Categories > Books > Harry Potter > What Now, Severus?

Where's The Happy Ending?

by Emilie_D 1 review

It's not over yet.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Snape - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-12-10 - Updated: 2006-12-10 - 3168 words - Complete

Molly and Michael watched in horror as disaster unfolded below them. At first they didn't understand what they were seeing when Firenze raced from the trees, but when he crashed down, Michael recognized Zelda immediately.

"How can she be here," he asked, appalled. "Who took the centaur down? They were almost here!" He sighted a strange, limping figure headed toward the fallen and was ready to shoot.

"No! That's bloody Mad-Eye Moody! Don't shoot," said Molly, disgustedly. "He's one of ours."

"God! Did you see that? She shot the leg out from under him, Molly. Good girl, Zel!" he exclaimed, having watched the wizard fall. "I wish I could go down there."

"I should go," said Molly, setting down the Omnioculars.

"You can't!" he said. "I would've shot that bastard. I need you, Molly. The only way I can be useful is to be here, ready to shoot."

"Merlin, you're right," she said. The color drained from her face as a new realization struck her. "Ginny!" she said. "Ginny's here. She must've brought Zelda. It's the only way this could happen."

"God, I'm sorry," he said. "You must be right. Help me look out there and we'll see what we can do."

Recalled to their grim work, she picked up the Omnioculars again. This was the hardest thing she had ever done.


Remus Lupin jumped. "What was that sound?" he asked, letting his control of the stretcher slip.

Minerva was there to catch it. She glanced disapprovingly at him. "It was a gunshot. Nothing to worry about," she murmured calmly.

"You've been a busy woman, haven't you?" he asked, beginning to realize how much had happened among the Order members in recent weeks.

A faint smile touched the severe features. "One might say that," she said calmly. "Soon enough you'll know all of it, Remus."

"If there's trouble, I should investigate," he said.

"Be careful then, so we can begin to sort this mess out," she said in resignation. "I shall bring Severus back."

Lupin ran ahead and didn't look back.

Minerva stopped. It was not wise to bring Severus into a battle while he was unconscious. She studied him closely, disliking the unhealthy pallor to his skin and wondered if he could be revived. "/Rennervate/," she whispered. He stirred slightly. "Severus, can you hear me?"

Snape heard someone speaking to him. He had no idea where he was, but the voice was familiar, so he forced one eye open. "Minerva," he croaked. "What happened?"

She squeezed his hand gently, worried when he winced. "The Cruciatus Curse, my friend. But it is finished."

Now that she'd said it, this weakness felt very familiar. He struggled feebly to rise, but could not lift his head. "The Dark Lord?" he asked.

"Gone," she said, smiling for the first time.

"What about Potter?" he asked, closing his eyes again.

"Fine, although he seemed very concerned about you."

"Ah... There is more I must do, but what?" he whispered irritably. "I cannot remember."

"How can I help you recover?" she asked. He would know, if anyone, what to do for a Cruciatus victim.

He gathered his wits and muttered, "Strengthening Solution." He frowned. "I have none."

She smiled and said, "Rest a moment."

Gladly he closed his eyes again, but soon she was waking him again.

"Severus, I have Strengthening Solution. How much do you need to take?" she asked urgently.

He put his hand out. "Help me to hold it," he muttered.

She opened the small bottle and wrapped his hand around it, helping him raise it. She watched closely as he expertly tossed a small amount into his mouth, and then sank back, closing his eyes. She closed the bottle and waited.

After a few moments he shakily sat up. "Thank you," he muttered. He met her gaze and was pleased to find his eyes were coming back into focus. "I cannot remember yet. What must be done?"

"Can you walk?" she asked. "Zelda is here. By now she's probably safe, but we heard a gunshot a few minutes ago. Remus has gone ahead."

"Merlin," he hissed. He staggered to his feet. "We must go."

"Hold my arm until you are stronger," she offered, but she was surprised when he actually accepted her offer.

They were off then. Snape had a hundred questions in his head, but had no strength to spare for talk. He clutched her arm and forced one foot in front of the other.


