Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > It's Not A Fashion Statement

Proposals....What The Fuck!!!!!!

by gerardlover17 2 reviews

Well is there a wedding......Maybe a few.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2006-12-01 - Updated: 2006-12-01 - 560 words

***Gerard's P.O.V.****
I watch as shannon lookes at me and says....

"come outside with me"
I follow her out side and am surprised as she
grabs me, and kisses me. Before i realize what happening we are goin over the balcony railing and into the pool below. sputtering to the surface i look at her and ask, " that a Yes??"
"oh did you ask me some thing?? i just wanted to push you into the pool." she shrugged.
"oh calm down...i was just kidding"
"so again....was that a yes."

**Frank's P.O.V.****

Watching as Gerard and Shannon embrace i suddenly want the same for me. I look at cody and see the he does too. Touching Cody's arm i ask, "Cody do you wanna go to that sate where they let Gay people get married??"
"ummmm.....Heck TO the Yeah"
"yay!!" I do the happy gay guy jump

**Bob's P.O.V.***
" bout you??"
"eh...What ever tickle your pickle"

***Ray's P.O.V.**

"scarlet do you want to get married?"
"i already am happy"
Janna Screams, "no do you wanna take him for your husband"
"i don't have a husband"
"no do you want him AS your husband!!!!"

***Janna"s P.O.V.****
'ok this girl is a freak' I think to myself, shaking my head. Then being me i looked at Mikey thinking he would play follow the leader with the rest of the idgets. "what's taking so long?" I ask him.
"I don't want to marry you." he said.
"Well fuck you bastard" I said and walked my ass out of the hotel room. Next stop, the bar.
xxxxxxxxxThe next morningxxxxxxxxx
'who the fuck is beating on my door' i think. The next second Shannon's bitchy ass comes running into my room and belly flops on my bed. I HAVE NO CLOTHES ON!!! wait....where did they go? I forget about my dilemma as shannon screams "Mikey is an uber ass hole"
"Hey shut up my head hurts and he is not an asshole he is sweet and crazy and perfect and fuck my head hurts" just as my head started to implode Mikey ran in screaming like the idiot i believe him to be.
"You have to marry me i fuckin love you and you fuckin love me and we're perfect and if you don't who is going to sing me cheesy theme songs."
"shut the fuck up and leave me alone, I will marry you as long as you promise to whisper for three days"
"okay...wait you're drunk" mikey said
"no shit broke my heart and now you fixed it....shannon you need to go."
"Because me and mikey must do the horizontal or vertical monkey dance....i don't know what mood i'm in yet"
", sex, sex, sex, sex!!!!!!!" mikey whispered.
As soon as shannon left mikey stripped and we did the doggie monkey dance. Whoopie!!! Then i passed out....what happened next i do not know but i have big shiny ring.

**my P.O.V***
"Gerard...i'm so happy!!!!.....we can have a big My Chemical Romance,With 95% Chemical and 5% Romance, Wedding."
"yeah, Fun Times"

Please review......the next few chapters are really fucked up.....especially with janna's Parts (Janna: "hey bitch......of course")
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