Categories > Anime/Manga > Death Note > The True Story of Death Note

The True Story of Death Note

by Saisano 0 reviews

The killing begins

Category: Death Note - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Rem, Yagami Raito, Other - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2006-12-01 - Updated: 2006-12-01 - 1078 words

The True Story of Death Note

Aaron and Malaka went to Natalie's concert. "So, are you sure I have to be here because I could just leave you two...." "No! If you leave our plan is ruined." Aaron grinned. Malaka smirked, "Uh, huh...are you sure that's the whole story?"
Aaron grunted and kept on walking into the building. Loads of people crowded around the door screaming, "Natalie! Natalie!" Malaka looked behind her to see Ryuuk and Karo eating popcorn. "This stuff is almost as good as apples!" Ryuuk said eating greedily. "I think I actually agree with you!" Karo said.
Malaka shook her head, "If those guys keep at it for a while, they'll blow our cover." Aaron also looked back at them, but shrugged the thought off. "Well, at least we don't see...."
"Light Kun!" Natalie yelled. Aaron looked like he was about to jump out of the building as Natalie grabbed him by the waist. "I'm so glad you came to watch Natalie perform, you hardly ever do!" Aaron gasped for air, "That's not....what I....came for."
Malaka snickered, "I bet it is." Aaron sneered as he pushed Natalie off of his sore body. "Look, what I need is your note book!" Natalie smiled, "Okay, any think for Light Kun."
Natalie took out her Death Note and handed it to Light Kun. He grinned evilly as the note book touched his hand. Then he saw it, Natalie's god of death, Rem. Ryuuk and Karo looked over at her, "Damn, not her again!"
Ryuuk walked over toward her, "Nice to see you again." Rem nodded but did not respond; rather he stared at Malaka and Aaron. "There's something about these two that gives me the chills." "Alright, well now that we have what we wanted, we will be leaving."
"What!" Natalie said frantically. "You can't leave, you haven't even seen..." "Oh, and Natalie, good luck at your concert." Aaron waved while grinning. Malaka smirked and left with Rem, Karo, and Ryuuk.
Aaron smirked, " business."

Meanwhile, L-eana stared at her computer and twisted her sucker in her fingers. "What were you thinking Kira, what were you...." "L-eana, there's a new headline that may help us on our search for Kira!"
L-eana turned around, "And what might that be?" Kiba turned to reveal his computer. On the screen was the meeting about Iraq. L-eana smiled, "I think that we're on to something; however I believe K already has this information."
"What!" Kiba and Nikkei yelled. L-eana put the lolly pop in her mouth. "It's quite simple, she already knew the whole story behind Kira and his charade, and therefore she knows that he will go after any person who is a threat to society as it is. Also, we are twins so we sort of share the same brain waves."
Nikkei and Kiba looked at one another. "The only thing that we can do now...." Nikkei started. "Is wait..." L-eana finished as she stared through her window as the rain began to fall.
Malaka was in her room with all three notebooks as well as Ryuuk, Rem, and Karo. "What is this Light Kun up to anyway?" Karo asked. Malaka sighed, "I don't really know yet, all he did was give me all three notebooks and told me to wait for his call." She leaned back in her chair, "To be honest, I wondering why he just didn't do the deed himself."
Rem folded her arms, "I don't trust him." Ryuuk looked at her and giggled inside, "Tensions are finally rising between these too." Karo snarled, "This better be good, because I can really go for some apples." "Here, here." Ryuuk chimed in.
Suddenly the phone rang as Malaka quickly answered it. "Turn on the TV to channel 7, and pay attention to General Towns." Malaka turned on the TV to channel five and saw the meeting which all the general's attended. "Now, focus on General Townsen, and after he walks up to the booth, kill him after he talks about his policy on war with Natalie's notebook."
"Okay." Malaka said when she searched through the crowd and spotted the general. "Now, let the crowd get a little aggravated after that and then spot out General Knox and kill him with my death note precisely 5 minutes after Townsen but I want it to be because of a suicide." Malaka tried to remember the stuff that Aaron had already said and then said, "Rodger, anything else."
"Then, after you do this, kill Yamanaki, he is the prime minister of Japan. He is also at the meeting; he should be easy to spot because of his short stature. He will be killed by your book, and it will be because of a gun shot from an agent, 10 minutes after Townsen's death, okay.
Malaka nodded, "Sure, but why do you want to kill him? What does he have to do with the problem in Iraq?" Aaron snickered on the phone, "Well, it's simple. His people refused to help, and also, I think he sent people to look for me in America."
"What!? How can you be sure..." "There's loads more to tell, and not enough time, so just do what I say, when I say it, and I'll tell you the rest of the story." Malaka grinned, "What ever Light, but you better tell me what's going on soon, or else we'll be in another jumble like the people in Japan."
Aaron sighed, "First of all, that won't happen because I'm smarter than Yagomi, and second of all, you need to pay attention to the screen because he's going up to the stage." Malaka turned her attention to the TV and released he was right. "Alright, let's get this party started."
Aaron hung up the phone. "This better go as planed." Malaka stared at the screen and Townsen started talking about the war on terror. Karo snickered, "This is going to be good." Malaka smiled, "Well, if it's for the grater good, than I guess it's the right thing."
She grabbed Natalie's notebook, and wrote down General Ted Townsen. Then she and the god's of death stared at the clock. 30....20...10....5.....3....2.... General Townsen started to gasp for air as his eye sockets turned white as he fell to the floor, dead.
Meanwhile, L-eana and K were watching the same broadcast as they saw the general die right in front of them. "Finally, the war between man and God has begun!"
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