Categories > Original > Poetry > If I...

If I...

by OppositeAttraction 1 review

When knowing the one you love won't come back for you no matter what you do for them to be able to return, what else would you do? Rated PG for slight angst.

Category: Poetry - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Published: 2006-11-06 - Updated: 2006-11-06 - 189 words - Complete

If I...

By .Opposite Attraction.

If I stay up the entire night and call out your name in the pitch black, will you come for me?

If I cry for long, endless hours, will you console me?

If I get wounded or if someone tries to do harm to me, will you rescue me?

If I am feeling dispirited and lonely, will you hold me?

If I incise your name into my skin as deep as I can and let the blood flow, will you notice me?

If I do all these things, will you come back to me?

I have done and experienced these times over and over again

I have waited countless hours for you to do these things for me

Why didn't you come for me?



Author's Note: I have posted this poem also as a
poem in the point of view of Elektra Natchios in
This poem was orginally supposed to be an original poem though it
seemed to suit Elektra as well so I posted it up under the movie.

This may not be used without my written permission.

© .Opposite Attraction. 2006
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