Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Pure Hearts

Why is everything bad happening to us.

by babablacksheep232 1 review

Summary of story: Two people fall in love, but the cost is tragic events. As they try to continue in a relationship they are continously stopping because of these unfortunate events. Will they eve...

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama, Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-11-27 - Updated: 2006-11-27 - 796 words

Please enjoy this chapter...
Recap: U got bit by a dog, Brendon is currently being gunpointed by a bum
Your POV
A man pushes the bum down. The bullet misses Brendon. The man takes the bums gun and knife and points them at the bum.
Brendon: Jon!
Jon: Get up! And put your hands where I can see them.
The bum gets up.
Jon: Brendon, do you have your cell phone?
Brendon: Yeah.
Jon: Call the police.
Brendon dials the number. SOmeone picks up.
Brendon: May I report that a man just attempted to murder me and a girl? Uh huh. Okay then.
Brendon shuts his phone.
Brendon: The police are gonna be here asap.
Brendon ran to you.
Brendon: Are you all right?
You:Yeah, I think so. But my arm hurts alot. What about your shoulder?
Brendon: I think I'm okay for now.
A police car came and took the bum away
You: I don't know why everything bad keeps happening to us. I got bitten by a dog and a bum tried to kill you.
Brendon: I don't understand it either.
Jon came over to you and Brendon.
Jon: I guess we should cancel tonights performance because your in no condition to perform.
Brendon: We can reschedule and do it tommorow.
You: What's your band called?
Brendon: Panic! At The Disco.
You laugh a little.
You: That's a weird band name. But all band names are wacky when you think about it.
Jon: Yeah, I guess your right about that.
The three of you walk to Jon's house.
Jon:Ryan's gonna be back today.
Brendon: Good, hopefully Sniffy wont attack more people with him around.
When you guys got to Jon's house, there was a boy sitting in the couch wathing t.v.
Jon: Hey Spencer.
Spencer:Hey! Who do we have here?
Brendon: Her name is _________. I met her at the park where Sniffy bit her.
Spencer: Sniffy bit someone? That's strange. Sniffy is usually friendly with every one.
Brendon: I know.
Jon: And Brendon and _______ just got attacked by a bum. The bum gunpointed Brendon and slashed him in the shoulder.We need to get some stertile bandages and iodine for his cut.
Spencer: Holy Shit! All that happened when you guys were gone!!! You all right Brendon?
Brendon: Yeah, I'm fine.
Jon: Take your shirt off, so we can get to your cut.
Jon and Spencer went to get the bandages and iodine.
Brendon hesitated for a moment. He took his shirt off. You stare at his hot body. Brendon catches you staring at him.
Brendon: _______! What are you staring at? He gives you a sexy smile. You blush madly.
Brendon: You blush alot.
You blush even more. You felt a little embarresed.Brendon comes toward you and kisses you on the cheek. You quickly turn to Brendon. You kiss him back. You two engage into a deep kiss. You felt lots of bliss in you. Nothing could ruin this until...
Spencer and Jon: Brendon and ______ sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!
Brendon and you release off of eachother.
Brendon: You two are perfect for the cheerleading squad.
Spencer and Jon give Brendon dirty looks.You felt really embarresed. All of a sudden the dogs came running to you. You screamed. Ever since your dog bite, you've grown a fear for dogs.Brendon ran in front of you and blocked the dogs. A boy walked into the room.
Spencer: Hey Ryan! Were about to cover Brendon with bandages.
Ryan: What happened?
Brendon: Sniffy bit ______, and I almost got killeb by a bum.
Ryan: Sniffy bit someone?! That's strange. She has never bit anyone before?
He walks over to Sniffy.
Ryan: Bad dog! No treats for a week! And no going to the park with Brendon anymore. Now I'm gonna have to goet you some training to not bite people. Ryan looks at you.
Ryan: I'm so sorry. This won't happen again.
You: It's okay.
You walked over to your dog.
You: It's good to see you Sheeba!
Your dog licks you. You stare at Brendon.
You: umm... I better leave.
Brendon:You should stay at my place tonight so I don't have to worry about you.
You stare at Brendon for a moment. He's such a sweetheart but you knew you couldn't stay at his place.
You: I think it's best if I just went home to my place, but thanks for offering.
You walk out the door.
Spencer:Spend the night? Are you crazy?
Jon: Yeah, he's crazy in love.
Ryan: Who was that girl.
Brendon:______. I met her in the park. She's really nice.
Brendon's pov
I couldn't help but think about our kiss. She so sweet and beautiful. I can't wait tell our date...
To be continued
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