Bellatrix dragged her whinging sister by a rope she had Conjured and headed for the castle. When they reached the edge of the trees, she stopped, looking out at what seemed a large number of people. Things did not look good for her. Not a single Death Eater was in sight. Before her startled eyes a centaur had run out of the Forest, with a rider clinging to his waist.

Narcissa gasped, recognizing the pair, but clamped her lips shut. She was not about to make anything easy for her sister any longer. Draco had been right about Bella, she thought bitterly.

A Stunner hit the mighty creature, sending him crashing to the ground and throwing the woman off. Both witches watched in fascination as the short blond woman ran back to the centaur, pulling something out.

Bella snarled triumphantly when her enemy, Mad-Eye Moody rushed out of cover. She prepared to Curse him, but a loud bang filled the air, and he crashed down on the ground. The woman seemed to have a Muggle Curse thrower, and had wielded it most effectively. Patience had never been her forte, but she decided to watch and see what would happen. She was not disappointed.

Her insufferable niece, Nymphadora, next appeared. She appeared to hex Moody and headed for the centaur and the woman.

It was beginning to worry Bellatrix a bit that she had not seen any Death Eaters. She wondered where the Dark Lord was, and the werewolf. Not to mention the bloody rat and the traitor Snape. Perhaps if she waited quietly a bit longer, more would turn up and she could vent her wrath on all of them.

However, no sooner had she made that decision, than Kingsley Shacklebolt ran from the woods and began shouting something to the others. How she hated that insufferable wizard! Impulsively she sent a Blasting Curse at him and screamed with glee when he collapsed. She turned around just in time to see her sneaking sister attempting to take advantage of the rope being dropped and slip away into the trees.

"Not so fast, sister mine," she snapped. "/Stupefy/!"

The spell was filled with mad rage, and Narcissa was thrown against a tree. Her blond head struck it with a sickening thud and she sank slowly down to lie at the base of it. Bellatrix was done with all of them, she thought bitterly, and she'd take them all out before the Dark Lord arrived.


Minerva and Snape were finally making better time. He had judged it safe to take another dose of the Strengthening Solution, so he no longer needed Minerva's support to walk.

They were approaching the end of the Forest, when he became aware of someone lurking in the trees. He and Minerva pulled their wands in the same instant, but realized right away it was unnecessary.

"Professor Snape!" Harry Potter sprang on to the path, followed by Ginny Weasley and, more slowly, a limping Draco Malfoy.

He rolled his eyes in grim resignation. "I am thrilled to see that you are alive and presently you shall all be required to explain yourselves." Here he met Potter's eyes briefly, and saw the boy's trust and relief. It was all he could do to keep from responding in kind, but disaster stared him in the face. "Potter, Zelda is here and I must go."

"Professor, will you please heal Malfoy's ankle?" asked Harry. "Then we'll all go."

"Let me see it," he snapped impatiently.

When Draco held out his foot, Snape Vanished the makeshift bandage and stared briefly at it. "Ah, a simple sprain," he said. Pointing his wand, he murmured a brief incantation and immediately Draco could stand.

"Thank you, Sir," he said.

Snape began walking quickly again, overcome by a sense of impending disaster. "Draco," he said quietly, "where is your mother?"

"With Loony Aunt Bella," the boy hissed furiously. "She wouldn't believe me about her and ran to her like a bloody fool when she saw her."

Minerva shushed them as they came to the end of the trees and looked out. She was appalled to see Kingsley lying on the ground, and Zelda walking by Firenze across the lawn in plain view. The centaur seemed incapacitated and was moving slowly.

Suddenly Bellatrix Lestrange ran out of the trees from a point farther to the south. Hastily she Stunned Tonks and Moody from behind and ran toward Firenze and Zelda. Harry gasped and dashed forward, desperate to get close enough to stop her next move. The onlookers all watched in horror as she stopped, obviously gathering her strength. Then, although they could not hear the words, they all saw the flash of green light. Firenze collapsed, as did Zelda.

A shot rang out from high above them. Bellatrix, who had been standing alone in the open, slowly keeled over and lay motionless on the green grass.

