Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > A Doll's Resemblance

It Falls

by sesshyfanchick 0 reviews


Category: Inuyasha - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy, Romance - Characters: Kagome, Sesshoumaru - Published: 2006-11-25 - Updated: 2006-11-25 - 2794 words

YUSH! Anotha' chappeh! ;D Please read and review, and...ENJOY!

Disclaimer: you noe what, I'm not even gonna' say it...(wants fluffeh-sama to be hers)

QUOTE OF THE DAY: "Did your mother abandon you to make sandwhiches again?" - sesshyfanchick

It Falls


Constantly Running.

As if she couldn't stop. Something, something was there. Hunting her down like an escaped convict.

Darkness. Was that all there was? Just a blanket of black, a veil of blindness that couldn't be uncovered? She halted. Something was there. She wasn't sure what it was exactly, but she could see it.

Like a shimmering light of magenta, swirling in and out like a vengeful mist. What was it? As soon as it appeared, it vanished.

'No!' she tried to call out, her voice fading in on her. It couldn't leave her alone like this, her only source of light. She crumpled to the floor, or what was considered a floor. What was she to do now? Just sit here like this, in the cold; the dark?

Drip, drip...drip.

What now? So bright, so blindingly bright.

'What?' she wondered aloud. Silver, pure silver. A waterfall of silver, pouring down; cascading into the dark nothingness.

Eyes quivering, mouth trembling.

And all she could remember before she fell into unconsciousness was gold. Only, vibrant gold.



Kagome gasped aloud, shooting up straight from her resting-place on the bed. A trickle of sweat rolled down from her temple, sliding down her neck. Her fingers numbly took hold of the blankets and clenched them tightly. She let out a chaste huff of breath, her chest heaving up and down while a trembling hand came up and massaged her forehead.

"What...was that about?" she asked herself as she mindlessly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. It was an odd dream, very odd indeed. She had never had it before, so she couldn't possibly know what it might have meant. Maybe she'd check in that book of "Dream Symbols" she saw in the library once.

Kagome peeled off the pink blankets that wrapped around her form and jutted her legs over the edge of the bed. She just needed a glass of water. Her throat was feeling very parched. She sat there for a moment, her mind jumbling with all sorts of outrageous thoughts. Her eyes finally rested upon the doll, which was still sitting on the desk next to her box; intact. She blinked her eyes.

She seriously needed to stop looking at that doll, especially at night. One could get easily frightened if you were to suddenly rest your eyes upon a white doll staring back at you.

"I bet you were entertained tonight," she said to it, sarcasm leaking off the edge of her voice. She got up from the bed and trotted over to the desk, folding her arms onto it and resting her chin upon them. She huffed at a strand of hair that fell across her face as she continued to stare the doll down.

"I bet you're snickering at me in that tiny little shell of yours," she breathed.


Kagome nearly screamed. Instead...she fell back...hard. She sat there, sprawled on the floor like a pathetic fool. She held a hand to her chest, her body trembling in a sense of bewildered panic. Did it just grunt at her? Did dolls do that? Her train of thought had finally left her, leaving her in a state of shock and disbelief. No, dolls definitely did not talk. Well, if you had bought a special one where you press a button and it says, "I love you". But she highly doubted that this doll was one of those dolls.

Then it hit her. The mind numbing panic, the horrible vigilance of fear. The doll, whatever it was...was haunted! It freaking grunted at her for crying out loud! All those movies, all the books...they were true. There really were dolls that could talk of their own accord!

She still sat there, her mind reeling with eerie thoughts. She stared up at the doll from her position, watching as it just sat there as if nothing had ever happened. What should she do, trash it? No, she'd heard of stories that if you don't get rid of these things properly, it could come back to haunt you. What was she to do? She wasn't going to keep it now, so that every night she could wake up to it laughing at her. That...would be freaking scary.

Kagome took in a deep breath and exhaled. There was no use in being scared of it now. Perhaps she could try talking to the doll? Kagome snickered.

'Great, now I'm talking to dolls,' she thought. She slowed her breathing until it became a steady calm and managed to reel her mind away from the frightening thoughts she had kept on giving herself. It was time to calm down and deal with the situation in an appropriate fashion. Kagome put pressure down onto her palms, signaling that she was getting up, and heaved herself from the floor. Her knees threatened to buckle in, but she remained steady as much as she possibly could.

