Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Only Heir

Only Heir

by Eiri_Boyce 5 reviews

Lucius catches Draco with a muggleboy and does what the only thing that he thinks will save the Malfoy name. Girl!Draco No incest, but pretty slash. HP/DM

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance - Characters: Blaise Zabini, Draco, Fred, George, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Lucius, Luna, Lupin, Molly Weasley, Narcissa, Oliver Wood, Pansy, Percy, Ron, Sirius, Snape, Tonks - Warnings: [!!] [?] [R] [X] - Published: 2006-12-01 - Updated: 2006-12-02 - 882 words

Author's Notes:
I don't own Harry Potter, but I really wished that I did, maybe for Christmas.

It was the one thing that he didn't want to happen; it was the only thing that he would pray was never discovered because it was the one thing that gave him any sense of happiness anymore. Life for Draco Malfoy had become a little less then Hell, since his father was released from Azkaban. Everything was about improving the Malfoy name, since his father's adventures with the now late Lord Voldemort had given them something to be desired. And for the most part Draco had done his best to follow his father's command, but there were some things that he just couldn't do.

Like pretend to actually enjoy the company of his betrothed, Pansy Parkinson, what was his father thinking when he set up that union? It was obvious, the man had never met her; she was one of the most annoying creatures on the face of the planet. She was clingy and needy and started crying if she even suspected that you held any ill feelings towards her in the least. Yes, she was beautiful and pureblooded, but that really didn't matter considering that Draco could barely stand to be in the same room with her for more then five minutes.

It also didn't help that Draco had no interest in the female sex whatsoever, which had lead him to the point that he was at the moment, in the Malfoy Manor Dungeons in a holding cell until his father could decide what to do with him. His father who was supposed to be away on some sort of business had come home to find Draco and another young man in a compromising position, oh, but that wasn't the worst of it. Philip Cris, the other young man, had been a muggle boy from the village about a mile away from the Manor.

Draco had never seen his father so mad in his life, not even the time that he had told his father to "Fuck" himself, when propositioned to become a Death Eater, this had to be at least ten maybe twenty millions times worse and there was no telling what his father would do. Lucius could be a cruel man, he could twist and manipulate people that crossed him to make their lives miserable and he never let go of a grudge.

"Draco, you have caused yourself a lot of terrible," a stone cold voice said. Draco looked around, but the dungeon was so dark that he couldn't even see the shadow; he could any guess where his father was.

"I'm sorry, Father-" Draco began to protest, but was cut off.

"Luckily, for you, I've found a way so that everybody wins, even you," his father laughed, the laugh sent chills down the younger blonde's spine, he'd heard that laugh before and he had always wished that he would never hear it again.

"Do you want to hear my ingenious plan, boy?" Lucius asked, Draco wanted to cry, but knew that if he were to show any sort of fear that Lucius would be able to see it, sense it.

"Yes, Father," he murmured.

"You should be grateful to your Great-Great Grandfather Black who set up the Black-Malfoy agreement, yes, the same one that married your mother and I," Draco was very confused, Parkinson wasn't a Black or a Malfoy. Lucius must have sensed the confusion that boggled his son's mind.

"You see, your cousin, Sirius Black has just adopted a new heir, a new heir that you will marry. Oh course there is a small problem, well, I guess in your case it would be a bonus," at this point Lucius stepped into the light so that Draco could see him.

"Do you know what that would be?" he asked looking Draco straight in the eyes. Draco felt his stomach clench and shook his head. "Honestly, Draco, I thought you were smarter then that, obviously, I was misinformed."

"Well you see, my dear son, the problem is that the new Black heir is male and you are male you see how this really does create a problem. Fortunately, for you, you have a Father who can afford the best magical researchers out there, and I have found your solution."

Draco's heart was racing, his chest felt like there were brick lying on top of it and he wanted more then anything to wake up from this nightmare.

"Trasformazione Femmina!" his father shouted pointing his wand towards, he watched as a yellow beam of light shot from the end of the wand and hit him square in the chest knocking him to the ground. From the corner of his eyes, he could see his father turn on his heels and lock the dungeons door behind him.

"The transformation will take about twenty hours, and it will be very painful, so you will stay in here until, I return with your soon to be husband."

So what do you think, I'll write more later, I have to get ready for school and then actually go to school, but review if you like it and I promise that if I even get one review, I'll have chapter two up within twenty four hours ^_^
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