No sooner did the echo of the shot die away than people began running out of the Forest from many different directions.

Harry got there first. He revived Tonks, ran over and revived Mad-Eye, and then dashed to where Firenze and Zelda lay. He feared his heart would burst from the pain, seeing those two good people on the ground. Just as he reached them, Zelda pulled herself to a sitting position and simply stared into the face of the dead centaur.

Slowly she looked up at Harry, tears rolling down her cheeks. "Is he... is he really dead?"

He nodded, tears appearing in his own eyes. He could not speak.

Tonks ran up to them. "Oh gods, not Firenze." She skidded to a halt and stood panting, staring blankly at the body.

Mad-Eye Moody stumped up to them and stared first at the motionless body of the centaur and then at the irritating Muggle woman. Somehow, most of what went wrong had to be her fault, he thought sourly. He wondered what the Ministry would do with the stupid cow when this was over. He knew what his decision would be. Then he saw her face light up with happiness.

"Severus," she whispered, seeing him emerge from the trees and stride rapidly toward them.

"He's okay, Zelda," said Harry. He was exhausted and deeply grieved about Firenze, but seeing Zelda's face at that moment helped a lot. They all turned to curiously watch Professor Snape coming toward them, moving rather clumsily, but still covering the ground rapidly.

"/Obliviate/!" Moody shouted. "/Stupefy/!"

They all turned around to stare at him in utter horror. His wand was pointed at Zelda, whose face had gone oddly blank. She fell, lying next to the lifeless centaur.

Snape was still coming, unaware from such a distance what Moody had done.

"/Stupefy/!" snarled Moody, and this time Snape fell to the ground. He stumped heavily over to the fallen wizard and growled, "/Incarcero/," causing ropes to bind him.

It was Mad-Eye Moody's hour of triumph. He'd captured Severus Snape, got rid of the meddling Muggle's memory, and now all would be in order when the Ministry Aurors arrive, which should happen any moment.

"Are you completely insane?" snarled Tonks, chasing after him and whipping her wand into his face. "Let him go at once!"

"I've been trying to catch Snape for years. He murdered Albus Dumbledore and I don't care who says differently. He'll go on trial for it, as well as for being a bloody disgusting Death Eater."

"I won't let you do this," shouted Harry, training his wand on the old wizard. He was sick with horror. "He saved all of our bloody lives, Mad-Eye. And how could you do that to Zelda, you loony old ass?"

"Don't try it, Potter," replied Moody with a hideously smug smile. "You see? The Aurors are here now, so you can just leave it to the Ministry."

In fact, the Ministry Aurors had finally arrived. They marched up to the crowd around the fallen centaur, which now included Remus Lupin and Minerva McGonagall, who had met and spoken together as they walked.

"Glad to see you, Robards," Moody said genially. "We have quite a mess to sort out here. You'll need all hands to interview the witnesses, and we have prisoners too." The scarred face shone as though Christmas had come unexpectly.

Molly Weasley ran up with Michael by her side. They took in the scene before them, which had unfolded as they watched from the Astronomy Tower. "Go to Kingsley, Michael," she gasped.

He did as she told him, wondering fearfully what he would find. Kingsley was breathing and his pulse was strong. "Kingsley, can you hear me?" he whispered, but there was no response.

Meanwhile, Molly had read Minerva's thoughts and moved quickly over to the two men. "Michael, I think it was a Blasting Curse. If I can revive him, use your Portkey and get him back to your place. He'll need a bit of rest."

"What about Zelda?" he asked furiously. "What did that whacked out asshole do to her? I can't leave her."

"He Obliviated her memory. Minerva and I will make sure nothing more happens to her, but if you don't want the same things to happen to you, take Kingsley and get out before they take you. Tell him to come back when he's strong enough to face this."

"Zelda... Oh god, Molly. Take care of her," he said despairingly. "and what about Severus?"

"Go. We'll come to you as soon as we can," she said urgently. "Oh no. Here they come. I'll turn my back and you go." She pointed her wand at Kingsley and muttered, "/Rennervate/." The she walked away without turning back.

