Categories > Original > Poetry


by Kylelara 0 reviews

A piece on the symbolism of orange

Category: Poetry - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-12-10 - Updated: 2006-12-10 - 149 words - Complete

Desperately seeking reviews and crits of the work I did for a creative writing course in order to decide whether a degree in literature is a viable option for me PLEASE help. Thank you!

Fire burning bright,
Orange flames lighting up the night.
Dancing and entwining like lovers in play,
Embracing the wood, then twirling away.
Curling outwards with an angry hiss -
then inwards again for a passionate kiss

But getting too close to the flames can bring pain
and fire rarely still burns after storm or rain.
Yet when flames have died down, embers remain -
Holding the promise of flames rekindled again.
If nurtured and guarded and fed with care,
From that steady burn true love's flames can flare.

Warmly glowing amongst the ashy remains,
Less hypnotically treacherous than open flames -
A constant glow to warm a cold soul,
Full of promise to make a heart whole.
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