Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough For The Two Of Us

Chapter Eleven

by Helena_for_ever 1 review

Will Gerard be able to knock down the wall seperating him and his one true love?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Other - Published: 2006-11-23 - Updated: 2006-11-23 - 685 words

Gerard walked up to Abbie
'come on' Gerard said picking Abbie up. Abbie didn't fight him but just let him pick her up.
'Ger Gerard can you take me to the local church' Abbie whispered
'Sure any thing' Said Gerard placing Abbie in the passenger seat of his car
'um.. Gerard I'm sorry for shouting at you I didn't mean and well please forgive me' Abbie pleaded
'How could I not' Gerard took one hand of his steering wheel and stroked Abbie's hair. She pulled away.
Ten minutes later they stopped
'Were here. Do you want me to wait here for you' Gerard said
'Could You come with me' Abbie said as a tear slid down her face
'Yes sure' Gerard said helping Abbie out the car
Gerard put his arm around Abbie's as they walked up the path to the church.
'Dad' Abbie cried falling to the muddy ground, letting go of Gerard's hand 'I'm sorry that I didn't come sooner' Abbie held onto the grave stone.
Gerard walked over and just stood there. He new how it fell to lose some one close and new that she would probably want to be left alone for a bit. So he walked back down to the car remembering his grandmother.
After half an hour Abbie got up and slowly walked towards the car. Gerard ran up to her
'It's late come back with me to the tour bus and you can get cleaned up' Gerard said hoping it was the right thing to say
'But what about Hannah' Abbie said walking closer to Gerard
'What about her You don't have to talk to her if you don't want to'
'but but' Abbie was trying to think of ways to not face Hannah.
'When we get to the tour bus just follow me I will take you to the back and get you some clean clothes for tomorrow' Gerard said opening the car door
'Fine then'
Abbie said giving up.
As they sat in the car Gerard decided that he was going to ask her to come with them to England on there tour. He felt so much for her, he felt as if he had known her his whole life. He new it sounded cheesy but he loved her. Though he didn't think she felt the same way towards him.
As they got closer to the arena. Abbie started getting worried. She decide not to speak to Hannah. If Hannah wanted to say sorry she can. She shook her head she sounded so shellfish. She was starting to sound like her mother.
Gerard got out the car and walked to Abbie's side.
'You still want to come'
'Yeah' Abbie wasn't going to hide away
Gerard took Abbie's hand and took lead . As Gerard opened the door to bus Abbie panicked and fell down the stairs of the bus
'Damn for god sake why me' Abbie screamed as a wound from her leg bleed. Gerard ran down to her side
'Abbie are you alright'
'What does it look like' said Abbie started to cry. Gerard crouched down at Abbie's side. Abbie put her arms round Gerard.
'Come on I'll get you on the bus and get the leg cleaned'
Gerard spoke calmly. He picked her up wedding style as they made it through the bus they got weird looks from every one from every one on board. Gerard noticed that Hannah and Frank weren't there. Gerard carefully placed Abbie on his bunk and shut the door to the bunk area to giver Abbie some privacy. Gerard went to the bathroom and searched through the first aid box until he found the plasters.
As Gerard walked back into the room he saw Abbie asleep. She looked so calm asleep Gerard thought . He quietly walked up to her and put a blanket over her.
'Gerard' Abbie said sleepily
'Done leave me' She said turning over onto her side.
Gerard walked over to the bunk kicking of his shoes and laid next to Abbie cradling her. They both fell asleep as soon as there heads touched the pillows.
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