Categories > Original > Drama > Rebuilding Trust

Scene 2

by Kylelara 0 reviews

Scene 2

Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-12-10 - Updated: 2006-12-10 - 516 words

[Cassidy walks down stops in front of door with 'Lt. Jim Grady' stencilled on the glass. She reaches for the handle -]

MAN'S VOICE: Cassidy!

She turns around. There's a middle aged man headed towards her, carrying a case folder in his hand. She nods at him

CASSIDY: Hey Lieutenant.

LT: Thanks for coming in. Let's grab a coffee while I bring you up to speed.

They set off down the corridor and enter what is obviously a break room. LT pours two cups of coffee and they sit at a table in the room.

LT: A call came in around three. The woman... flips open the file Mrs Hughes said her neighbour had just shot her dog and threatened her. Thompson and Mabati went to check it out. Mrs Hughes met them on the street. Said she heard her dog barking and went out to see why, when the guy from next door rushed out of his house and started screaming at the dog to shut up. Then he just drew a gun and shot the dog - point-blank. The lady started screaming and he turned on her saying she'd be next if she didn't shut up. Luckily Mrs Hughes took him at his word and called us.

CASSIDY: Where does the kid fit into this?

LT: When Thompson and Mabati got him to open the door he was drunk as a skunk and started sprouting off about some brat calling the cops on him. So Thompson questioned Mrs Hughes and found out the guy has a daughter - but she hadn't
seen the kid for a few days. Thompson went to check the house. Said he heard a sound coming from the closet. He unlocked it and found the daughter hiding in the back runs hand over his face...dirty, bruised...and scared as hell. She screamed bloody murder when Thompson reached for her.

CASSIDY: interrupting If someone Thompson's size grabbed me I'd be screaming too!

LT: grins briefly, then his face turns serious again Took him and Mabati to get her out of there - and she fought them tooth and nail. But since she got here she hasn't said a word to anyone, and refuses to let the medic check her over. helpless shrug So I called you.

CASSIDY: frowns Dragging her out against her will wasn't the best way to win her trust.

LT: They didn't have much choice. They couldn't leave her there...

CASSIDY: nodding Ok, so what do we know about her?

LT: Not much. Mrs Hughes said they'd only been living in that house for a few weeks. flipping through file The father's name is Derrick Peters. No criminal record but has a couple of citations for 'Driving Under the Influence'. Mother died of cancer about six months ago. No other family that we can find. Mrs Hughes didn't know the kid's name, but says she might be about 9 or so. That's it. closes file

CASSIDY: nods and stands up Well, I guess its time to go meet her then.

She grabs something off the counter and exits the break room
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