Categories > Books > Cirque du Freak > ...........


by lassy101 2 reviews

This is about wht happened between Arra and Gavner. This was made up by me and, acording to the books, didn't happen. But i like to think it did XD V. Short

Category: Cirque du Freak - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Other - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2006-12-05 - Updated: 2006-12-05 - 296 words

This now has nothing to do with my fanfic except the fact that Arra and Mr Crepsley kissed XD well enjoy.
Disclaimer: It's not mine. If it was this would be in the book!!! And they would be kinkier :P!!!

Flashback!!! (Arra's POV)

"Arra, you have to eat something. Starving yourself won't bring Larten back." Gavner was there for me the whole time I was 'getting over' Larten. I just sat there, staring into space. I had cried all my tears and now I just sat in silence. "Arra, say something please. I hate seeing you like this. Do you want me to beat up Larten for you? Well, let him kick my butt." I couldn't help but laugh at the thought of Gavner trying to beat up Larten. "There's that smile I've been waiting to see."
"Gavner... I need something to make me fell happy again. What do you think Mika's doing?" Well Mika was hot and damn good in bed that would take my mind off things.
"No! I won't let you go shag just anyone to take your mind off the break up." I knew he was right, I would regret shagging just anyone it'd have to be someone I was comfortable with. Like... I looked at Gavner and put on my seductive look. "I say no about Mika and that means me- Larten's best friend?!?"
"You're right. It's just..." I started weeping and talking about how sad I was and stuff. Then he kissed me. "What the hell are you doing? I thought you didn't want to cheer me up like this?"
"I'm shutting you up! And if sleeping with you will do it then I guess that's what I'll do!" He started kissing me again and I didn't object.

End Flashback!!!
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