Michael saw a couple of official-looking wizards turn in his direction. Kingsley groaned and opened his eyes slightly. "Michael?" he moaned.

"Yeah, it's me, man. We're going for a ride. Hang on!" He gripped the Auror's arm firmly and touched the Portkey in his pocket. With a jolt they were gone.


Michael and Kingsley arrived outside the cabin in broad daylight. The first thing Michael saw was Ron Weasley running toward them, with Rowena and Fang prancing around him.

"Can I help you?" he asked. Without waiting for an answer, he took one of Kingsley's arms and helped get him on his feet so they could go inside.

"Bring him into my room," said Michael abruptly. There were other people in the cabin and he needed to sort things out.

"Thanks, guys," Kingsley muttered. "I'll be better soon. We don't have any Strengthening Solution, do we?"

Ron smiled and took a small bottle from his pocket. "McGonagall gave it to me to bring here," he said proudly.

"How much?" asked Michael, taking the bottle of potion in his hand.

"Open it for me and I'll do it."

Kingsley took a couple of swallows, fell back on the pillows and said, "Now give me twenty minutes and I'll be right as rain."

"You got it," replied Michael, ushering Ron out of the room.

Ginny Weasley waited rather nervously, along with another teenage boy Michael had never seen before. "Michael, this is Draco Malfoy," she muttered. "Professor McGonagall gave him permission to come here with us."

The boy had a sullen, nervous look in his eyes. When Michael tried Legilimency, he met a blank wall of resistance. He pressed him once more, receiving a cold stare. "Impressive," he said mildly. "And why are you at my house?"

Ron snorted, but managed to hold his tongue.

"Professor McGonagall didn't want me to be taken by the Aurors," he said sullenly. "She told me I'm to behave myself and wait until she can get here."

Ginny saw that things were going as well as could be expected. "Excuse me," she said, "but I have to check on Hermione."

Michael whipped around and snapped, "Hermione's /here/? You left her /alone/?"

Ginny had never experienced that tone from Michael. Her first impulse was to defend herself, but there really was no defense. "I know. I'm sorry," she mumbled.

Michael went to the girls' room. "Come with me, Ginny. I need to be sure she's healing." He turned to the boys. "Wait here. I'll be right back."

Hermione's face was flushed and her cheeks were hot. Michael said grimly, "Ginny, show me the bite."

Ginny uncovered the leg, which was heavily bandaged. "They said she might run a fever for a day. We were not to remove the bandage for twenty-four hours, and we have Blood Replenishing Potion if she starts to bleed again. If that happens she needs to go to St. Mungo's right away."

"She's been alone for hours. Did she drink anything before she fell asleep?" he asked. "She looks dehydrated."

Ginny shook her head. "Zelda thought... she thought she'd be here to take care of her."

Michael sighed. At times like this he was glad not to be a parent. "Okay, thank you for telling me. I need to get some fluids into her the only way I can, Muggle style, and you're going to help me."

The girl was so grateful to be able to do something to make up for the mess that she eagerly did everything he asked, and soon there was an IV drip with saline fluid going into Hermione's arm.

"Now, I want you to stay here and watch her," he said sternly. "Check to make sure the line doesn't get clogged, and see if her fever starts going down after a time."

Ginny nodded. "Michael, where's Zelda?" she asked hesitantly. "Is she coming back here soon?"

Michael closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I don't know, Ginny," he said heavily. "They Obliviated her."


Back at Hogwarts, the Aurors had taken the prisoners away. For such a massive undertaking, there were very few of them. The Animagus, Peter Pettigrew, who was trapped in a cage in his rat form, a lumpish clod of a Death Eater called Amycus and of course, Voldemort's right-hand man, Severus Snape.

They took Snape over the objections of most of the people present, but Mad-Eye Moody was one of their own. He swore that the ex-Professor was the killer of Albus Dumbledore, as well as a known Death Eater. In fact, Amycus, the only living Death Eater that was capable of speech, assured them that Snape had led the attack on the school.

With such a coup, the fact that Minerva McGonagall swore that Voldemort himself had been killed in the Forbidden Forest that day was almost completely overlooked.
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