Categories > Anime/Manga > Full Metal Alchemist

All is Calm, All is Bright

by havocmangawip 0 reviews

A side story to W.I.P. featuring Havoc and Sciezka for the holidays. Written last year and revised after the FicSimplicity prompt: First Snow. Enjoy, it's fluffy. Set in the mangaverse post38, but ...

Category: Full Metal Alchemist - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Jean Havoc, Schiezka - Published: 2006-11-27 - Updated: 2006-11-28 - 334 words - Complete

Title: All is Calm, All is Bright
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Characters: Havoc and Sciezka
Prompt: #14 First Snow
Author: havocmangawip
Beta: snakecharmerfoxx
Rating: G-PG
Disclaimer:All of the shiny characters belong to Hiromu Arakawa and Square Enix, et al.I make no money... in fact I owe it because lattes are expensive.

"All is Calm, All is Bright"

The tree was trimmed, the carols sung and the flurry of activity and people had finally left our small house in Central City. Gracia and Elysia had gone home so Elysia could get to bed to wake up early for presents in the morning. Mustang, Hawkeye, Breda, Feury and Falman went back to their respective barracks and apartments to sleep off the eggnog, hot toddies, treats and cookies. Ed and Al were in Risembul celebrating with Winry and Pinako, making Winry's wish come true.

It had been a loud, hectic and tiring day, but wonderful and exciting because everyone was in his or her proper place. The political and military struggles were over and Amestris was in good hands with Mustang as Prime Minister of the Parliament. The tribulations of the past year had paid off and an unprecedented period of peace had begun.

Sciezka and I sat on the couch, admiring the twinkling white lights on our small tree, the fire burning down to embers as a light dusting of snow covered the front yard making the world look clean, new and full of promise.

"So what do you want for the Solstice?" Sciezka asked, the wine giving her a little slur.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing," I said. "Tonight was like a holiday card, it's even snowing and now I'm here with you, in our place, looking at our tree and drinking some damned good wine."

"So you don't want for anything?" Sciezka pressed.

"Nope, can't say that I want for anything," I said and leaned in for another soft kiss.

"It's like that carol earlier, 'All is calm, all is bright'," I continued, "Happy Solstice Sciezka."
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