The doll's eyes still shone with its usual ferocity of piercing gold, boring its gaze down upon her as if she were an unwanted visitor. She made her way to the desk, taking cautious steps. She stiffened, trying to match the dolls gaze with her own. She couldn't be scared, it was just a doll. What could it do?

She now stood before the desk, her form towering over the doll and its box.

"What are you?" she asked aloud, directing her question to it. Of course, there was no answer. No movement, no speech, just pure untainted quietness. She should have expected it; it wasn't as if the doll would answer her on first command. Maybe it was just an ordinary doll? No, she heard it grunt. She was standing right in front of it when it did!

"I know you're not just an ordinary doll," she eyed it quizzically, trying to keep her fears from overwhelming her. "That grunt earlier kind of proved it." Again, there was silence. The anticipation from being answered nearly made her keel over. It was like, she was expecting it to say something, but at the same time she didn't want it to. Kind of like watching a scary movie where a lone idiot wanders off alone in a dark deserted mansion and calls out "Is there anybody there?"

"Please, say something, anything!" she said with more ferocity, gaining back the last grip on her courage. As if on cue, she watched the dolls tiny arm slowly stretch up, its delicate fingers making there way up to its hair to wrap around a silvery lock and tuck it behind a pointed ear.

Kagome's mouth dropped open, obviously dumbfounded by the simple movement. She never knew it had elf ears. moved! The doll moved! By itself nonetheless! Now what was she supposed to do? It was now fairly obvious that the doll did have a mind of its own, somehow. Maybe she could go back to that guy Rii tomorrow after school. She should take the doll with her and tell him she wasn't satisfied with it. Or at least ask him what's up.

She watched as the doll dropped its hand back down, letting it to rest neatly upon its lap. Its golden eyes finally moved and glinted at her. It peered at her, its expression non-chalant and clearly not interested. Kagome watched as it did this, her eyes never moving from it. This was mind breaking, surreal. She didn't even want to believe it herself! But it was real, the doll was moving on its own, no strings attached.

The doll moved its head, settling on Kagome's form. It stared her down, although it did so with an aloof air of boredom; as if it were watching a blank TV screen. If Kagome had the right words to form a sentence, she would have said that the doll looked hauntingly beautiful. Its silver strands of hair glistened in the dark, giving off a faint pale glow. Its creamy porcelain skin shimmered to life, as if it were a ghost sneaking off into the dusky night. She stepped from one foot to another, not really sure as to what to do. She sighed.

"Ummm, look...Mr. Doll," she started, rubbing her forearm. "I have no idea what the heck you are, actually...yeah I do, you're a doll. Nevermind. I'm really confused right now, so I'd appreciate it (if you can talk that is) if you would spare me the icky stares and start explaining some things." She really couldn't think of any other way to put it, so she chose that form instead.

The doll just sat there and stared at her, as usual. Then it quirked its head opposite of where she was standing and seemed to look about the room.

"I do not converse with humans."

Kagome's mind did a double flip. It could talk! But that wasn't the only thing that baffled her. She guessed right; the gender of the doll was male, what with its voice being all deep and smooth.

'Wait...what?' she thought, focusing in on what he had said. Now she'd have to call him a "he" instead of an "it". "What do you mean you don't talk to humans, you just talked to one right now." He didn't seem to listen to her at all, his gaze still wandering off into the nightly distance. What was he so fascinated by anyway? The room was pitch dark; it wasn't as if you could actually see anything. She watched as his eyes scanned the room like golden beacons of light wading out into a black sea. He leaned back, his silver hair falling over his shoulder as his back made a tiny clinking sound due to the porcelain touching against the wall.

Kagome sighed inwardly. This wasn't how she wanted it to go. She was expecting some answers, and an explanation at least but it seemed that she wasn't going to be able to get anywhere anytime soon. Besides, she didn't want to be rude. It seemed that her new little "friend" didn't like to talk much.

Kagome shrugged. If he didn't want to talk then let him sit there all night for all she cared. He had his chance to at least get some help, because she would have. Seriously, the doll needed an attitude fix. It was as if he had no interest whatsoever on his whereabouts or whom he was accompanied with. And those eyes; his expression. They gave off nothing but an icy chill, a feeling of drought emotion. Beautiful, yet seriously foreboding.

Kagome dragged her feet towards her slippers and slipped them on each foot. She let out a big yawn, stretched and headed towards the door.

