Categories > Anime/Manga > Death Note > The True story of Death Note

The True story of Death Note

by Saisano 0 reviews

Aaron Legits has recieved the Death Note that has recieved a Death Note that his cousin Light had owned.

Category: Death Note - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure - Characters: Yagami Raito, Other - Published: 2006-11-06 - Updated: 2006-11-06 - 767 words

The True story of Death note

The Death Note, the ultimate book that can control the lives of humans throughout the world. The book that was lost for years after Yagomi Kun is now back with a vengeance with his ancestor in New Mexico, Aaron Legits. He was a clarinet player and outstanding student at Cibola High School. He had many friends and was very popular; however he had a dark side, a side that wanted adventure in his life.
He arrived home after school and sighed, "Today was such a drag! I never want to be confronted with another imbecile like him again, and he claims to be Japanese...humph... he's as Japanese as the glut of a ..." "Aaron..." His mother interrupted. "How was the Japanese class today?" Aaron shrugged and walked upstairs to his room. "Okay, well diner will be ready in 10 minutes." Aaron went to the door of his room and shut the door, "Yah, whatever."
He walked into his pitch black room and turned on the light. He looked around his room and frowned, "Chris, get out of my room!" Chris popped out of Aaron's closet and smiled as he pat his head. "Sorry Light...I was just looking for..." "Get out!" Aaron yelled.
"Yah...see ya later!" Chris said as he dashed out of his brother's room. Aaron locked the door behind him and set his school bag on his chair. He passed by a picture of his cousin Light and smirked, "You had it way too easy."
Aaron turned on the TV and watched the news on channel seven. "Today in Iraq, U.S soldiers have been killed fighting off Taliban forces...they..." Aaron turned off the TV, "Same old trash. If it were up to me I would just kill the lot of them."
Suddenly a note book popped up inside of his room. Aaron looked around to look at the notebook on the floor. He silently walked over to the notebook and picked it up. Death Note was written on the top of it and Aaron smiled. Then he glanced at Light's picture, "Now I have the power to destroy you along with the rest of mankind!"
Just after he said those words, Ryuuk showed up. Aaron stood unwavering, "What do you want?" Ryuuk tilted his head, "So, you want to destroy Yagomi Kun too huh." Aaron shrugged and sat on his bed, "Ya, why not."
"Well, for one Yagomi Kun has changed from his ways, he no longer desires the death note." Aaron smirked, "So what, he's the one who took my name! Stole it from me in fact! I'm the real Light!"
Ryuuk shrugged, "Well, I am now at your mercy Light Kun." Aaron grinned, "Well, let's get..." "Aaron...Malaka's here to practice music with you!" Aaron's mom yelled. "Dammit, I forgot about that!"
Aaron put the Death Note under his bed and pulled up his clarinet. Malaka came up the stairs and entered his room, "Was up Light!" "Heh, it seems like she calls you by your real name." Ryuuk said. "Yah, she's the one who first called me Light in the first place." Light thought.
"So, you totally need to help me on Allstate." "Well, what part do you need help on?" Light asked. Malaka put her instrument together, "Well...the fast a-tunes at bar # 30." "Yah sure, how bout...."
Light abruptly stopped because he saw a Death Note like his, but in Malaka's clarinet case. Then he saw another god of the dead except it was wolf like. He looked at Malaka in awe, " have a Death Note too!"
"Heh..." Malaka said sitting pretzel style and scratching her head. "I guess you could say that." Then Malaka noticed Ryuuk. "And so do you! Told you you were Light Kun!"
Aaron got off of his bed and stood up. "Now, we must talk..." "Aaron! Megan's here as well!" His mom yelled as Megan entered the room. "Hey guys!" "Hey Megan, I thought you weren't going to play clarinet anymore." Malaka said sweating.
"Yah, well I had a change of heart." Aaron just stared, "I hope she doesn't have a Death Note too." "Yah, well I have an errand to I'll see yah tomorrow at Band Light!" Malaka said as she left the room.
"Just great, she left on purpose so I don't get anything out of her." "So, how about those clarinet lessons." Megan smiled. Aaron scratched his hair, "Oh sure." They both got out their instruments and practiced into the night, however Light was totally unaware of who was watching him.
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