Categories > Anime/Manga > Death Note > The True Story of Death Note

The True Story of Death Note

by Saisano 0 reviews

The death of those who get in Aaron's way

Category: Death Note - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Rem, Other - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-12-06 - Updated: 2006-12-06 - 394 words

The true story of Death Note

Malaka looked at the screen in awe as well as Aaron. "Great, my plan is going perfectly according to plan." Malaka watched the assemble run around in panic. They were shouting and running over to Townsen.
Rem looked over at the screen. "Well, it looks like Light's plan is going according to plan." Malaka agreed a noticed it was five minutes. She grabbed Aaron's notebook and wrote Ken Knox and he died of suicide by stabbing himself with a knife. Karo and Ryuuk looked at the screen intently as they saw General Knox grab his knife and thrust it into his heart.
The crowd gasped and people ran toward Knox as he gasped for air as his blood spilled onto the floor. People scattered as they started to usher the prime minister outside. "What on earth is going on here!" one of his guards asked. L-eana was watching intently, "Just like the stories say, death came upon them without meaning."
Kiba and Nikkei looked at L-eana and then back at the screen. "So what is your percentage on Aaron now?" L-eana looked at the screen amusingly as she grabbed a piece of chocolate, "About 10%"
Malaka noticed that the last five minutes came into play. She grabbed her note book and wrote the name Itzi Yamanaki. The cause of death was being shot by one a man on the street. Ryuuk smirked, as the camera followed the prime minister. After a while a man with a mask ran out from a crowd and shot Yamanaki in his heart, killing him instantly.
Aaron smiled from his room, "Malaka, you've done well, but now we have to keep the Japanese off our backs." Karo smirked, "Well, that went pretty well for your first time, huh."
Malaka leaned back in her chair with her hands behind her head, "Yah, I think Light Kun will be rather pleased. Oh and as promised....." Malaka reached for her drawer and pulled out three apples. "Your precious apples."
Ryuuk and Karo jumped out immediately and grabbed the apples, however Rem stood still in his place. "There's something about that girl that gives me a chill down my spine, one larger than this Light Kun." Ryuuk looked over towards Rem, "Hey, don't you want an apple."
Everyone directed their attention toward her. "Yah, I guess I do."
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