Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Return of the Lost Son

The ANBU Appear

by EC1231 1 review

Kenichi is running through the streets of Konoha when he is intercepted by the ANBU. Can they beat this threat to Konoha?

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Characters: Yondaime - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-11-08 - Updated: 2006-11-08 - 547 words

The sudden revelation that his former love was now carrying the seed of his brother was too much for Kenichi to handle. He could feel a disgustingly sickening feeling crawling around the pit of his stomach. His legs felt weak, and his heart raced feverishly. He stumbled back, away from the woman he loved, away from the woman who had betrayed him. Namiko turned to face him, fighting back her own of tears as she moved to console him.

"I'm sorry Kenichi, but I am no longer the woman you left behind. Please, go before the ANBU learn that you're here in the village."

And as if a bolt of lightning had flashed in his mind, everything became clear. Konoha, and everything it stood for, had to pay. They took away his life, his family, and lastly his love. "There will be no mercy for anyone," Kenichi thought as he turned and ran out of Namiko's house. He would bring forth a wrath that only a god could summon and wipe out everything that was Konoha.

He ran through the streets of Konoha blindly, still in a rage over discovering his bother's betrayal when he found himself in a dead end alley between a pair of houses. He turned around to retrace his steps when, suddenly, a hooded figure wearing a cat-like mask appeared in front of him. Kenichi recognized it as one of the animal-inspired masks that the ANBU wore to hide their identities. The cat-faced ANBU stood motionless in front of Kenichi, and Kenichi quickly understood why. Soon he noticed the growing presence of ANBU members surrounding him. Even though he couldn't see them, he could feel their presence all around him, their stares coming from the rooftop shadows, burning holes into his body.

"Kenichi Uzumaki. You are hereby placed under arrest by the Konoha village for treason. Please do not attempt to flee or resist, or we will be forced to kill you," came a familiar voice from behind the mask.

"Oh really? Under arrest for treason? I didn't know you could betray a country that didn't want you to begin with?" Kenichi slyly snickered back.

"Whatever your complaints are, you will have a chance to voice them after you come with us."

"Is that how you treat a long lost son of the village? Even after that son has fed you from his own plate? Kakashi, right? Judging by your looks, I would have to guess Sakumo Hatake's son. My, my, how the children of Konoha take after their elders. I guess you could call it a gift and a curse." He chuckled to himself as he uttered the last comment.

"The identity of your captors should be the last thing on the minds of traitorous scum who abandon their village and friends in a time of war"

"Friends? If you understood my history with Konoha, you wouldn't dare use words like that in my presence," And with the speed of a demon, Kenichi reached down, and sent a kunai flying at the ANBU member with whom earlier in the night he had shared his dinner. The hooded figure in front of him didn't even have a chance evade or draw his own weapon, as the kunai imbedded itself deep into his forehead.
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