Categories > Books > Cirque du Freak > Planning A Party!


by BenchSlave1 2 reviews

I decided to do this because I thpot it would be funny if darren wore a tight suit and showed his bits of LOL jkin i just done this roandomly!!!!!

Category: Cirque du Freak - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Erotica, Fantasy, Horror - Characters: Other - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2006-12-09 - Updated: 2006-12-09 - 817 words

DISCLAIMER: i dont own the mr Shan collection and neither does my mate Tina who came up with the costumes and plots!

Darren had been bored all year. He had been stuck in the mountain and had decided to plan a halloween party. But for that he needed help and there was only ne person who he could trust to o along with it: Arra! They had got Gavner, Kurda and Mika in on it too. So it was all go. They just had to get Mister Crepsley to come. They knew he would think they were being silly as they were /part of the tradition of halloween being vampires/! They decided to do it in the hall of Kheldon Lurt. They had made decorations and collected food and drink but the only problem was Mister Crepsley! They approached him one night when he was reading a letter from the princes; it was a ploy mika had made to get him into a corner as the letter said to keep it private.
"Hi Mister Crepsley!" Darren smiled and the group behind him smiled aswell.
"Has Anything happened? What is wrong?" He got frantic and started looking nervous as we shook our head.
"Erm...Larten, I was wondering if you could do me a little favour," Arra fluttered her eyelashes (as Darren had told her to) and Mister Crepsley blushed.
"Em...Ofcourse, Arra! Anything!" He said and they all smiled. He always said his word was his promise and he had just said /anything/!
"We're having a Halloween party and your coming you just said anything!" Arra screamed with delight and ran down the tunnels screaming 'I've gotta get ma costume ready!' Mister Crepsley glared at us all and we laughed. Gavner and Kurda walked away and i was left with mister Crepsley.
"Darren, em... You know how i dont usually celebrate these things?" He mumbled as if shy.
"Yes, how?" Darren replied.
"Well, what do i wear?" he asked in barely a whisper!
I could have fun with this! Darren thought!
"Em...We'll find something for you!" Darren said innocently and smiled. He walked away thinking of what would be the most embarassing thing he could make Mister Crepsley wear!

3 days to go

Decorations were already being put up but the food was in a cool room. Arra was sitting in her cave. She was sitting beside her coffin sewing white cloth together she had already made her head gear. She was planning to go as a PlayBoi Bunnee (Darren had hinted to her that that would be funny). Mister Crepsley walked into her cave and she slid on top of her costume

Mister Crepsleys brow was sweating as he walked into Arras cave. He didnt know what he was going to say but he knew he had to say it.
"Em...Arra, i was wondering because you know i lot more about these things than i do so i was wondering if you could inform me on something? Do yoiu have partners to this.../Party?/" he asked sheepishly.
"! I mean, no larten, you dont need a date," she said quickly and asked him to leave.

As larten left, Arra jumped up and pulled the needle out of her bum cheek and out her trousers.

2 days to go

Darren had decided to go as Spiderman because he had Madame Octa. He had snuck down to the Ba Halen ([] I think thats what there called[]) and took some cobwebs for his costume. It ended up a mess so he asked someone to go and buy him one. It hadnt arrived yet but he had 2 days to go!
He had decided to go easy on Mister Crepsley and told him to go as James Bond.

1 day to go

Darrens spider man costume arrived and it was 2 sizes too small and the legs ended at his knees and left a small bulge at his crotch area and chafed his valuables.


Darren didnt mind wearing his costume after a few times wearing it and thought it very funny. he had made sure Mister Crepsley sprayed his hair brown like James Bond and wore a suit. Arra had kept the PlayBoi Bunnee costume a secret and wore a long brown coat over it when she walked into the hall. The men gathered at the closed door while Arra took her coat of inside the hall. Everyone laughed at Darrens costume, and to his annoyance, the size of his smalll, not yet fully grown dick.

The men walked into the hall at the strike of midnight and gasped at the sight of Arra who was wearing PlayBoi Bunnee Ears and a tight skimpy white swimming costume (she was sewed soft white fur to it [Inside and out :P]). They stood in the middle of the hall. Suddenly, Music started at the party began. . .

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