Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > It's Not A Fashion Statement

The Grand Finale......And A bit of comedic Drama

by gerardlover17 1 review

just read...this is the end

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2006-12-08 - Updated: 2006-12-08 - 644 words

okay it is ten months later....Janna gave birth to Triplets, Katarina August; California Josephine; Rosalyn Josie Asher. Scarlet had a miscarriage and then later decided she wasn't ready for kids. Cody adopted an Ethiopian infant and a four that screamed Ethiopian tribal chants, to Cody's displeasure, Janna taught him "The Chant".....there has been no sign of brittany....but only time will tell....Bob has a new friend miracle...he seems happy.

****My p.o.v*****

"Gerard honey....i'm gonna be late!!!" i yells as i try to get off the bus. i was heading for an interview with a new model. The only problem was....i needed to get the kids to gerards mother's house....across town. We were in new jersey visiting my mother-in-law. "Gerard....will you come get your son!!"
'i'm not having any more kids...twins are enough!' i think to myself as gerard takes Xander from me. he looks so pathetic with fate on the other arm screaming. Suddenly janna come out saying, "okay ya'll are noisy."
"well with five babies on one bus it's not easy to be quiet" gerard yells back
"oh yea....we got five....i keep thinking that was a dream....and i went through three of the kids"
Getting frustrated i yell "Okay i gotta go. Love you gerard....bye my preciouses"


three Hours later in janna's p.o.v.

"mikey..i gots ta tell ya a secret!!!" i yell from the bathroom

"I preggers....again....i think"...i look at the ept...."'s prette positive"
Suddenly the bathroom door is pulled open and gerard yells at me....."NO MORE BABIES ON THIS FUCKIN BUS!!!!!!"
i watch as mikey yells back..."don't yell at her....she's in a delicate..."
" i am not fucking delicate....I can still kick your ass"
"i'm going to be a daddy....again" mikey said. I grabbed him and pulled him really close to me and said..."IF I HAVE THREE MORE YOU DIE...OR I CUT THEM OFF!!!" We look over when we hear the door slam and notice Shannon is back and frustrated..."what the fuck is going on's horrible enuff the bitch was bulemic and anorexic...which is not what i want for my tell me the drama so i can sleep!!!"
All three of us say together" My wife is pregnant....Your friend is knocked up....Mikey forgot to wear a condom"

*****back to me***

I was about to lay down when i hear outside.

*****Brittany's P.o.v.****
"why??" bob asks as he walk off his bus
"you need to take a paternity test"
Suddenly nickey shows up and yells " NO...I DON'T GIVE A SHIT IF THE BABY HAS HIS DNA...IT'S MINE I TELL YOU MINE!"
brittany looks at us then bob amd says..yeah take the test and so we'll know and you can be in the child's life...i gotta go catch him and make sure he doesn't drop her."
brittany leaves

Janna says "she's baaaack... or at least she was"


Okay well....we lived happily ever after.
"No we didn't....god" Janna says
"hey it's not my fault ya'll had twelve kids"
"wait we had 13"
"i thought one ran away"
"no she lives on the roof of the tour bus...." her voice drops to a whisper "we found her last year"
"I thought she ran away with the zookeeper...And the monkey"...i whisper back
"no she married him and stole the monkey"
"why are we whispering"
They can hear us"
we both look at the rook while sing the doo doo doo's from the twilight zone.


That's it story over....i'll start a new one tomorrow
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