for the rest of my life."

"Ginny, it is not your fault," said Harry quietly. "If you need anyone to talk to about it..."

Ron Weasley entering the Hospital Wing interrupted Harry’s words to Ginny.

"Ginny I wanted to come to talk to...," started Ron before seeing Harry. "Oh, you're here. Well, I wanted to have a word with you as well. In private, Potter."

There was something solemn about Ron's expression and Harry stepped forward, wondering what this was about. Ginny sat up angrily.

"Ron, anything that happened is not Harry's fault!" cried Ginny.

"No, Ginny, this is something I needed to say to him for a long time," said Ron.

Harry followed Ron out of an earshot of everyone, hoping this would end without bloodshed. Ron turned to Harry.

"I'm sorry," said Ron in a low tone of voice. "I should have not accused you of attacking all those people. Fred and George told me for months how much of an idiot I have been, but in truth, I think Ginny nearly dying may have brought me back to reality. So, Potter, I admit I’m an idiot and should not have not ruined your reputation like that. All I saw was the fact you are a Slytherin and failed to see past that."

Harry looked at Ron for a few seconds and Ron suddenly felt anxious. He did not know exactly how Potter would react.

"Apology accepted, Ron," said Harry calmly. "However, I feel there should be someone else you should be apologizing to right now that needs to hear it more than I do."

"Who would that be?" asked Ron looking confused.

"Ginny," said Harry in a low tone of voice. "She might not come out and say it but she thinks you hate her for being in Slytherin and being friends with me. I’m not accusing you of actually hating her or not demanding anything of you, but I would advise you to apologize to her for what you did."

"I reckon you’re right Harry," said Ron gruffly, using the Second Year Slytherin's first name for the first time. "I know we can never be friends because of my attitude and what I did in the past but maybe now since we settled our differences, we can at least peacefully coexist. At least for Ginny's sake, as you and her seem to be pretty good friends."

"I would have to agree with that sentiment, Ron," said Harry. "I hate to see any of my friends upset and she looked to be on the verge of a breakdown a couple of times this year. So go do what you need to do. I need to go talk to Daphne and Theodore right now, no doubt they are wondering where the hell I am."

Ron nodded as Harry walked off; feeling a tremendous weight off his shoulders, as it appeared one less person hated his guts. Harry decided to walk away, not wanting to intrude on a Weasley family moment. As he set off to find Daphne and Theodore, Harry thought back on how dark and brooding this year had been but with his family back from their little trip deep beneath the sewer, although in hiding, and the Mandrakes nearly done, all the victims would be cured. He could not wait to talk to Hermione again but if he had to talk to a cured Malfoy again, it would be all too soon.
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