Categories > Anime/Manga > Chrono Crusade > Coniunctus

Chapter 1

by quicksilvermad 2 reviews

Chrno, tired of being a hindrance in fights with devils (because of the diminutive stature of his child form), looks to Elder for a way to conserve the same amount of Astral Energy and yet appear o...

Category: Chrono Crusade - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance - Characters: Chrono, Rosette Christopher - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2006-11-07 - Updated: 2006-11-08 - 1072 words

DISCLAIMER: Gospel and ADV own Chrno Crusade. Or Chrono Crusade. Depending on what country you're in or which title variation you saw first or whichever you prefer. In any case, I don't own the sexy devil.
DISTRIBUTION:, FicWad, and whoever wants it can have it. Just ask.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: The title means: connected, agreeing, friendly, and/or intimate. This is my first LONG Chrno Crusade fic.


There was a time when Chrno was the one to lead Rosette around. She would look to him for advice in a situation. She had seen him as an older, wiser being. But now... Chrno still looked the same, and Rosette had matured (in body) without him. She took it upon herself to watch out for him-even though he was at least a hundred years older than her.

It wasn't just Rosette that treated him as though he was indeed only a young boy-it was everyone at the Magdalene Order. No one would take him seriously as a being as long as he appeared to be no older than twelve. That, and being as small as he was, he felt nearly useless during missions.

And he didn't want to steal any more of Rosette's life. That was the most important grievance of them all.

Sitting in the courtyard of the Order, Chrno decided that he needed to change. The problem was going about that change. Sure, he could appear older, but that would require more of the Astral Energy he was conserving in his child form.

He was concentrating so deeply on this idea that he didn't even notice the pair of steel-tipped boots that were directly in his line of vision.

Rosette blinked at the look of deep thought on her devil friend's face and smirked. "Hey, Chrno!" she shouted.

The purple-haired devil jerked backwards and landed with in the newly filled well with a deafening splash. Somewhere among his thrashings, Rosette heard the distinct clang of his head slamming into the well pump itself.

"Oh, applesauce!" she scrabbled over the stone edge and grabbed for one of Chrno's hands. With a rough yank, Rosette hauled him onto relatively dry land and gave his shoulder an apologetic squeeze.

Chrno coughed and let her wring the water out of his braid.

"What were you doing, thinking so hard that you didn't even notice me?" She accused, slapping the back of his head once his hair wasn't dripping all over the place-slapping him right on the spot that had made such good friends with the well pump just moments ago. Chrno offered up a sour look and yanked his red coat off with the most force he could muster when it was wet. He ended up getting tangled in it and Rosette clucked her tongue at him and made a move to help him out.

Patience tried, and thoughts still centered on how no one took him seriously, Chrno let out a low growl.

Rosette's hand shot out of view and joined its partner behind her back. She cleared her throat.

Chrno finished his wrestling match with his coat and kicked it across the courtyard. With wide eyes, Rosette watched him try and regain control over his face and breathing.

"You Jake?" she asked him.

Chrno closed his eyes and took a deep, grounding breath through his nose. He took a few more before he felt enough in control to meet her concerned gaze. Chrno glanced at those eyes for a second and then wiped a hand across his face. "Give me a minute," he ground out.

Not used to seeing him this way, Rosette tilted her head and tried to meet his wandering ruby eyes. "What's wrong?"

She wanted to tug him over to where he was sitting before and make him talk, but her hand only moved halfway to do so-her body automatically stopped moving once she saw the muscle in his jaw bunch. Instead, Rosette sat down by herself and watched Chrno wind himself under control.

He met her eyes a bit longer this time. Rosette raised both eyebrows in a silent question that he answered with a nod. Yes, I'm okay. I'm ready to talk.

"Sorry," he muttered and pointed at his coat. Rosette shrugged.

"What's on your mind?" she asked. She really just wanted to get to the point. It was obviously important enough to make the level-headed Chrno lose his cool.

Chrno blew a wet strand of hair out of his eyes and sat beside her with a squelch. "Okay... You know when we're out on assignment and I end up as the supply pack mule?"

"That's because I shoot. You're the backup."

He pursed his lips. Apparently he wasn't finished. Rosette just mimicked his facial expression and stuck her hands on her hips.

Chrno sighed. "Right, but at this size, the only backup I can offer up is throwing you more ammo. I think... I think I really need to find a way to be my normal size without absorbing any excess Astral Energy."

Rosette nodded at this. "Any other reason why this crossed your mind?"

Normally he wouldn't say it. But right now he was just so annoyed with being small that he cleared his throat and said what was on his mind. "I'm a lot older than twelve. Just once, I'd like to be treated like the adult that I am. Even if the change were to only work for a day, I'd be happy."

Rosette squeezed some more water out of the end of his braid and nodded again.

"This all means that I have to ask the Elder for help."

Another nod.

"And I know he won't do it unless you're involved somehow."

Half of a nod, and then a twitch developed under Rosette's eye.

"No way in hell," she groused.

"Do you want a taller partner or not?" Chrno asked. He tugged on his own hair to make her look him in the eyes. "Help me out here."

Rosette pouted. She never could stand the puppy-dog face that he made. It was just too damn cute. "Fine," she mumbled.

Chrno's entire posture and demeanor changed at that one word. A toothy grin split his face in half and he hopped up off the stone ledge. "Let's go, then!" he shouted and grabbed her hand. He practically dragged her across the grounds as she screamed:

"But he better not molest me!!"

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