"I'm going downstairs to get some water, maybe watch some TV," she called back to him, not really caring as to what he thought. Did he even have any thoughts? She knew she shouldn't be leaving him alone like this. It always wasn't a wise decision on the big screen. And she still felt those eerie chills. What if it was an evil doll? Best not to think about it. Besides, you know what they always say, give them the benefit of the doubt. "I'll be back in a bit." As soon as she was about to step outside her room and out into the hall, she heard a loud tap come from behind her. She turned around and saw the doll giving her an icy glare from his sitting position atop the desk. She shivered.

"Now what, finally deciding to talk?" she mocked, inching closer towards the desk. He did nothing, just glared at her with a piercing stare. She stood before him, arms crossed.

"I'll get you down from there if you'll promise to get along," she compromised. "Take it or leave it." His gaze averted towards his hands, which were timidly rubbing against the yukata's silky fabric. He looked back up; silver locks of hair gently falling over his face as his yellow eyes shone like gold.

"I'll take that as a yes," she said and stretched out a hand. She saw him inch back slightly, as if he thought of her as an attacker. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just going to take you downstairs that's all." Her fingers gently wrapped around his small waist, making sure not to accidentally pull on his hair. She smiled at his expression, the first look he had given her that she could actually read as an emotion. He looked very displeased. His eyes were narrowed, not looking at her, as his thin mouth made a very slight frown.

She brought his small, fragile form into her arms, cradling him as if he were a newborn baby. She blushed. She had to admit. This was pretty awesome. Not everyone could own a living, breathing doll; a very handsome one at that.

'Handsome,' she thought, a frown quirking itself upon her lips. 'I seriously need to see a psychiatrist.'

Once she made her trip down the stairs, she entered into the kitchen and flipped on the light.

"Do you mind if I set you on the counter?" she asked him politely. Of course, he made no move to answer her so she simply shrugged and made her way towards the marble island countertop. She gently set him down towards the center of the table. She wouldn't like it very much if he were to accidentally fall and shatter into a bunch of tiny porcelain shards.

She left him sitting on the counter top as she turned to go grab a plastic cup from the cupboard. She placed it under the water dispenser on her fridge and waited for her cup to fill at least half way up. She then placed the cup of water on the counter, grabbed a nearby stool and sat upon it.

"So...Mr. Doll," she began, folding her hands neatly upon the countertop. She watched as his eyes narrowed down at her. She didn't think he liked to be called, "Mr. Doll."

"I'll be glad to give you another name better than "Mr. Doll," she said quietly. "You're just gonna' have to tell me your real name is all." He turned away from her, his knees buckling under his yukata. How could he move so fluidly? He was porcelain for crying out loud! With that much movement, he could break. Well, there was no doubt that some evil kind of magic was used to create him, so there was probably some kind of spell that allowed him to move as if he were flesh and blood. She rolled her eyes. It was too late to be thinking so hard.

"Sesshoumaru," he whispered quickly. Kagome's eyes widened. She wasn't really expecting him to answer her, but she was glad that he did.

"Sesshoumaru," she said, testing the feel of the name on her tongue. "The killing perfection?" She inwardly grimaced. Great, now she had a possessed doll whose name was out to murder someone. How quaint.

"Well, Sesshoumaru," she piped up, taking a tiny sip of her water. "My name's Kagome!" She set her plastic cup down and put her hand underneath her chin. He looked away from her once more, scanning the kitchen area. Kagome watched him as he did so. It was so weird. He moved normally, gracefully like any other human would. But she still couldn't quite put the human movement part with the porcelain part. Dolls weren't supposed to move so gracefully, unless they had special plastic joints that allowed you to bend them in certain places. But this doll was porcelain; he shouldn't be able to move the way he did.

He quirked his head and glimpsed her down. She supposed he sensed that she was staring at him. He got up from his sitting position, his body standing up with as much gracefulness as any other ordinary human would do. His white yukata smoothed out from its wrinkles as he stood up, his silver hair cascading down his back like a veil of diamond curtains. His yukata sleeves swung loosely at his sides as he began to walk towards the edge of the countertop.

"Wait, no!" Kagome shrieked.

Too late. He jumped.

Gehhhh...not really liking how this chappeh turned out, but at least I got him moving already D:
Anyways...PLEASE READ AND REVIEW, this girl would highly appreciate it ;D

-sesshyfanchick, out
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