Categories > Games > Final Fantasy X-2 > Integrasco

Part Two

by quicksilvermad 0 reviews

AU: The Farplane is not what you think it is. The continuation of Auron's story.

Category: Final Fantasy X-2 - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama - Characters: Rikku - Warnings: [!!] [?] - Published: 2006-11-12 - Updated: 2006-11-13 - 545 words

DISCLAIMER: Squaresoft is supreme ruler and owner of all things Final Fantasy X. I suck and don't own anything.
AN: Once again, I'm sorry this is so short!
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/Chapter 2:/

Lady Yocun's pyreflies drifted upward in a rather lazy manner in contrast with her sudden, violent departure from the Farplane. He body lay in ruin below the figure of none other than Lady Yunalesca.

"I have freed you from my mistake," she told the corpse.

Yunalesca carefully stepped over the body of the former summoner to head in the general direction of the next souls she had tainted with her unfair request to create a Final Aeon against Sin when she knew full well that doing so would only delay the inevitable.

"Two left," she murmured to herself.


Having thought about his current predicament for such a long time and in such depth, Auron needed to take a break. Tidus got up after his impromptu drinking buddy and dusted grass blades off the seat of his pants as he ran to catch up with Auron's long and purposeful strides.

The older man was heading toward another hill on the plain, one where Jecht and Braska were seated in almost the same manner that he and Auron had been a moment ago.

"Braska-" Auron addressed.

The former summoner and two blitzers looked at the dark man in shock. They would have never expected him to drop formalities. Ever.

Auron plowed forth, nevertheless. "What did you mean earlier by 'or something?'"

Braska blinked. "I said that?" he asked.

Ignoring Jecht's laughter, Auron nodded.

"Oh," Braska remembered, "it was just a feeling I had when I saw the bodies. Their deaths didn't feel...accidental."

"You mean someone did it on purpose?" Tidus gaped.

"Do you have an idea who it was?" Auron queried.

Braska stared at his hands. "I've heard rumors about... Lady Yunalesca."

"Fuck-" Auron swore. The three other men looked at him in surprise.

Tidus found Auron to be expressing more anger than he'd ever seen. The fury in the man's unfocused gaze was almost tangible.

"Hey, Auron?" Jecht stood from him reclined position on the hill.

Auron said nothing.

Jecht moved closer and clasped one hand around Auron's forearm. "You okay?" he asked.

Auron jerked his arm free and distanced himself from the others-both physically and mentally.

"When does the bitch stop?" he asked no one in particular.

Braska attempted to answer the undirected question. "Perhaps she'll stop once she's felt she's atoned for her sins. Or actions."

Auron stopped glaring. One could almost see the realization turn on above his head like an Al Bhed light bulb.

"Then you and Jecht would be her next targets," he said.

"If her motives are what we speculate, then yes. That appears to be the case," Braska agreed.

Tidus smirked almost inappropriately. "But we're not about to let that happen!" he gushed.

"You mean I need a guardian now?" Jecht groaned and rubbed his forehead.

"We shouldn't stay in one place," Auron suggested, ignoring both Tidus' and Jecht's comments. "We need to keep moving-there's less of a chance of her finding you this way."

Braska agreed.

Together, the four men began to walk further into the seemingly endless grass plain-toward danger rather than away from it.

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